Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

I still fail to see the practical purpose of countering throws. A regular throw can always be teched and everything after the tech is metagame that everyone has to deal with. Gouken doesn’t have any more of a problem with it than anyone else and if you are better than your opponent it shouldn’t matter anyways. Countering command throws would also be broken, seeing as how Gouken would have just about no weaknesses if it were possible. Asking for a grab counter would be asking for Gouken to not have to deal with minor parts of the game that everyone has to deal with and no one is exempt from. Everyone has to deal with all kinds of grabs, Gouken should not and will not be the exception.

Actually if he had a counter that worked vs Command throws it would be epic and far from broken. One is then left with an incredibly large volume of oppurtunities. It still requires a guess worse than a 50%. Remember every counter can be beaten by the same option: waiting(armour breaker will also beat all of these options). Seriously though how hilarious would it be to have Gief go into his ultra Freeze and instead of eyes bulging you see Gouken posed into a counter with a wry smile on his face.

Would it be awesome? Yes. Will it happen? Definitely not. As a Gouken main I don’t agree with having a counter to something that shouldn’t have a counter. If a grappler works his way in and gets close to you, he deserves the throw since you weren’t able to keep him away. There’s always backdashes as well, it’s not like Gouken doesn’t have options to command throws.

Ah I didn’t say he didn’t have an option for it, but it is one that would get some people thinking and honestly its not one that would be easy to use, like with Ultra command throws you’d have to do them before the flash, itd just be anothe rfun alternative, just like Gouken doesn’t need to block crossups, his counter will always get them if they pushed a button thatll hit you. Having the throw in a similar way would be interesting, its not like good grapplers always go for Grab, you still need to guess it(though against some tighter blockstrings youd might be able to mash it I supposse). Besides we already have one option that’ll beat any throw and that’s the shinsho(though true only when we have meter). Vs the same graplers though guess that counter wrong and theyll be content to just combo you further.

If a character has an srk they are the execption.

And Gouken has GF, EX tatsu, Shin Sho, Denjin, Super, and teching. He doesn’t need a throw counter.

None of which are even close to as good as an SRK vs throws(not counting teching as anyone with an SRK has that one too) ALso I thought Denjin wasn’t throw immune, though I’ll admit I’ve never tested it much as I’ma shinshoer. Having a throw counter would be fun. However I will say I would prefer the idea of it being a lower damage EX(even a no damage get off me move I would love), but if it was vs throws I wouldn’t mind and would find it appropiate for “The Master” to theoretically be able to stop anything in the game except armour breakers. It would be very far from broken though.

All I’m saying is that a throw counter would be silly and Capcom would never do it anyways. I’d rather have the fake Kongo with the possibility of links than a move that deals with something we can already deal with. Even if it was just something like cl.HP > fake kongo > cr.LK > Tatsu, it would still be welcome in my book.

There’s no point to making HP counter deal with throws, because he has enough solutions to it as is.

HP counter = high/low counter with less damage than EX IMO. It makes far more sense for it to be that than some of these other speculations. I don’t see Capcom giving Gouken a counter for throws or a fake anything anytime soon.

fake counter would be retarded for real lol

fake fireball though? a WELCOME change.

I wish medium punch made his hand glow a bit and he went ‘ha’ like the first part of hadouken…

unlikely but hey a guy can dream no?

that’d show a super/ultra1 bearing chun li what’s up

fake fireball - chun ultra - gouken ultra to catch it

nnniiiiiccccceeee =D

Now that I think about it…I wouldn’t be against a fake fireball really.

ex fireball should require no charge for double hit AND shoot two of them yo.


Fake kongo that would let you link would be far from retarded. It’s just speculation anyways, no one knows anything right now. A fake fireball would be cool, but I highly doubt Capcom would do it. I wish Gouken could cancel his fireball charge, but really that would be too good.

Me either. The simple solution would be just to make tatsu = srk and call it a day, but that makes too much sense to do.

We know for a fact that hp counter has the ex counter animation now, so I’m really seeing it being a throw counter. But well, I could be completely wrong.

It has the same animation as EX, so it must counter throws. Brilliant logic.

I can see a charged fireball cancel as reasonable given that many new characters have good across the screen anti fireball specials, but I doubt it’ll happen

i personally like the changes of the counter to just punches…curious to see game play on HP counter maybe counter throws like someone posted earlier. still…reading rest of pages just got to page 4

maybe giving him some type of new move n call it the “power of nothingness” like HP counter that counter all UC in the game and he burns either 2 or 3ex bars, or full meter/super in order to do it. what do you guys think of this??? might make him OP or Broken i guess. who knows post your replies. Me personally think 3ex bar is enuff 2ex bars would be way too much imo since he’ll be able to do it 2x, that i dont think would be fair. Just burn 2bars and counter UC and do dmg, while you send opp. full screen to rezone them again lol. would make him the ulitate zoning chars next to sim.

EX kongo transforms him into SHIN GOUKEN
Ok Im done

Well, let me explain to you since you cannot see the logic behind it:

1- If it looks different it probably does something different. This is based on the behavior we have now, since each animation does something different.

2- Taking into account ex counter would be useless if the fierce one countered both high and lows, there are two things that it could counter that would add anything to his game: armor breaking moves and throws.

3- Gouken’s Counter is based on the focus attack system, so it would go against that system countering armor breaking moves. I could happen, but I doubt it.

Based on those things we are left with it is a fake, or it counters throws.

Since I doubt a fake would be any useful unless it recovers instantly(which would allow for combos probably) I’m simply going with countering throws.

Are you happy now?

I don’t care if I’m right or not, I was just posting a guess. Don’t take it so seriously.