Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

I really hope tatsu trade into tatsu/ U1 is still there now that tatsu will be usable :woot:

Another huge thing we’re getting improved is the mid jump, d+mk dive kick, an overhead that you can link into hit confirm special and even denjin on corner, nice!

Maybe we can now FA2, FA1, lp palm?

The lack of good wake up tools (though the new ex tatsu and better backdash will help, and who knows how does the new lp palm work) will still keep casuals away. But I for one welcome the new Goukens, hopefully he will become popular and maybe new amazing Goukens will show up, specially from Japan.

Ill be looking forward to this :slight_smile:

Check this

If you delay your air to air to get the 1 hit you lose air to air more often because their move will come out beforehand. Most of the priority of j.mp is in that first hit.

I time the j.mp 2nd hit by holding the jump inmediately after the backthrow and hitting mp when Gouken’s head just dissapears at the top of the screen, and it works 80-90% of the time. Just do it a million times and you’ll nail the the timing without looking at his head, in fact I think it’s easier in ssf4 than in sf4

Yeah, the recovery time after back-throw is different from Vanilla and Super.

Any dojo sessions tonight?

since vanilla ive always done it this way : backthrow and two circles then ultra works everytime.

ill be on tonight, if no other host…i will host.

I agree, though having it to all punches might be a 50-50, in terms of confusion, but then again i havent tested it. But moving it to all punches was a perfect idea. Now when I try to use tatsu as AA, i wont accidentally get Kongo.

sign me up for this, i’d like to play as many other goukens as possible :smiley: I’m trying desperately to learn to play him on my arcade stick, and i could use all the help i can get :frowning: I also like playing other goukens so i learn new things as i go :slight_smile:

bloodriotiori69 is the gamertag :smiley:

finally I can mash ex tatsu without the risk of kongo! :woot:

Has anyone tried the OS with meaty dj.hk > sweep / ex tatsu?

I don’t know if im doing correctly. Ive done in training mode with the inputs displayed, but online, it seems like the ex tatsu comes out even if the opponent blocks.

It is known to be much more difficult to OS in online matches since they gives slightly more leeway on execution timing. I believe it is 1 and a half frame. Is your OS very tight in timing? If so, try loosen it and see if it work better.

Also, are you executing the ex tatsu by buttons pressing or button releasing? It might help if you try executing by the release of the three button instead of pressing it, or vice versa.

Unfortunately some Option Select are never going to be viable in online matches. Some people don’t play online at all for this reason.

Dunno why I just now realized that EX tatsu is 200 damage/200 stun. I welcome the full connect buff and input change even more than I originally did, mainly because of the AA buff this brings. >:D

Okay, I was translating the dev blog, and just got this Gouken info from FAQ:

  • No changes to Ultras
  • j.MP’s 1st hit can be canceled into tatsu.

Sephiroth417 mentioned this earlier but…

I live here in Austin Texas and am the only real gouken player here worth some salt.(have mained/secondaried him since vanilla) So, please let me know what homework you guys want me to do on the arcade cab. I can post videos or stream from my iphone or just go in for some sessions and figure stuff out and log it and report back here. Let me know with PM’s, replies, whatever, so I can start compiling what you guys want to confirm and experiment with.

So now when we hit with j.MP, we get up to 170 damage, 250 stun?

Wow. Just…wow. That is awesome.

^damn I swear I called that if I heard correctly?..I’d love to use that finally!

hold on so we can get both hits now and connect tastu?