I seriously hope that LP palm change gets carried over. It being able to combo from lights? Damn…c.LK xx LP palm is gonna be so sweet!
I’m fine with backthrow and U1 nerfs if they give him better tools, I’ve played Akuma a lot and 90% of the time you don’t need his ultra since he has so many tools, I was expecting this nerf to compensate his improvements. Maybe backthrow nerf is about damage only, so now everything post backthrow does less damage.
Word I thinc I got somethin , some old flave for the command grabbers…we should linc up soon
Something tells me this’ll never happen. crouching like kick cancelling into palm is way too over powered.
i dont think so just like ryu and ken hit confirming into their moves ya know im not saying he can hit confirm into his palm im saying he can link his palm after c lk like he can combo c lk into heavy tatsu
I understand what you’re saying. But Ryu can cancel OR link his cr.lk into a Tatsu, and if you hit-confirm the cr.lk, you know the Tatsu will hit.
Gouken can cancel his cr.lk into a palm, but even if you hit confirm the cr.lk, lp.palm will not hit, the opponent can block regardless of a link or cancel.
My point in this is that, if Gouken were ALLOWED to hit confirm his cr.lk xx lp.Palm (xx = cancel), or cr.lk --> lp.palm (–> = link), I would be surprised if people started calling him over powered.
While you can only cancel/confirm a lp.palm off of close standing mk, mp, hp, cr.hp, and cr.mk (correct me if I’m wrong on these), getting off these two-hit combos deals DRASTIC damage, sends the opponent flying back to the edge of the screen. If you can FADC, you can get Ultra II off of a low kick.
Don’t forget that Gouken right now deals an AMAZING AMOUNT of stun and damage. It’d almost be like turning him into Seth with 1000/1000 + high stun damage.
That alone would could break Gouken.
If that change stays, they’re obviously gonna probably reduce damage and stun. In its present form, that’s just ridiculously good…over 120 damage, 250 stun, and a knockdown. I honestly don’t care. Reduce LP palm’s values to 80-100 damage, 100-150 stun for all I care. I just want that change. It’s an improvement Gouken could use regardless of the damage/stun nerfing, plus it’s not like anything else has to be reduced.
Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Adon, Cammy, even Chun Li, Abel, Saget, all of them can get an Ultra off a low kick. And I probably missed some character. Usually link into SRK FADC or an EX, but still quite possible for a lot of the cast.
At the moment. Gouken have no real combo potential beside EX palm, and all of them requires a close standing HP or crouching HP to pull off. Tatsu FADC wouldn’t even work for most of the cast since all his normal that force standing only work up close. Plus his FADC misses all the time.
Even if he can pull off a Palm FADC, his U2 does extremely low amount of damage, plus it only work in corner. Maybe only do a little more then Chun Li. I don’t think it is fair even after he get it.
What I think Gouken really need is a 2 hit EX fireball. That is the primary defense other Shodo have against Armor attack like Abel. Boxer, El Fu. Gouken having extremely bad match up against those few character mostly cause he have no EX fireball that hit twice instantly like every other projectile characters does.
I’d rather have the damage. I hit close standing/crouch fierce xx lp.palm at LEAST once a round. That’s great considering how hard it hits, the properties of the combo, etc.
I’d rather not have the damage reduction. that’s not what Gouken’s style of gameplay has been all throughout vanilla and super. Doing so with these changes would drastically change his gameplay style and I wouldn’t be okay with that.
EDIT - In fact, that would most likely screw up his gameplay style.* You give a character whom of which has their style and layout of play already defined, and then you conflict his style of play via incorporating something like cr.lk --> lp.palm into his moveset. It’s not like he would have anything else in the regard of being able to link/cancel hit-confirm other than the specific combo we’re discussing.
It would stand out so much that it would be easy to look for. All anyone would have to think about while Gouken is closing in would be: “Just remember that Gouken can cancel/link hit-confirm a palm from a cr.lk. Watch out for crouch low kick.” Which would be easy, because Gouken wouldn’t have any other normals that would stand out to be as dangerous as his cr.lk from then on in.
Gouken is made for a couple of things: High-level zoning/poking tactics, and HUGE damage based on punishing the opponent’s mistakes.
Giving him cr.lk xx lp.palm or cr.lk --> lp.palm breaks his gameplay style as a whole. I like him because he’s big damage regardless of how hard I have to work for it. In fact, that’s why I play him. Every combo I hit feels so much more rewarding than if I were doing Ryu combo strings all day. Granted I’d be hitting more combos with Ryu, but they wouldn’t feel as rewarding at all.
Gouken needs to stay a train wrecking machine. I play him because he’s a shoto unlike Ryu/Ken/Akuma in many ways. In fact, among all the shotos (Dan, Sakura, Sagat, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Gouken), he’s probably the blackest sheep amongst them all. And kudos to that.
I don’t think it’d screw up his gameplay. Actually, it’d give him more opportunities to net knockdowns, push the opponent to the corner, and do damage. IMO it sets up his ability to do big damage off of mistakes even better. Yeah, I’m losing some damage and stun on the move, but I’m looking at the bigger picture of what it sets up.
It’s really a change that just compliments him more than it doesn’t.
Damage scaling would balance it out, plus it’s not an untech knock down. That’s actually a buff he needs, the fact that he can’t 2-1 to hado from most of his normals other than counter hit is just a damn joke as well.
And after seeing Shin-Gouken I know they know he needs to be better in certain areas.
After you mentioned Shin Gouken, I looked him up. I saw EX palm and went “O______________O I WANT!”
That buff would be beautiful…ridiculously powerful, but I don’t care. I WANT!
People say like his game style is perfect and makes him able to confront any character
he needs something…
ssf4’s high tiers won’t budge in AE
he needs stuff to confront them
im imagining a tatsu much like ryu from the EX series, that would let us tatsu and "pop up " our opponent then doing the motion several more times to get thte successive hits. The new tatsu wil not grab every crouching opponent still , but will have somewhat greater reach and the hitbox will be tightened up near and above goukens head. I dreamt this. and it was told to me again by gouken in anotjer dream
cr.LK xx LP Palm (without hit confirm unless you do a jump attack) would likely be there, considering how jab xx LP Palm is there. In fact, I’m already practicing cr.LK more for AA purposes. But like it was mentioned, I’m expecting a nerf on dmg/stun for LP Palm only.
Anyone expecting a buff for standing overhead?
Plus is the travel speed is increased, it will be possible to start fireball wars and slide a Denjin in there. If it’s anything like Sagats U2 then we will see it used a lot more. Quote me on that.
the same number 1 thing ive wanted for the Denjin from day 1 is boost the dam travel speed. Alspo make it juggle like sagat tiger cannon as well. OH dive kick back, and change hitbox so tatsu hits all crouchn Opp. so he can ovious fadc with meter/ or juggle into UC1 or UC2.
It needs to be buffed as it stands for me the only use for the overhead is for a meaty and even then i get knocked out of it. I just needs to be a bit faster. Perhaps i need to learn more tricks for using it >_>.
It is a nice mix up tool off of bacthrow…this middle punch overhead yóu speac of.
I’ve rarely used the overhead. Maybe a couple times when I was being aggressive and the opp had like no life just as a suprise
You can sneak the overhead in just after doing a close landing reset when you know your opponent is just going to block low and throw tech. There isn’t much you can do off a hit overhead but I like to sweep after it. On block, the sweep pushes you away or it can be a decent trap for catching someone panicking or letting go of block too early. Another setup you can try, which I don’t do enough of, is after a landed (blocked or hit) overhead is to kara-throw.