I think having themes is a good idea, but it will be hard to “practice” the fadc part b/c of limited meter in the round.
Have you tried this method to FADC?? [media=youtube]st9khMYsDd4&feature=related[/media]
To make a long story short in 3 easy steps… After you do your move HOLD Forward and don’t let it go > Focus Attack Cancel (Don’t let it go) > press forward once more and you will have a clean dash out.
^ Let’s take this off line. I’ll put this in the Dojo thread though.
Last tidbit: When you practice it put the training dummy on all block, so you can just fadc out of everything and they don’t go all flying in the air.
At first I would just make sure I’m holding forward and focus canceling at the right moment not dashing out.
Once that’s ironed out, I would add the dash.
For example if you palm, hold forward while your palm is executing when it hits/blocked then focus attack (hold it) and press forward once more and you dash out CLEAN. It’s a pretty efficient method, and it can be done the same way everytime which is important.
Tatsu FADC can be done the same way, but you have to be fast to ensure Gouken doesn’t Ultra the wrong way. Some people use auto correct to fix it or whatever. OR you can just hide the Ultra input with your FADC.
I swear it sounds crazy, but when I’m not playing, I’ve been taking my stick damn near everywhere I go or when I’m chilling around the house and slowly practice these motions to build my muscle memory. I do this for pretty much everything. LOL Once I have them down, I try to do them as fast as possible and when I pick up the sticks it’s A LOT easier. It’s a consistent way to FADC with any character.
My Problem
But this has nothing to do with DLC Changes so I will put an end to my rant.
Don’t talk about it, be about it. Lemme know which day and what time you can/will be on so we can honor your challenge. I’ll post it in the Sparring Grounds spoiler so all can be notified. Gimme the details and I’ll put you up.
^ The cancel out method I was referring to was FADC specific, it should work with canceling any move as long as you were able to signal the FADC before your cancel window closes.
What is the second motion for? Dashing then Ultra??
I like Gouken the way he is now in SSFIV. Despite the changes to counter and having to get used to those, I’d be happy with no more changes.
No movement on lp.Palm and the faster start up for it does get me thinking about a lot of things already posted here. S-Kill and a lot of other professional-level players are right: Once wrong change can = a butterfly effect of epic proportions in this game. Especially for Gouken.
After seeing some of the characters changes, I’m thinking gouken is gonna need some serious buffs in order to catch up with the crew, some of the characters got really nice buffs.
I’m curious to see what the extra counter for Gouken is used for. IIRC, they now made it so that one punch is high, one punch is low, and the third punch is supposedly the same animation as the EX. I just really hope that Gouken gets something that’s worth noting. I was reading Sakura’s thing and she looks like she got nothing but buffs all around =S Some characters are starting to look scary.
Seeing weak characters getting buff, and strong characters getting nerf… I am optimistic for Gouken, as he is considers weak… Not to Shin Gouken level, but fix a few things for him man…