Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

Everyone is expecting too much. We’re probably gonna get like back throw nerfs and can no longer air grab crouching opponents.

I only say this so I’m pleasantly surprised when they DO come out.

^ Yeah, I concur. I’m not trying to be Devil’s Advocate or a pessimist or anything, but my way of approaching this is to expect the worst. That way I’ll be happy if anything great comes from his changes, but if he does indeed get worse, then at least I kind of expected it.

My biggest gripes right now…

  • Needs better backdash

  • Some kind of change to his Tatsu so that it’s a viable wake-up move to make people think twice before deciding to dance all over Gouken’s body after an untechable knockdown.

  • Give better recovery to his air-counter. It doesn’t have to be Godlike, but I think it’s a little ridiculous how you can counter certain Fierce and Roundhouse moves yet STILL have your opponent recover fast enough to hit you again.

This. Happens to me against boxers who AA cr.hp. Then it’s follow up cr.lp --> cr.lk --> headbutt, Ultra. Pretty whack IMHO. :coffee:

I would rather a faarther forward dash

Dev blog up.

Normals are overall improved:

  • Frame advantage of close s.MP and close s.HK increased
  • Close s.MK has 3f start-up
  • Nj. HP and diagonal jump HK has pursuit property + slams opponent to the ground
  • Back throw does gray damage (<- From what I can see, it does 0 gray damage so it will get combo scaling)


  • LP Palm changed, so it can combo from LP/LK attacks
  • EX Tatsu now locks
  • Demon Flip Focus recovery decreased a lot
  • LP Kongo parries low, MP Kongo parries mid, HP Kongo parries high (omfg)


  • Backdash has invincible -> airborne frame right away

Whaty the hell is high? Vs overhead attacs?

*humps the air furiously

Is this legit!

How the hell are you supposed to distinguish between mid and high? Jumping attacks = high? Which would you use for DPs?
Also with the changes of n. jump fierce can we no longer combo with it?
Back throw that does 0 damage but adds combo scaling…eh I figured it would be worse so I suppose we should be happy with just that…what…5% scaling?
Everything else is gravy though…Maybe we can do some more crossup shenanigans with the air parry recovery being sped up.
Finally, maybe a viable wake up?

Differences between mid and high:
Mid = any attack that doesn’t hit low, but can be blocked crouching. Examples are cr.LP and most standing normals.

High = Overhead attacks that must be blocked standing. Jump ins and ground overheads fall into this category.

nj.HP knocking down is an air to air property similar to Cody’s neutral jump HP or Dudley’s j.HK. It might knock down on counter hit for a standing opponent, but you will still be able to combo from it.

Any move that does grey damage counts as one move, so back throw > U1 won’t net full damage anymore, it’ll be scaled to about 70%.

I can’t say I use close s.HK much. But it might be useful for a slow hit confirm into fireball?
Close s.MK is another funny normal to improve – can’t say I ever used it much before either.

I’m a bit confused by having both the pursuit property AND slamming the opponent to the ground. So nj HP and jump HK do hard knockdowns? I can understand having a pursuit property alone… i.e., NJ HP would guaranteed to combo into the BnB from wherever it hits… ? Or do we lose the ability to do NJ HP > BnB???

Man… I called it on the backthrow. They basically did a hack to force damage scaling. Lame.

Unless there’s an actual hit confirm into LP Palm it can’t be much better than j.HP > c.HP > LP hado blockstrings. Because LP Palm would be need to be spaced right to avoid a reversal on block.

EX Tatsu buff… about time. But tatsu probably still takes forever to recover.

DF parry… still going to get owned by AA armor breakers and multi hit DPs. Still useless.

The kongo just became another order of magnitude harder to use. Does this mean I have to guess if someone throws a normal to my head, stomach or feet now? Or will the MP kongo cover all standing attacks? Now we gotta use EX counter more often to be realistic, or get really solid on timing AA tatsus.

Exactly as JohnGrimm said, except for a few moves (Gen’s Mantis c.MP has to be Kongo’ed low, but you can block standing)

I’m going to guess this way:
Low - ones that uh… it’s probably the same as current Kick Kongo
Mid - The ones that go right into his waist (eg. Gen’s Mantis c.HP and s.MK, many crouching jabs)
High - The ones that hit really high (eg. Overheads, Gen’s Mantis s.MP)

Some characters can make their jump-in hit Gouken’s waist by timing it, but I doubt many will do it.

One hit-confirm into LP palm that I can think of:
c.LP xx c.LP -> s.MK xx LP Palm from point blank range.


Ok, but I thought the damage scaling is per amount of hits So the grey counts as one, the ultra counts as two so it would only hit the damage scaling by one. So isn’t damage scaling 100,100,90, etc?
And with the kongo, what about specials like dive kicks that are in the air but you can block low? This will need some form of clarification.
Ah I see from kriger. Thanks.

Cl.mp seems to deal at least +5 now
combo into cr.lp/cr.lk/cr.mp (maybe)->senku lp

As it is now low kongo can counter both low and mid and high kongo counters both mid and high. All they’ve done is made the kongo more move specific.

Yeah, typo. My mistake.

There is no 90% scaling, it goes from 100% to 80%. Things like the dive kick that can be blocked low are not high attacks, they are mid attacks. High attacks must be blocked standing, if you can block it crouching it’s not a high attack. This is not a hard concept.

Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t know low kongo can counter mid attack as well lolz. I’m seriously going to need a hitbox video for this.

I’m sure all of you know that Kongo’s high-mid-low is different from high-mid-low data shown in the hitbox video, but I’ll just clarify it due to my crappy translation.
In the hitbox video:
high - can be blocked both standing and crouching
mid - must be blocked standing
low - must be blocked crouching

high - above the waist
mid - waist
low - below the waist

Regarding dive kick, if he hits below the waist you must do LP Kongo, and if he hits above you must do HP Kongo.

Hmm depends if they mean visually located there or statistically there.Typically a move is Low or High, and Mid being used to refer to overheads. However I noticed stuff like hazanshu though must be blocked standing, needs low counter to stop. SRKs off the top of my head count as Low and High, so Jab or Fierce should still stop them. This sounds like a pity, but a nerf I don’t mind as much.

Sounds like it, but I wonder if it’s techable or not. Sounds like Gouken will have some more wakeup oppurtunities to try and use though. Gets pursuit though, but I don’t recall how pursuit will work for single hit normals?

It’s gonne be more serious than that. For the ultra that means we get 80% on it. Straight up HK tatsu will do unscaled damage, but any j.MP combo will do less. Guess I’m gonna be doing a lot less j.MP after backthrow :frowning: Still though, I entirely agree with this change.

(btw ultra will do 403 after back throw if full. j.mp EX Tatsu will do 210.)

Aye it all sounds good and I agree with itbut it doesn’t sound like our wakeup got better.(slightly worse, now having 3 guesses instead of 2 if they even toss out a normal), but everything else is delicious. Oh so delicious.

Edit: Just decided to realise the normal ramifications. close .MP now combos with it self, c.MP, c.LK, c.LP is much easier and it counterhitting allows 1 frame links to far.HK and any standing Fierce. That’s assuming they just give us a single frame extra, which is all it needs tbh. Also jab can combo into close. MK. Man that sounds good.

But now we can… j.mp (2hits)-> j.hk, right?
pursuit property!

Visually, a very beautiful combo…