Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

maybe gouken hard counter is like the ex counter we have now (but weaker) and EX COUNTER COUNTERS EVERYTHING INCLUDING ARMOR BREAK WOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo


Except there’s another possibility. It could counter both high and low but with lower damage than EX, OR it could counter both high and low, but like Dudley’s cross counter you take the full damage instead of grey damage. There are more possibilities than just WHAT it counters, there’s also changes in HOW it counters. You’re right, Kongo countering armor breaking moves doesn’t make sense with the design of the FA system, but countering throws also doesn’t make any sense ALSO going by the FA system. All I’m saying is if we’re going to speculate let’s at least bring some logic with our speculation.

I really doubt it it would counter high or low for any reason, I find it very broken if you ask me, even if low damage. people would hardly ever guess, specially since you can always fadc into palm to make up for the damage. I think countering throws(which some moves already do) would make more sense balance-wise.

but well, each one to their opinion, I think this discussion is a waste of time, better wait, dont you agree?

Capcom developer gonna talk about 35 characters changes soon. Just not sure when is Gouken’s turn though…
Release the info abt Gouken 1st together with ur fav son Ryu, Capcom… Damn it

haha gouken gonna be like dead last because who cares about him lol fo realz.

Well. They’ll say they made one of his normals “better” and by that, they probably tweaked something by +/- 1 frame, and we won’t know about this until after AE gets a DLC port.

well all i know is that if i can combo into fireballs i’m gonna be a happy little broken camper in them corners

and by camper i mean heavy corner pressure hahaha

seriously the new light palm shd work like SRK in the wake up situation, other than the jab jab light palm link…
Using EX dive kick is not really safe in wake up situation…

one thing that we are forgetting about: as of now gouken’s lp and lk are not cancellable when chained.

So it means that if they don’t change that, even if palm is fast enough to combo, we wont be able to do it. Maybe after close st.mp, cr. mk/cr.lp/cr.lk(since those are not chains)?

Unless I misunderstood something you said, then:

a) No rapid-fire (aka chainable) moves are cancelable. Target combos are a different story. Gouken is not an exception.

b) Close MP > c.mk/c.lp already exists.

What you probably meant is that his rapidfire moves (which are only his jabs) don’t have enough frame advantage to link one in the end, giving it cancellable properties. Typically, a jab might give around +4, allowing for a link instead of a chain (supposing the jab is active on 3rd or 4th, thus 2fl or 1fl respectively), hence being cancellable.

It’s also important to note that if gouken has decent hit confirms, he’ll turn into a pseudo-guile on steroids when it comes to projectile pressure in the corner. He has tons of frame advantage. Right now, if they block a fully charged meaty fireball after a knockdown, you have +9 advantage. That’s another free string, or tick-throw.

They won’t give him that much. At least I don’t believe they will… The only thing that would actually make him awesome, would be giving him his overhead property back on the K demon flip. The way it is right now, all you gotta do it block down as soon as gouken leaves the ground. No mixup whatsoever against people who can distinguish between the demon flip and a regular jump.

We all should be trying to master Gouken’s 1 frame links b/c palm hit’s crouching opponents it will solve our current tatsu gripes.

Counter hit St. cl. fp. > cr. lp > lp palm is gonna be nasty and even better in the corner with a loaded Denjin. Then you’d just safe jump or attack their reversal window again. Take em to stun city. Bwahahahahahahah!

The 1 frame link is going to be nice.

One thing to also take into account is LP palm being stationary. That’s big. Palm is -6 on block, yes, but remember, some things are safe simply due to pushback. Palm has pretty decent pushback as is…being stationary could allow it to be safe.

Combine that with the 1-frame link…and we have a blockstring potentially safe on block.

a fireball w start button again??lol a la evil ryu was it?

Just read the Capcom Dev Blog, seems like fav son Ryu got more buff than neft… Next round are Ken, Vega, Rufus, Fei Long & Juri…
Sigh, i guess Gouken is dead last…

im not a gouken player so i dont know what changes he really needs
but they should at least make his u2 unblockable
i dont see gouken players use it(the few times i run into them)

one ultra can change a lot
i mean look at abel he was considers mid to low tier
they gave him and even better ultra and boom he’s at the top

U2 should stun on block. Like, knock them down stunned even though they’re blocking.

Most every character has a way out anyway, and you’d still need to rack up like 600-700 stun beforehand as well.

I REALLY want to be able to cancel my hadouken when charging them. would add so many mind games and would help gouken so much for baiting out moves. Air parry needs faster startup and recovery on the the ground. I would not mind having an EX version of air parry to handle moves like chunli air fierce. TASTU HIT BOX NEEDS TO BE BIGGER!!! I MEAN GOSH! Im so sick of it wiffing on people.

Come on capcom do this right!!! Gouken needs buffs!

And yes I would love an unblockable Ultra 2.

Gouken will not get any new moves PERIOD! Capcom will not allow it. As for buffs he really only needs two things, better hitbox on tatsu so it connects with crouching opponents AND when u perform ex tatsu or regular tatsu as AA it should connect all the hits. The 2nd buff that he needs is basically what we all want BACK…his overhead gf dive kick. I mean it was an overhead before and didn’t make gouken that much better, but for us who know how to use it well in our mix up it would prove vital.
Now lets head back to reality because i honestly dont see him getting any of the above mentioned buffs. Most likely he will get nerfed again. Possibly reducing ultra from backthrow significantly to try and force ppl to use U2 since its no comparison to his U1 as we stand now. There was already talk about nerfing his standing HK for some reason…if anything it should be similar to bison’s where it can be thrown out without mercy.
The reason I say gouken wont get shit is because lets face it…Gouken will not be in the next incarnation of street fighter (whenever or whatever that will be). He gets killed remember? I think thats one of the biggest reasons y capcom will not devote too much time and attention to him. They threw him in sf4 for the sake of having a “new” character to the roster. He is the ONLY character in the entire game that has not been paid attention to AT ALL and his whiffing tatsu is proof of that. Its a simple move that cannot hit the oppenent in the same manner everytime its used. Its redicilious. I wish gouken gets better, but seeing how they buffed up ryu even more (for reasons beyond me) is pretty much a clear indication to where they are going with this.

Yet I pray.

Indeed indeed Yes im well aware gouken will not get any moves. Im just naming what could help him. It would be a very stupid reason to not buff gouken because he will not be in the next street fighter. Lets face it the next street fighter 5 wont be comming out for years ontop of years so they need to focus on SSF4 and balancing its characters for the sake of people who play them and stick with them. Now the fact that they changes his counters to all punchs shows they gave him some attention. I forgot all about his overhead dive kick and yes they need to give it back to him THERE WAS NO REASON TO REMOVE IT WHATSOEVER. I WISH I COULD SMACK THE BATTLE DIRECTOR IN THE FREAKING FACE GOSH LOL!

Now the counter to all punchs is awesome because tastu will actually come out without shortcuts interfering. What im worried about is this new palm he has. Im hoping this helps goulken and not hurt him. Comeon capcom do this right. I cant wait till they release the blog with gouken in it. It will be the day I rage or get happy lol.