Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

I came here to say! F*ck YES!!!

Thanks souchan for the explanations.
And JohnGrimm, it may not be a “hard concept” and yes that makes sense, but I want to see some confirmation from the devs on what they consider a high/med/low is. That way there is no grey (damage) areas :slight_smile:

Here’s my theory

His Counters currently dont have this “low” or “high”. Theres just a pink hitbox (armor) that, if in contact with the enemy’s red one, activates the Counter

They’ll simply give 3 (insteado of the current 2) different heights for his Counter… and Gouken players must figure out which is one…or two… can counter the enemy’s incoming attack

^ or just be smart and use EX Kongo.

Gouken received a lot of improvements and the only thing we’ve really sacrificed is scaling on back throw??? Not a big deal when you consider the big picture, in fact with these changes you might not even get a chance to use back throw to Ultra b/c you can do so much stuff to keep the opponent in hard knock down state to deal with Gouken’s dirty wake up tricks.

That’s a total of 9 moves to initiate a hard knock down!!!.. SHIIIIIIIT… check the signature tag.

And if close st. mp has more frame advantage we should have a 2 or 3 frame link instead of a 1 frame link using st. cl. mp > lp … And you can chain the lp strings to lp palm through hit confirm or delay your block string to fish for the counter hit lp/lk chain > lp palm.

Parry has a pretty decent recovery now???!!! Maybe we can start the instant land tricks again “crossing my fingers”.

Back Dash is airborne right away. That is really going to help with our wake up, especially in that Akuma match where you gotta play the lottery just to get off the ground. “I guess he still could o.s. cr. roundhouse your back dash though :(”

I can’t wait to test this stuff out for myself… I wander if cl. mk can link into anything else. hmmm…

Overall… I’m very pleased, Gouken will be better!!!

Still no changes to Denjin… I guess you can’t have it all. Shin Sho it is!

yeah a lot more ex meter going to be used around here lol…esp for those of us that burn through it fast anyway.

Not really if you know what you’re looking for. Against jump ins you’ll be using the high counter, that’s an easy one, against shotos fishing for cr.MK you’ll use the low counter, against characters with long range cr.LP pokes like Vega you’ll use the mid counter. The buttons are different, sure, but the applications won’t change. I think it’ll be pretty easy to adjust to the new system.

basically, they divided High Counter into

High Counter against grounded enemies (MP)
High Counter against airborne enemies (HP)

I have this shadow of a dread in my heart that this may be like Juris and depending on the 2 pressed will cover only 2 heights and not all of them. This is entirely unsubstantiated though and is just this little thing popping in the back of my head. Niggling at me. But no reason to think it possible. Yet then I think of all the normal changes and go all SQuUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Just can’t figure why close HK has extra frame advantage, nothing seems to reach after connecting it and certainly nothing 3 frames. Though maybe if it also becomes special cancelable and not just super then maybe palms or something. Just can’t figure it.

Maybe the pushback has been decreased so link to s.MK is possible? I doubt it though. Maybe crouching jab, hmm. Maybe they made it +4 on hit, who knows.

I need to get prepared for the nerf stick he might get, because Capcom doesn’t like mentioning nerfs unless they have nothing else to say.

Maybe the pushback has been decreased so link to s.MK is possible? I doubt it though. Maybe crouching jab, hmm.

I need to get prepared for the nerf stick he might get, because Capcom doesn’t like mentioning nerfs unless they have nothing else to say, or all they have got are nerfs.

Gouken just got fucking SPOILED as SHIT with buffs… I almost don’t even know what to do…

Nice to see that the only thing they did to back throw was give it a grey scaling.

I’m not too sure how I feel about the auto knockdown on neutral jump fierce though… That’s a major change.

Overall though… look out. Cause Gouken just got bumped up. Easy.


What would happen if you did EX with all 3 punches? I don’t play Juri so I don’t know what happens with hers.

Nothing, btw Juris counter doesn’t do it, just inpsired by her fireballs having the altered heights depending on which 2 are pushed. Push all 3 and you’ll get the MK+HK fireball(as they have priority over short)

Well shit, I wish Gouken’s EX fireball did that. Why can’t we have that too?

That shit is beautiful news. If you want to punish a grounded opponent after a neutral jump, we will have to use nj. mk now > whatever the hell you wanna do. Other than that, the matches that you know how to rape their wake up then untech them and go to work.

i can see it now, jump back roudhouse > untech the opponent > flip right back in with the GF bullshit!!! YES!!!

today is a good day for gouken. i switched from gouken SF4 to balrog in SSF4 because gouken got shit on imo. I spent 300+ hours all through out SF4 exclusively playing gouken untill SSF4 was realeased and in SSF4 i barely played a character that i could play game after game after game (longest is balrog for about 2months only.)

Gouken will be my main once again and I will be happy.

i just hope that the AE will be DLC.

You’re right, I never thought about it like that!!!

Congrats to all who’ve mained Gouken since Vanilla and stuck it out. Cause the OG Train wreck just got a little more brutal. :rofl:

:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

How about that three-frame startup on a standing close medium kick? :nunchuck:

Knock down is not auto knock down always, think Dudley’s j.HK or Cody’s neutral jump HP. They only knock a grounded opponent down on counter hit, otherwise they just hit and you can combo afterwards. If you score a counter hit you can go for wake up shenanigans, if you don’t get a counter hit you finish your combo.

Well heres hoping they indeed are untechable. If they are like Juris they wont be. Codys is weirder as its a knockdown vs aerial opponents but not vs standing ones. Based on those 2 I expect our will be techable.(hoping it isn’t of course). Most basic attack vs people that tech though will be overheads after it.

I think it may work like Juris jumping hard punch. That’s an untech if I remember correctly.