Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

Faster startup on fireballs and Super, bit more advantage on cl.strong, better hitbox on Hurricane Kick and change the input for Kongo to punch buttons only; he instantly becomes a more solid character.

Actually of all his AAs the tatsu has the largest attack box. My real problem with it is that it takes 7 frames to start up. I would be happy with 5 frames.

Well guys not too many days till the blogs comes out. Im hype for the future of gouken players :slight_smile:

Maybe I’m one of the only people who honestly expect to see the change to counter motion being his only change. I hope there’s more (unless they’re unnecessary nerfs, ahem Vega and Fuerte) but I get the bad feeling we will be looking at a very short list in false hype this Monday (or whenever).

i was gonna ask what day it’s supposed to be - was it monday last week?

Yea monday. Eventhubs posted it around 7:00pm sometime lastweek.

I feel capcom noes he’s solid already. We just need to culminate some go to metastyles for him. They do need to buff tatsu we all noe its inevitable. I feel his fdash should go further than it does. MP could be faster both in air and on ground.

Personally I feel the only change he ‘needs’ is the input change that is supposedly coming. Players shouldn’t have their good choices be ruined by poor programming.

The only change I’d want… make his tatsu hit low just for a decent FADC option. If he was additionally given any decent combo/hit confirm option, I think that would very easily make Gouken one of the best.

Exactly on your last sentence. That’s how I feel about Gouken. You break him giving him combo options. There are a lot of people worried about his downfalls here, and I understand that. But you can’t be unrealistic to the point of making him broken. Just a viable anti-air tatsu, the counter changes, and make the functionality of ultra 2 identical to Ryu’s Denjin in third strike, and Gouken is easily solid with no complaints.

How about a tatsu ultra as U2?

I wish overhead dive kick would come back, if only to give blocked denjin a decent mind game afterwards to score stun knockdowns

Even i have to agree here but I still feel he needs at least one hit confirm like LP palm from jabs. He can’t do shit when he lands japs other then open himself up by using grabs which can be crouch teched, Loose block strings like lp lp lp CFierce Hadou can he reversaled. Im really hoping this new palm can be hit confirmed that would really help gouken. lower the damage on the palm I dont care but its still something.

And about denjin. I guess Capcom felt making it unblockable would be broken which I can KINDA c because all you would need to do theoretically is get an untech on someone who has no meter and wakeup game and free meaty unblockable ultra. That would prob be kinda cheap but I dont know whatever lol. Someone correct me if im wrong.

I could see him being a hard character to tweak properly. It really wouldn’t be hard to make him broken and a total bitch to deal with for most characters,

^ I don’t think it’s hard to break any character or totally screw them depending on what you do or don’t to them.

I love Gouken, but they left a bunch of holes in his game that needs to be addressed. Everyone should have a valid hit confirm or 2 or 3, I thought that’s why they put damage scaling in the game so it wouldn’t be broken.

Fuck it… I say give him a teleport, instant recovery on air parry, over head on dive kick, hit confirms, lp palm changes, 2 in 1 hado from cr.mp/cr. lk, allow tatsu hit’s all crouching opponents, and lower his stamina to where Akuma has his to justify it all and call it a fucking day. I wouldn’t mind that at all.

With that being said, I’m looking forward to the new changes. Is it today???

Todays the day we learn if the anatsuken master has any new tricks, or is just getting worse with age.

By the way, f.mp in the corner is a great way to pressure your opponent, since they usually block low. I usually do two in a row, then a sweep.

Nah, I forgot about the fact that it was unblockable in Third Strike, which puts more validity behind your post than mine, :lol:. I guess then, a correction is in order:

1.) Gouken should have the ability to decrease the the amount of charge time for Denjin Hadouken via rotating the joy-stick (identical to Third Strike Ryu’s Denjin).

2.) Regardless of whether the opponent is grounded or in the air, Gouken should be able to follow up all wall-bounces after a Denjin-Hadouken on hit. It doesn’t make any sense to me that an opponent can be put into a juggle state by a Denjin Hadou while they’re grounded, but we can’t get juggle state continued if the opponent is hit with it while they’re already in juggle state. Again, this is another property that was identical to Third Strike Ryu’s Denjin Hadou.

Guaranteed that by the time someone gets hit with a Denjin while they’re already in juggle state, the damage of any follow up combois going to be nerfed by scalling pretty hardcore anyways. Hence Gouken players trying to run the risk of going for the reset. Give me the ability to do so, and you make Denjin a more viable choice for an Ultra.

But you’re right. An unblockable Denjin worked in the Third Strike universe because of the parry system. In SSFIV, it would be impossible to “defend” against all hits.

Not to keep your hope up, but I think Developer blog update on Tuesday.

These are my hopes for today:

+Palm LP 10startup
+U2 faster to charge
+Hadoken faster charge
+Fix backdash (invul->airborne->grounded)
.Counter command change: LP, MP, HP: low, mid, air
.Fix EX Tatsu

Tuesday in Japan, Monday in NA. Should be up within 10 hours.

Here are what I Expect to see in the dev blog (not want):

  1. Standing close jab has 1f less recovery
  2. Standing far s.MP special cancellable
  3. Standing overhead deals 2 hits instead of 1.
  4. Kongo changed
  5. LP Palm changed
  6. Tatsu hitting crouching opponents
  7. Demon flip focus absorbs 2 hits instead of 1.
  8. Denjin projectile invincible while charging (lol)

I tried to think up of weird changes that Capcom prefer.

I’m hoping this is how fast it is now!
