I have to say that cancelling Gouken’s Hadokens would be cool, but take a lesson from HD Remix and Ryu’s fake fireball on that one… it can get nasty really quick. Not to mention Gouken’s ability to throw fireballs three different directions would lead to situations where if it was cancellable and recovered quickly you’d still have time to throw out a different level fireball. Now if you made it so say only LP hadoken were cancellable or something I might buy that, but even as someone who loves Gouken and thinks he got screwed from the very beginning (coming from a SF2 zoning heavy background) giving him effecitively three fake fireballs is not balanced answer.
Honestly, I don’t even care about tatsu hitting low anymore, nor do I care about it fully connecting. It was never really a part of Gouken I cared to see changed, nor did I feel he even needed it to be reworked.
^^^^shall we 5 rd endless it sometime? well alt and main, then trade and try out this new breakthrough strat that seems to have finally made a home for tatsu in my mind
Nah… no new thread. … then again I was actually thinking of a new thread… The Dojo, this where we can train,learn, and share secrets all in one thread.
Still not sure if, I’m ready to let go yet. I’ve found a shoto specific Vortex. bwhahahahahah I will reveal soon.
If we create a DoJo thread, we can just keep when the Endless Sessions will be available on the first page. I’m willing to update it on a weekly basis and all of the time slot’s etc. will be on the first page so there won’t be any need to filter through the entire thread to find when fights sessions will be available.
Mon-7p-9p — host(s) name here—
Mon- 9p-11p-- host(s) name here—
Wed- 7p-9p — host(s) name here—
Wed- 9p-11p — host(s) name here—
Sat- 7p -9p — host(s) name here—
Sat- 9p -11p — host(s) name here—
I got some other ideas to spice it up, but I’m still considering the details. If anyone else has any input please let me know.
Edit: I created to the thread, but I won’t update anything until we have something solid.
sounds HOT!!! i think this is what weve been waiting for…
how about some sessions with themes also? like to help folksincluding me w fadc’s , all fadcs and light attacks only, limited blocking also if possible…?