Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

Naw they don’t hate Gouken. We are one of only 3 characters that have a boss alternate that showcases how badass he is storywise. If that was the playable version he’d be banned everywhere, so they stride the fine line to make sure people let us play him(I’m looking at you France!). Though I wouldn’t complain if our palms got speed boosted to (near) Shin Goukens, don’t need any of his other killer properties.

Yea either tatsu starts lower is faster and doesn’t leave us vulnerable and a sped up palm, that’s it. That’s ALL YOU NEED TO DO CAPMCOM, I’ve spent all my allowance on SF2 etc franchise you threw at me. I rock with gouken as is just give us these 2 things and MOVE ON TO ANOTHER Character

tatsu hits low and i’m a happy camper - i’d love to be able to ex tatsu fdac and not have to worry about if the opponent is crouching and losing me the match.

Thing is, if Tatsu hits low it’s just another SRK with a different animation. Personally the escape I’d love? being able to EX Tatsu out of an EX demonflip. It would cost two bars ala THawks Tomahawk/Condor, but it’d be a fun variant. Or just the ability to Tatsu out of any flip and only being able to ex out of ex.

Who knows, if we’re luck, maybe the new LP Palm has ridiculous invincibility we don’t know about, being able to FADC that would be great and a back dash could still bait it now it doesn’t move forward keeping it balanced and not like a certain Jezus kick.

I have so many hopeful dreams :slight_smile:

Even if it hit low it still wouldn’t be anything like an SRK, but I don’t see why making it better is a problem. If it hit low we could have some up close pressure with FADC that would actually be good. Palm FADC is fairly easy to see coming and will sometimes get beat by pokes and throws, so while it’s a good trick to pull out every now and again it’s nowhere near as good as Tatsu FADC would be. Personally I think that if Tatsu gets any fixes the first thing on the list is to give it a vortex property or something so it tracks better. I hate people falling out of my Tatsu’s.

I agree that tatsu should hit low. ex tatsu, his only decent reversal, + FADC takes 3 damn ex, that’s not something you’re going to abuse at all obviously. Tatsu as it is proves again how badly designed is Gouken, you give him a tool that should be basic in his arsenal, cancellable into ultra, decent AA, gives good resets, but its command gives you kongo all the time, and if you whiff it with its lol recovery, something that happens more often than not with it’s weird hitbox and not hitting low, you get FA Ultra 99% all of the time. Bravo Capcom, I agree that Capcom seems to hate Gouken for some reason, probably because they don’t know how to balance him properly yet.

Another annoying thing is that HP palm combo oftentimes will whiff if it’s not done in absolute point-blank range. Sometimes I use MP in combos, but generally I stick to the LP version, in order to avoid whiffing yet another of Gouken’s moves.

That’s because HP palm is really slow. MP palm works every time no worries. You should only do HP palm if you get a focus crumple. I don’t really mind that one so much, it’s not like it doesn’t have ways around it. There’s nothing you can do about Tatsu not hitting low, but you can use other versions of palm to get a combo.

Capcom really needs to make the tatsu kick hit low attacking opponents. I was fighting a balrog and tried to sweep him and he does a head but and hits me. That is crazy a headbut hits but not gouken’s tatsu. A wake up move period. not a DF that a character just moves over a bit and punishes you on. Speed him up, he did teach ryu and ken how to fight yet he lags in all of their abilities. just me 2 cents. any improvement is welcome as he is the most enjoyable char to play as, just not the best char for sure!

actually tatsu is more like a srk but with like 3 holes in it that jumping opponents seem to fall thru, which in itself is not completely horrible, just let me pick up people off the floor with it, everyone. and horrible recovery and inconsitent results,

I never said it’d be a good SRK, many charcters have bad ones unless they EX, shotos and muay thai excluded(and Cammy). I just found it fun how they put a twist onto the fundamentals of a shoto, with his forward moveing armour breaker actually hitting crouchers and his vertical move doesn’t.

Compared to other SRKS he has horrible startup, lack of invincibility and doesn’t hit low. Personally it hitting crouchers would ofcourse be a step up(never worrying about ex tatsu whiffing on desperate wakups and they did crouch short XD), but I feel that’ll be a less interesting way of boosting the old man than the rumours of his HP counter posing like EX, which even if it does no damage and is just a get off me move(or get in the corner you move) is a lot more interesting way of boosting the old man.

Also the changes to palm, but Im all for any and all frame changes tot he old man as he already has most of what he needs, just needs a little frame tweakage and these interesting ideas they have. I’ll be looking forward a lot to AE Gouken, just hoping he has some good stuff vs AKumas Palm and Jagga kicks :slight_smile:

Come to think of tatsu, did anyone mention that from his head to his waist he is strike invincible up to the first active frame (+ his active foot as well), or is this a really old news (since I cannot seem to find info about it)? You can test it in the lab if you want against jumping attacks. It’s just that around the last few start-up frame or so he moves his waist up preparing to kick so you’ll get stuffed by standing jabs, but for the first few frames he’ll not get hit by it.

i beleive this is the trademark of the gouken mystique, you have to be very pre emptive with tatsu in aggressive situations, its like saying dp we know kicks ass, but we’ll give you tatsu, but they gave us like a half powered srk , requiring twice the read, and rangewise or whatever you wsnt to call it(i mean theres holes where people fall thru and dont get hit!!!) its like an srk made outta swiss cheese!!!1

Thank you for replying even though I made a huge mistake and posted it here instead of FAQ section out of excitement. To somehow connect it to arcade change I’ll just say that Tatsu being able to be put out from down-back easily is much better than I thought before, if the opponents are jumping blindly.

Ono says DLC for SSF4 not approved for console, well, another bullshit from him?

it will come out just not right away imo. capcom has to have a delay on the release so the arcade owners can make their money back from buying new machines. so we will get it just not as soon as we would like. could be wrong though.

Well I think it’s like the second best in the game after ken isn’t it? Well compared to makoto i’m not sure, but gouken’s kara throw is pretty sweet, the kara backthrow is a match winner sometimes for me.

Edit: Ok well after checking a kara throw table for sfiv, I guess it isn’t that great of a kara. Behind Ken, Gen, Vega and probably Makoto (don’t really know about the new characters in ssfiv).

Yep, the tatsu either needs to hit low or his new lp palm should be quick enough to use as a wakeup tool. I’d probably be happier with an improved tatsu. That move needs help. If he doesn’t hit low with it, he should at least be able to parry attacks on the way down or through an air hadoken while he’s up there or…or…or something! It’s more vulnerable than some ultras on whiff and doesn’t do nearly as much damage as one.

Also yes, his demon flip kick needs to be an overhead.

And tell me I’m not the only one that thinks he should be able to combo a light hadoken after either his c.Mp or c.Lk. It seems like such a basic two hit combo that he’s missing. It wouldn’t even help him out that much, it just seems like he should have it.

The denjin is really cool and I love using it, but it’s just not that practical compared to the shin shoryuken. It’s hardly damaging when not charged and there is absolutely no way you could charge it in a real match. Even if it was unblockable when fully charged I don’t see it being that practical since the timing of the release would be very predictable. I’m not sure what the solution is here, but I just know the denjin needs to be improved somehow.

And finally, about the mystery HP Kongoshin. It would be pretty neat if it popped the opponent up in the air like the second hit of an EX palm and let Gouken follow up with a palm or his denjin.

I’m thinking the HP Kongoshin will be like the 3 hit button kongo is now; otherwise you could still get the unpredictable golden tatsu or kongo in the heat of battle.

For Kongo, I think the HP button are unlikely to do anything special. They are probably just going to assign it as high counter or something. I don’t see them giving Gouken new moves, and anything that make it counter differently would be pretty much a new move.

I hope they will make EX Tatsu hitting low reliably. I’m ok with Tatsu carrying huge risk, what I’m not ok with is that it can never some character when they are crouching. Even if they are wide open in counter hit mode.

Forward Palm wise. I doubt they will do anything more then combo from lp. Just that change alone is more then enough, but to be honest, I’m having problem doing 3x lp -> shoryuken with either Ryu or Ken. This is not going to be easy to adjust into…