Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

I could prob host one day. Not sure exactly how to do it though…literally bought a xbox 360 4-5 months ago for the sole purpose of playing ssf4 and not sure how to set up a room. Private slots?
Anyway, I played sf4 on PC and unlocked Gouken asap so I could play as Shen Long. Was very different than any other shoto so stuck with the old man. Giving him these tools is definitely worth the change in kongo and loss of 100dmg from backthrow->ultra.
In sf4 I used GF grab to sometimes get behind them and surprise them. I wonder if we can almost do this again with air parry?

It’s easy to create a session.

Just go to Endless and Create Match. Choose the match settings, and private slots are invite only, open slots anyone can join.

alright so this isn’t hte place to ask but it’s obviously the most active right now

what are the start up frames for ex tatsu?

i thought it was 4 but the lists i see show that its SEVEN FRAMES.

that can’t be right, that’s slower than c.fp and like everything in the world. help me out here.

Yeah I have created sessions just didn’t know how you guys do it. Do you use private slots?
One other thing, from the ongoing discussion about what exactly jn fierce/dj roundhouse I have this question: So you could do dj strong and then followup with either of those to smash them down?
Or what juggle properties are we talking about?

It’s 7. Guy’s EX tatsu is 4. Gouken’s EX Tatsu is easily safe jumped. But you can’t safe jump reversal Kongoshin :smiley:

However, compare it to EX Messiah, which is 11 frames. Then laugh at Rufus.

Pursuit property is really an ambiguous term. Basically it means “this move can either lead from a juggle or lead into a juggle.” For example, take Ibuki’s j.hk. If you are really damn quick you can juggle from her j.hk into s.hk. But Gouken doesn’t have any moves like that which are really fast and have juggle priority so you probably won’t be able to combo off of it.

You also probably won’t be able to combo into it when you couldn’t combo another normal.

Usually when I set up with friends, I set 04 private slots and 04 open. You can invite more than 4 friends and kick out those you dont want to play. Feel free to add me. My info is on the left.

In regards to the juggle properties, the dj.rh and the nj.fp dont juggle, they will knock down air to air and the persuit properties I believe is the ability to hit the opponent after a juggle like after a fireball or the second hit of the j.mp.

Im probably gonna be on tonight. Anyone wanting to play Gouken matches, feel free to add me.

Sorry for the late reply.


translates directly into this, if I split into parts:
""???" -> With nj.HP and diagonal j.HK
"???" -> It became to be possible for additional attack in the air.
"???" -> They are equipped with slamming priority.

?? always meant pursuit in dev blogs. As you know, moves like Gouken and Ryu’s j.MP’s 2nd hit always knockout opponent in the air. While Ryu had 2nd hit of SRK, EX hadou, etc. in order to give the opponent further damage, Gouken had nothing except for his Super and Ultra (and if you time it right, 2nd hit of Tatsu), and they still didn’t connect fully. I believe they gave him these properties so that:
1 - Additional attacks from j.MP is possible
2 - Prevent ppl from using a lot of neutral j.HP on wake-up.

From what I can see, it would slam down grounded opponents as well.

That is how I understand that phrase.

So with the pursuit property…maybe whatever combo into palm, Denjin, nj.HP/dj.HK will be possible? If so…that is an epic amount of stun…combined with improved pressure abilities.

I think Denjin may be a consideration now, especially vs low stun characters.

EDIT: Also, the new slamming properties of his jumping normals is a godsend, especially if it only affects airborne opponents. So many matchups where the opponent is gonna be airborne often are gonna be affected by this…like Viper, maybe Rufus, and vs the wall dive characters.

Depends. For example, Ryu can do super -> ultra in the corner, but if he did that, the ultra wouldn’t connect fully, simply because it has a pursuit hit limit. In addition, Gen can do one j.HK on the airborne opponent and follow-up with the 2nd kick of s.HK, but if he does two j.HK on the airborne opponent, s.HK will whiff completely. I don’t think they’ll allow him to connect any one of those two normals after Denjin.

Last night was definitely a very good night for us Gouken players. I fully expect to see Gouken get more play once AE hits consoles which I don’t view as a bad thing at all. And I agree with the people above that playing around with Denjin is going to be exciting. Also, with the lp. palm we might have some good safe options on wakeup mixup with EX GF.

I’m going to try to hit up some matches tonight but I probably wont be able to stay on for too long. You play primarily on Xbox or Ps3?

Hey guys. Massive Cosby here. So i’ve read alot of your reactions to the changes and want to share a couple opinions of my own.

About the pursuit properties. Most likely dj.mp > dj.hk will be a possible combo ending in a slam to the ground. I don’t know about you guys, but if that combo is now possible, it will be oh so sick looking.

Also about the grey damage to backthrow. It’s very possible that every single juggle hit after backthrow will give grey damage to the opponent, not necessarliy a damage nerf.

For example, BT.U1 will do 500 grey damage. This makes more sense to me than making the backthrow count as a hit in a combo thus reducing consequent damage.

My reasons for this has to do with the wording. “Damage from his back throw is now recoverable.” To me this means all subsequent damage also unless the meaning is backthrow into nothing, like when the opponent hits the ground.

Could be wrong, just speculating.

Direct translation of the back throw part, split into several pieces:

??? - Recoverable damage is input into Amaoroshi(Back grab)
??? - Changes have happened, so
??? - The situations when comboed from this skill
??? - Of damage is decreased

It’s babelfish-style translation from me (I use it sometimes in order to explain a little better), and if you put those pieces together, you’ll see that Back grab would be used as combo scaling. In all honesty, I don’t think SSF4 has a system that a combo from some skill will all be converted into focus damage instead of a real one, and I know they are too lazy to add that kind of a system if one didn’t exist already.

I’m pretty damn happy with what I’ve read but I want to see it in action first. cl mk being 3 frames (is that correct?) and other normal buffs will make the boxer math a hell of a lot better for when he is all up in your shit

what if the grey damage from backthrow kinda means that his backthrow tech time was buffed or something? i mean what would you guys think about that? :smiley:

and what if on counter hit nj.fp and j.rh bounces opponents off the ground for a gotdamn ultra or tatsu or something… that would be REALLY strong but… who knows… maybe a weird possibility… even if it just grounds them, thats still awesome for safejumps and such.

Highly improbable. Backthrow into Ultra 1 or Ultra 2 doing 400-500 focus damage is just unrealistic. It almost sounds goofy, in a sense. I’m not saying that your assumption is goofy, but the concept of a move doing 518 focus attack absorbed damage is just way out of line in terms of the overall process of the game.

Shin Shoryuken has been basically doing 500-518 damage solid since the game came out. No one has had any problems with it. Any of the additional combo material that Gouken has now that might give him more potential to finish those combos with U1 or U2 aren’t going to give him any more damage.

In fact, those combos are probably going to scale hardcore when you issue Ultra 1. There are video tutorials and even Eventhubs.com-related tutorials on how damage scaling works. Check here:

I know we’re all trying to get scientific on the translation but I don’t think that makes so much sense. Some of the hardest translations ever are from far eastern to American english. A highly proverbial language translated into a highly ambiguous langauge.

Truth of the matter is this. We know damage scaling and combo scaling exists. Here’s one of the finer points of the article I linked above:

If you’ll notice during Ultra 1, the first two hits do 100% damage. The last hit does 80%. This is the third hit as described by the link.

I can guarantee that what will happen with backthrow is that it will count as either one or two hits to the start of a combo; Thus dealing 0 damage. Hence You’ll have either 5 or 4 hits total that count towards back-throw --> Ultra 1

Ultra 1 damage is as follows: 128(first hit) + 195 (second hit) + 195 (third hit) = 518

Hence, back throw into ultra will probably make first hit feel like the second, in which the third and fourth hits (final two of U1) will knock off 80 and 70% respectfully.

OR back throw might count as two hits, much like a level 3 focus or an Ultra combo, hence back throw --> ultra 1 might be 12870% + 19560% + 195*50%

Realistically, it sounds more like the first option, where back-throwing someone into an ultra will count as ***just one ***0-damage hit into a combo (like all other throws, mind you), making the damage of the second and last hits 80 and 70% respectively weaker than they used to be.


I guarantee you that Ultra 1 from a back throw now does 418 damage rather than 518 damage. Actually, I’d put money on it. Check your calculators: Do 128 + (0.8 * 195) + (0.7*195) = 417.5 <= 418

That’s 100 less damage than it is now, exact. Coincidence? I think not.

godhand, SF4 does not scaled by hit. It scales by input. Turn on the input display and look at the damages when you do an EX Tatsu. All of them will say 100%, even the last one. I’m pretty sure you made up the 80% thing about Gouken’s ultra based on your understanding of the game, which is wrong.

Ultras do count as two for scaling, like focus attacks. But it’s not as simple as that. Ultras scale once before they hit and once after they hit, unlike other moves that only scale once after. If Ryu does DP FADC ultra, the ultra will do 80% damage.

Shoryuken: 100%
Ultra pre-hit scale:100%
Ultra 1: 80%
And if you could combo off the ultra, the next hit would do 70%, 60%, etcetera.

If backthrow counts into scaling, the ultra will do 80% damage. This will be evenly distributed across all hits of the ultra.

In Super max U1 does 503 damage. If the damage isn’t tweaked then arcade Gouken will do ~402 damage off of backthrow -> ultra, which is exactly the same amount of damage from the ultra from doing raw EX Palm -> ultra.

Ultra 1 does 503 damage max in Super, not 518. So yes, this will mean that 100 damage will be taken off the ultra.

1st hit: Backthrow 100%
2nd hit: ultra pre-scaling 100%
3rd hit: Ultra 80%

However comboing into hk tatsu will be exactly the same damage.

1st hit: Backthrow 100%
2nd hit: hk tatsu 100%

This does mean though that focus crumple -> backthrow will be worse in terms of damage. Now backthrowing someone for positional advantage (IE corner) will have a cost besides not being able to do an EX Palm combo.

Which…I honestly am fine with. I got the changes I wanted and more. LP palm loctest change carrying over and better recover on non-divekick DF options.

What does this mean? What other cost are you referring?

Also, If the backthrow will now count as a hit, does this mean backthrow > J.MP (1-hit) > Ex-Tatsu will no longer to 250 damage?

Will the Ex-Tatsu be scaled to 80%? So… 210 damage? Well that’s not worth meter, might as well just do BT > HK.Tatsu for 200 and save the bar.

Yes :confused:

I mean that doing backthrow -> ultra will do less damage off a focus crumple than just raw ultra now so if you want to backthrow -> ultra to put the opponent in the corner it will cost 30-50 damage.