Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

It means that now if you land the first hit of EX tatsu the entire thing will land every time.

Great changes. I personally am excited for the recovery off the parry ‘drastically reduced’ as well. Hopefully drastically reduced means instant (or near it).

Now for an extra dose of pessimism, I wonder how long Capcom will keep these changes arcade exclusive.

It’s going to be a headache trying to anti-air tatsu and getting a kongo until then. >.>

It means that when you AA EX Tatsu in the corner the opponent won’t fall out and punish you on hit.

I think it means that if you get the first hit of the spinny top part the rest are guaranteed.

oh so true, i neva for one sec thought of switching him Gouken/Deejay for life in this game now waiting on Deejay buffs.

i can deal with back thorw getting dmg reduces from 501-to 403
. Also no OH dive kick,everything else looks good so far. One thing missing, not sure who mention it but turn butter lol on denjin, that was my first thing i wanted was denjin to be bale to charger faster liek 3rd strike…thats it iam still hoping they change it so travel speed can be better. iam still gonna use UC1 n 2 depending on match ups


I think I will pick him up if he is top.

Pursuit means that it hits enemy out of juggles

for example

Probably means we will no longer deal with Gouken’s silly BS where EX Tatsu just knocks the enemy away after a few hits, leaving them puzzled as Gouken spins like a jackass by himself. (Or if they tech, waiting below Gouken to eat him alive).


Let’s ask the original teacher.

Raunwynn, wtf you think?!

All looks good if and only if it will be released state side. If anything they should at least give us the changes minus the new characters being added. That would probably come later.

At least patch the changes for us when AE is released.

All the changes seem good. EX tatsu finally locking is great, but no word on hitting crouching opponents. Faster start up lp palm is huge IMO, I only hope it’s recovery is faster as well. My favorite change is definitely the faster recovery on air parry as I tend to use that a lot. I’m a bit confused on back throw gray scaling. So basically any hits after a back throw can be recovered from completely unless u hit them after landing? What happens if u back throw into ultra and they have no life left? Will that end the round or will the opponent survive and slowly start recovering until u hit him again? If thats the case then that’s a HUGE PILE OF HORSESHIT! Can someone explain please. Thx

I’m only worried about one thing, based on primary condition:

1.) The changes stated in the blog are true about Gouken AND these changes are making it’s way overseas (I’m pretty sure it was confirmed they would already? Correct me if I’m wrong).

2.) If the above is true, I’m very scared of how many people may pick Gouken up as either a primary or secondary character. I REALLY hope that doesn’t happen, but it seems inevitable.

dam right

yeah pretty much, i dont mind but find KONGO on punch buttons more beneficial.
All i need now is my DenjiN TRAVEL SPEED INCREASED…LIKE 3RD STRIKE ALL READY. Hopefully they change this and Gouken will be godlike for sure… i know await Deejays buffs

Come on kids, if you hold your hands together in prayer and sing we can bring Raunwynn to life!

Damn I’m excited… I knew gouken’s time would come :)…

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top tier or near the top? no never and not one character will ever dominate again. it’s too easy for capcom to patch things. Once someone finds some exploit capcom will remove it or diminish it.

sagat and cammy are examples of what capcom will do to keep their game as balanced as possible.


I’m glad they decided to tone down backthrow>U1 in order to buff other things, because, lets be honest, that setup is almost too good.

out of all the obviously good changes, the buff on s.mk is probably my favorite. i can’t wait to be called a masher, spammer or random when i keep catching people with the s.mk, c.lk, and c.mp

I’ve never felt so excited for this game. Time for bed, but a final word:

I’ve been maining Gouken as soon as I saw him unleash Ultra 1 on me in Vanilla while I was playing as Ryu.

Ever since then I’ve mained him all throughout Vanilla and Super. I’ve played no one else. Literally, no one.

I can’t wait to have the new Gouken in my hands. If these changes and translations are truly confirmed, high-middle tier just got a new applicant.


I can read some Japanese, the translation is spot on…

I think there will be more Gouken now (or when the update is release), just like every single fucking day i am facing Ryu…

I can’t wait to see a Gouken win a Gods Garden or Evo next year…

LMAO good 1

same here…now he need his dam Denjin turn the butter charge and all will be good. Iam sure we all new Back toss into UC1 nerf was only a matter of time

oh god plz dont mention that piece of shit phone, trade it or sell it asap when your contract is up. Get a droid x from verizon, by far the best smartphone out there, nothing comes close. Sorry i just NEVER liked i-phone ever. too boring and plain nothing but another ipod

most of the characters chosen at gods garden had good wake-up options. So we probably won’t see him there but i’m sure a few players will use gouken at future tournaments now.

BTW which mk is getting faster, the knee kick or the high kick?