Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

This begs the question. …will I still have ex congo cancel ex congo…?

Its very techable but its suddenness makes people miss it a lot.

Probably as long as armour cancels are in. Juri only has punch counters and is capable of mltiple ex counters to absorb numerous hits.

With all these changes, Gouken should have more solid close game now… Plus his zoning power, he may be same tier with Akuma now…

i dont think its gonna knock the person down unless he is in the air so i believe u can still nj hp into a combo unless they r in the air but if they try to jump away and u do nj hp they will get smashed down!!!

Beside Kongo and back throw being nerfed, everything else is a buff. Kongo is rather dangerous to use at the moment anyhow, and in general use it have not changed a lot. I guess you can’t casually throw it out against boxer / Dudley / other pressure character hopping to get lucky anymore unless you do EX.

Backthrow => ultra is obviously nerfed. not a huge deal. He will likely still deal aobut 450 damage instead of 500 after scaling.

Overall his normal are better… I’m unsure about the natural jump HP causing knock down, since I uses it a lot to punish some aggressive character… but overall seem to have a slight improvement. Not huge, but every other good character getting nerfed might be enough to make him a contestant instead of a low tier like he is now.

yea im actually really shitty they didnt do anything to the Denjin so they made him i believe overall weaker in the ultra category but in the overall overall category im likin this update but im reallly skeptical about the way they did the counter now i hope thats not all the news about what gouken got i really want denjin to be good

I’m with iam on this …the hard knock game just got deeeeeeeper. From hard knock I already consider it this way… You have lo, mid, hi, block bait or wait , throw or kongo from both sides oh and overhead mp. So you need to x2 on those choices that’s 1,2,3,4
5,6,7,8 times 2 ,that’s 16 or more options on opponent wakeup if ur also including jump over crossup mid air tatsu from either side @opp wakeup . So if I have more options to more quickly force him to a choice of 1-16 options I’m sooooo wid dat!!! If you don’t see the hard knocdown as goukens comfort zone. …please reconsider joining the SHIN SHO DOJO Sessions!!!
I’m hella hyped!!!

All this means is that you now have a specific kongoshin to beat overheads. Your medium version won’t work against those anymore.

Lp kongo > All lows.

Mp kongo > Everything except lows and overheads.

Hp kongo > Overheads including aerial attacks.

Backgrab to U1 was clearly a favorite and super powerful. The damage nerf (ihmo) was coming to that setup and I was simply wonder which way they would nerf it. It’s a shame the range on that grab couldn’t be upped/kara’d so it would still be more useful than it is now.

Backgrab to U1 was clearly a favorite and super powerful. The damage nerf (ihmo) was coming to that setup and I was simply wonder which way they would nerf it. It’s a shame the range on that grab couldn’t be upped/kara’d so it would still be more useful than it is now.

u know what really makes me laugh…if we never get to experience any of this because the dlc is only seeing the light in japan and nowhere else ohhhh japan japan japan hahaha

I believe u are right… It should be more air to air thing… From the Capcom blog, they are talking about air to air, so i think the grounded opponent still wont score a knock down…

Pursuit properties on jump nuetral fierce punch and diagonal jump fierce kick means they act like Cody’s neutral jump fierce, juri’s jumping roundhouse, etc.

Those two changes to Gouken mean that he will ALWAYS score an untechable knockdown on hit. Regardless of whether the opponent is on the ground or in the air.

Thanks for the explanation here, I was curious as to what that meant. Basically that means high/low counter in super are mp/lp respectively, except that you can’t counter aerial or overhead attacks with mp.counter.

Much appreciated.

Good news everyone.

Close standing fierce has more frame advantage meaning you can always link after it now.

That’s not so bad if true then. I was concerned with having to guess between countering pokes like bison’s st.HK, or st.MK. (one example out of many), and deciding on-the-fly how deep a jump-in attack will be. You would have had to use the EX counter to be practical.

Honestly, I can not complain about no changes to Denjin. God I would have wanted them but no. This list? They blew my mind. I got more than I ever dreamed. Like wow. Capcom can do no wrong by me(except changing this list)

Gouken buffs have made my day. I’m like a little schoolgirl right now. Gouken now will have a link combo, s.hp -> cr.mp xx lp palm. Cr.lp -> s.mk will be possible unless they change cr.lp. s.mp -> s.mk hit-confirm? O.o

Honestly unscaled backthrow -> ultra is really ridiculous so I’m okay with it going. 80% Gouken ultra is still like 410 damage. Also backthrow -> hk tatsu will not be affected by the scaling.

Cody’s nj.hp is totally techable, as is Juri’s knockdown thingy. I am about 90% sure the knockdown will be techable. However, who gives a fuck. Now anti-air nj.hp will lead to oki games. Like someone else said, most people don’t tech these moves anyway because of the suddenness.

Jab is the only one thatll work I think, been having a look at pushback in trianing and only jab keeps them close enough. Seriously though, cl.MP, cl/c.MP XX LP Palm/Tatsu all day.

cl.HK might be linkable if it becomes +4, seeing how Gouken doesn’t have 3f crouching normals or specials.

I just thought about nj.HP and j.HK’s pursuit properties, so maybe it would be possible to do EX Palm -> … -> Palm -> nj.HP in the corner and 5~6 hit Denjin on airborne ones -> j.HK in mid-screen after AE changes. Maybe. One thing I’m almost sure is AA j.MP -> j.HK

First off, the first translation we got in this thread was inaccurate. It is actually close standing HP that is getting more frame advantage, not MP. As it is now if you get st.HP on counter hit you can link cr.MP no problem. LP palm getting a huge speed buff means you’ll be able to cancel cr.MP into LP palm for free. It will be Gouken’s new BnB.