Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

I’m still maining him regardless of what happens just because I like the character design and the way he plays feels cool to me. I would welcome a couple of small buffs though. Hopefully next week we will know if the lp palm thing is good or bad.

I agree with wanton’s post. I love the way Gouken plays. I love the high risk and the fact that once Gouken gets rolling, he hits like a freight train. I’ll play him regardless and adjust to any changes as needed, but I hope changes to his frame data on his normals are VERY limited.

While it seems like the changes to counter are inevitable based on peoples’ experiences with AE, the only other changes I’d like to see are MAYBE the changes made to lp.palm and more thing:

Give Tatsu dp-like anti-air properties. I think that with all of the buffs flying around now, a solid anti-air on Gouken’s wake up isn’t a whole lot to ask for. Based on its qualities it’s still very punishable on block/whiff. The only plus to it being able to hit crouching opponents on hit or block is that he can FADC out of it with some bars in his arsenal. I don’t think that’s asking for too much; not if he doesn’t get much more than that.

In my honest opinion, that’s really ALL he needs. Other than that, he’s completely solid in my book. I’m used to how he plays.

I pretty much feel the same way. Although the main reason i picked up gouken in vanilla is his Versatile Hadous. Either way like u said im still going to play gouken unless they completly mess him up.

the Fuerte nerf got me nervous lol

im hoping for tatsu buff, specials comboing off strongs, reworking the kongos, and overhead df kick returning

No need to be nervous, Gouken will be just fine. As long as they don’t mess with Shin-Sho! LOL.

I’m prepared for that wtf moment, though, but I really don’t see how they can makes him that much worse. Sakura was made better, and don’t think they would have buffed her and not Gouken in some form. From what I’ve been reading, everyone is getting buffs… well not Chun Li. She needed to be nerfed, because that bitch is broken. In fact she wasn’t even nerfed hard.

Gouken will be buffed and buffed good! Maybe a slight nerf on U1, but nothing too major. If the changes to palm and kongo inputs are true then that opens up 2 different dimensions for Gouken. Hit confirm, and more anti air tatsu.

If they speed up the Denjin so it’s like Tiger Cannon then i think that will be the preferred Ultra. Well atleast in my book it will be. Sagat can EX Tiger Shot you full screen and Juggle you with his U2. If Gouken is able to do that with anti air palm and Denjin I’m rolling with that shit. Straight Assassin mode.

Yea, I’d love to see improvements to denjin since I want to use it really bad but shin sho is sooo much better right now.

^ Right now shin sho is better without a doubt, but if it sped up to travel faster then I think it will have far more uses and applications than Shin Sho, especially from a defensive stand point.

There are so many times I’ve had Shin Sho and never got to use it. But you know what, there is always a use for Denjin against characters who can’t go through fireballs or teleport, save Zangief and T-Hawk, you have to play BIG DAMAGE against them and it’s not very likely to stun them anyway.

One of my favorite things to do is land an untech or some type of anti air to reset them when their power is low. If you got Denjin you just chip the fool to death to close the match out, much like that bull shit Blanka does with his roll.

Plus is the travel speed is increased, it will be possible to start fireball wars and slide a Denjin in there. If it’s anything like Sagats U2 then we will see it used a lot more. Quote me on that.

You just made me realize one change I forgot about that I REALLY, REALLY hope comes into play:

… I better be able to churn butter like an fuckin’ early American Colonial when I pick Denjin Hadouken. It better charge faster, and I better get my Third Strike Ryu Denjin antics. :tup:

For those of you who played Third Strike, you know what I’m talking about. :china:

Just one more week!

I really hope the have changed the kongo input to punch buttons as mentioned, only with that change I would be ok, tatsu fadc u1 :woot:.

However other things I want to see:

  1. Buff to Denjin, either speed and/or damage.
  2. tatsu hitting low
  3. the new lp palm being a good wake up tool.
  4. hp punch kongo being high/low counter would be amazing.

Besides, news for SSF4 are on the way for November 20-21st, I really hope it’s AE DLC news and they are releasing it this year.

Just like all you other loyal Gouken mainers, I will do the same. I love the fact that he is considered lower mid tier and still packs a serious punch…errr palm. Hit confirm to lp palm sounds pretty good, don’t know what to think about the kongo changes yet, except im glad that it doesnt overlap with tatsu. Hopefully they dont nerf u1 too bad and they speed up the denjin. I hear his back throw is getting nerfed too. They should fix his hit box on the tatsu, and make it a useful wake up/ anti air, since its easy to punish on whiff. Of course, im always hoping that the over head GF makes a return.

I just really really hope he doesnt go through a fuerte raping or worse, a vanilla sagat and gen sodomizing.

I’m still expecting his HP kongo to work similar to (but not identical to) Dudley’s Cross Counter; taking real damage instead of gray, can counter out high/low attacks along with reversal specials which would have armor breaking property, but cannot beat out natural armor breakers. Since I don’t have school/work on Monday (Tuesday in Japan), I can refresh the capcom dev blog page every 10 minutes after dinner. I’ll post all Gouken changes mentioned ASAP in here, unless someone else translates it first.

I want Denjin to at least charge faster by 360ing it. Also, for no apparent reason I’m thinking his far s.LK will have 5f start-up.

I think I might have missed hit confirm to palm. May I have the source of that?

EDIT: Nvm I think I have found it around page 3~4 of this thread about “2 light punch” or something. Sry to burst your bubbles (if someone hasn’t done it already) but that was a mistranslation. Not 2xLP but crouching LP (since Japanese wiki uses numbers as a directional input). It might be still possible and I’m going to look all for it in the next dev blog.

haha straight assassin mode yessss das what im talkin bout im sooo ready to see his changes

What else could they do to back throw to nerf it? Longer tech window and longer start up window. The thought of that makes me wanna throw up.

Throws up Excuse me while i clean this up. Oh and BTW Iamthatiam I sent u a freind invite.

Yeah longer tech window, longer start up and less reach. so Gouken 0.9 range might go to .8 like Dee Jay.

Hmm…maybe they’ll speed up the GF haha.

I’m worried they might do something like take 100 dmg off an ultra that came from a backthrow, and leave a raw ultra as ~500 dmg. (Like how Akuma’s Teleport > U2 works).

I accepted it. I haven’t played much over the past couple of weeks, so that’s why you haven’t seen me online. :frowning: I will try my best to shake off the rust before Sat. though.

If they change the distance, we’ll just have to kara throw to compensate. I would rather have them nerf the distance vs. adding more start up frames / longer tech window the shit is already bad enough.

That won’t be too bad, considering if he gets buffs in other areas like hit confirm, denjin, and slightly better normals. Lp palm may be a viable wake up tool as well if the invincibility is moved to the front like an srk. That means I don’t have to deal with Akuma and his bull shit. The Akuma’s I play would actually have to fight me instead of basing the match up off of a broken 2 move scenario.

Also it’s going to help out Gouken’s wake up game if he is considered airborne if hit while back dashing. That way Gouken won’t have to eat full combo’s for trying to get away (well in a sense).

I actually believe they are going to try and make him better which the reported changes has pretty much confirmed. Either way, I don’t think there will be anything too drastic to make me not main him anymore. If we can still stomach the old man after dive kick and GF Grab nerf, then I think we will be ok with AE Version of Gouken.

I’m actually looking forward to the changes b/c I KNOW there will be buffs and a few indirect ones as well.

im eager to see how i can use the new tools they give us

im hoping with DOJO sessions we (SSDSquad) will mesh philosophies and metas before AE debuts, it would accelerate our progress and many other things , having a great collective foundation looking ahead. Lets all get our game up!!!

^ Once we get the official updates next week, I think we’ll be able to devise and start planning for the future.

I gotta figure out a T-Hawk / Zangief Vortex before then.

That and practicing 1 frame links. That’s where all the magic will happen in the future.

Some will be proactive and start working on the shit now, others will work on it later, and the rest will say fuck it and never figure it out. I’m working on it now.