Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

First off, the first translation we got in this thread was inaccurate. It is actually close standing HP that is getting more frame advantage, not MP. As it is now if you get st.HP on counter hit you can link cr.MP no problem. LP palm getting a huge speed buff means you’ll be able to cancel cr.MP into LP palm for free. It will be Gouken’s new BnB.

Wow wow wow! So excited! Surprised there isn’t much discussion of the reduction of lag on air focus - hopefully that leads to what the instant recovery grab could be used for in vanilla eh?

Nope, it is close standing MP & close standing HK…

Btw, remember today is the day that Gouken is the most popular/view character in the forum… Yahooooo!!!

SSF4 AE changes to Honda, Gouken, Rose & Ibuki : News : EventHubs.com

That’s not what this says.

“Thanks to CrimsonClaw for the tip. Translation by Street11.”

Street11 said close MP
they’re confused

anyway, closemp getting buff is better than Cl.hp…
it goes up to +5 and leads to better combos thanks to better advantage and the enemy not being that far

Copy this from capcom blog: ???

Try to google translate it…

The key word is “?” & “?”…

As “???” is Punch, “???” means Kick

Ooh, s.mp -> cr.mk xx lp palm will probably become standard. I do know that on a lot of characters you can do a close normal after s.mp, so s.mp -> s.mk might become more common.

Oh yeah, and hopefully recovery on DF focus will be Akuma palm-like. That will allow Gouken to do so many awesome gimmicks. Whiff df focus -> kongo to catch throw tech? Yes please.

Also in the corner now s.mk xx lp hado times infinity blockstring will be even more ridiculous.

Close Hard Punch getting more frame advantage would also bring it to +5, leading to harder hitting combos. cl.HP > cr.MP > LP palm beats cr.MP > whatever.

"While standing near the punch, strong kick start soon"
That doesn’t mean much to me.

That’s not what the dev blog says. For this week’s post, I literally read 3 times before writing down the translations, so there was no problem aside from the word I didn’t know at all, or the moves I didn’t know or got confused with (Ibuki’s jump flip comes to mind).

??? translates to “Close Standing middle punch, Close Standing hard kick”

I think backthrow > U1 was the only thing holding Gouken back. In Capcom’s eyes, he was “balanced” because, no matter how mediocre his normals, in average play, he could always depend on that brainless 50% combo on a basic whiff or ill-timed crouch-tech.

So they nerfed it, and in response, made him way way WAY more balanced overall gameplay. Expect to see a LOT of great Goukens in the future. Seriously, I’m not sure how anyone can complain about any of these changes other than simple knee-jerk.

Worst-case scenarios on the “increased frame advantage” notes, he might have the following new links:
-close s.HK, c.LP (possibly corner-only?)
-c.LP, close s.MK
-close s.MP, close s.MK (2-frame link)
-close s.MP, c.LK
-close s.MP, c.MP

You couple that with buffed LP Palm that it can basically combo off any cancellable normal, and Gouken now has several 2-frame (or plinkable 1-frame) link combos off of hit-confirms. Without the need for a counterhit. That is really really good.

The recovery on DF parry also sounds extremely good. Even back in Vanilla, I said that Capcom would NEVER give it very good recovery because it’s virtually a free jump-in on a very large portion of the cast that don’t have armor-breaking anti-airs. And now, they gave it to him. Interesting…

And the j.HP and j.HK. Wow.

Cl.HP->cr.mp->palm would not work anyway. Framewise, possible, but it would push the enemy beyond reach
LP Palm is supposed to don’t move anymore according to loketest reports

anyway, its cl.mp…the one that doesnt push that far

You can link HP > cr.MP right now with a counter hit. The only reason LP palm doesn’t land is because of how slow it is, it would reach just fine even if it didn’t move. Also, I don’t read anywhere saying that it doesn’t move anymore. It was in loc test reports, but if that was the case the dev blog surely would have mentioned it.

Close MP -> close MK, if possible, would be a 3f link
Cl.mp-> cr.lp 2f
Cl.mp->cr.mk 2f
cl.mp->cr.mp 1f
cl.mp->cr.lk 1f

If s.mp is +6 on hit, s.mp -> cr.hk would be so sick.

Oh man, if it was +6 s.MP > cr.HP would be GODLIKE. Hello hit confirm into 40% BnB.

Oh shit.

Uh so basically we know that it won’t be +6 lol.

Pretty much. We can still dream though. I’m sure with the added frame advantage st.MP will be used a lot more in frame traps for counter hit setups into cr.HP.

cl.HK to c.LP is very unlikely with Pushback.
c.LP to cl.MK looking interesting, but only happens when really close and only a single LP.
s.MP to s.MK would actually be a 3 frame link (+5 and 3 frame startup), but very unlikely to exist due to pushback.
The other 2 I am really looking forward to. Besides cl.MP to c.LP or c.MK being far easier now it’s those 2 I am really anticipating. Also s.MP to s.MP to c.MP XX whatever is looking diabolical O.o


You want a fun dream? If its +5 doing a proper meaty of it will give you a +6 on wakeup if you get that 2nd frame to hit, ala Vryus makoto c.LK to Ultra. Not to mention how easy it’ll be to get it to counterhit and then do what ever. +5 on hit and +8 on counterhit? Man if this was the only change I’d be exstatic. You don’t want to know how depressed I was when just reading that it was wrong and its HP. Good god so happy that got rectified quickly!


This is amazing. Gouken just got a freaking laundry list of improvements! The only thing we really sacrificed was our back-throw, but compared to everything else, that’s miniscule.

  • Demon Flip Counter recovery improved = My prayers have been answered
  • Backdash improved = My prayers have been answered
  • “All normals improved” = Does this mean Gouken now has a comparable jab to the rest of the cast!?
  • nj.HP / j.HK spikes = Feels like Gouken just got Makoto’s Air QCB+K and Cody’s nj.HP Slam! What’s “Pursuit Properties” mean?
  • LK / LP --> LP Palm = Gouken with combo into palm that ISN’T from a Fierce Punch! =D I wonder if you can hit-confirm it…
  • EX Tatsu now “locks” = What’s that supposed to mean?

So Gouken’s wake-up game is still questionable, but all the changes that he’s been given now has just made his offensive game much more deadly. “Improved normals and specials” could mean anything aside from the specific changes mentioned in the blog. I’m excited to see what new tricks Gouken now has up his sleeve. This is mind-blowing!

Yeah, cl.MP > cr.MP alone makes me happy. I hate the cl.MP > cr.MK link with a passion because of range issues. The new link should work on basically everyone, and be comboable into LP Palm. Excellent.

3f cl.MK should be nice after cr.LP in blockstring. Easy CH setup into cr.MP xx LP Palm.

I’ll be quite pissed if this patch doesn’t make it to consoles.