Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

Currently I’m guessing the HP Kongo will work in a similar way to Dudley’s cross counter (take real damage, but instead won’t get broken out by those reversal specials). But I’m only guessing.

Yeah, Gouken is not a link heavy character. But it’s not so bad after you’ve have practiced the rhythm for such combos for Ryu and Ken.

ill bet they made the kongos into low, mid, and high now cause capcom hates gouken

It would be a tremendous buff for Gouken.

The thing is, Gouken’s fireball puts the opponent in a large amount of hitstun, enough to link a sweep or FADC HP xx Palm afterwards. I think that’s the main reason why they didn’t give him the standard shoto link into fireball combo. Combine light attack hitconfirms into fireballs and his awesome meter:damage ratio, and he’d be top tier.

Being able to do that also takes away another one of Gouken’s fundamental challenges. Right now, his demon flip kick, dj.kick and crossups only link to a hard punch when they hit meaty or close to the ground. Giving him light confirm combos gets rid of this problem.

Edit: Thinking it through, being able to combo fireball off of cr.mp would probably let him do crazy meterless corner combos like:
cr.mp xx hadou, cr.mp xx hadou, cr, mp xx hadou/cr.hk, seeing how little pushback cr.mp does.

Your last paragraph sounds like hella fun if it were possible.

Gouken can jump in or cross up with dive kick or jumping mk > st.mp > lp/cr. mk which is a good hit confirm and will be even better if they changes are made that he can jab > lp palm, b/c you’ll be able to st. mp > lp > lp > lp palm or whatever.

There is no way to plink the 1 frame link as of right now b/c Gouken doesn’t have a 3 frame normal, so it requires an absurd amount of practice to get down 100%. Most people won’t/don’t practice it, so this bit of advice will more than likely whither away and all of the other things you can do with it will be left untapped as well.

Close St. mp is especially good on counter hit b/c you have the extra stun frames to link to almost anything in Gouken’s arsenal.

HP counter should work only against throws.

Haha - no! It should counter everything and EX should counter everything including armor-breakers.

I have to get some frustration off my chest. Gouken is a great character and all, but it feels like you’re struggling with the character just as much as you’re focusing on your opponent.

You want to use the tatsu, you have to make sure it doesn’t whiff mid-way. You want to counter, you have to take a guess, in addition to taking a guess to begin with. You want to use MP/ HP or EX versions of the dash-palm, you make sure you’re within range to avoid yet another miss.

I hate his jumping MK too. It feels like it has a vulnerable hit-box in front of the actual kick, and the range makes it look like a kick from a baby.

The Arcade Edition changes sound promising, at least.

I’m really guessing HP counter does counter throws. it has the same animation as the ex counter, so I’m thinking it really does something on those lines.

Why would it counter throws? There’s no reason to believe it would and why would you even WANT it to counter throws? If it does anything it’ll probably counter both high and low with reduced damage from EX or something. As I was typing this I was about to say it’ll probably do nothing and then I thought about it. Doing nothing. What if HP Kongo was a fake? Came out instantly, recovered instantly. You could bait counter punishes for super yomi and since it has the same animation as EX you could really fuck with people. The idea seems to stick with me the more I think about it.

Well, now that I think about it, I`m not even sure why I would want it to counter throws, except maybe for people that grab you when they hear you mashing the counter lol.

but a fake would be decent too.

but Im still guessing its throws.

I think it would be awesome to counter throws, especially if you can counter command grabs too.

I’m all for it if you can use it to cancel HP into ultra like how Viper does that.

also because just teching sometimes isnt enough, and jumping can be dealt with on reaction.

but the fake idea is decent.

If Gouken needs a fake anything, it’s a fake hado. Maybe fireball motion and kick.

lp- Counters low
mp- Counters high
hp- Counters Grab
EX- Counters All but armor break

That’d be some sick shit. Ahhhh well, until these changes are confirmed I’ll be underground.

He actually has a great fake hado motion! Whiff standing medium punch! (or hado > FADC of course).

Canceling the hadou charge would be cool.

heh, Gouken would become the Dhalsim of fireballs

yeah, that would be a good way to fake em out.

which would probably be too strong, since one thing that keeps dhalsim balanced is the fact that we can hit the limbs.