I don’t think anything they do could convert me from Shin Sho. They’d have to nerf Shin Sho and buff Denjin for me to even consider it.
Ah I could have specified that I know for sure it’s about denjin(the characters are right there and indeed read electric blade when translated). It’s just the properties that are very puzzling(i have been way to slacking in my studies)
I would be top tier if they give it back.
Could we get a recap of what we know thus far please as factual and what remains hearsay and what remains lost in translation , regarding changes to the Godfather of Ansatsuken…amen…!
From the japanese site of the first loc test
-LP palm no longer moves forward but is faster
-Low counter to LP, High counter to MP, HP counter has an animation resembling EX but no one tested out its properties.
-far.HK is shorter reach?
-c.HK is shorter reach?
-c.MP is shorter reach?
All those normal changes were marked with Question marks so they werent quite sure.
and of course the info about the Denjin from a few posts higher(it either moves faster or charges faster, maybe both, can someone find the original link without all the missing characters?)
Agreed. I really hope this isn’t true, if so say goodbye a bunch of Gouken’s frame traps, resets, and hard knock down set ups. I’m really not liking the thought of this.
I’m saying goodbye to gouken altogether if even that is taken away.
With the reach it currently has, it’s already tough enough to dash and use cr. roundhouse after an EX Palm for the hard knock down. If the reach is shortened, that will probably not work or it will have the same timing of the cr. fp reset after EX Palm (very strict).
If I know the opponent is blocking, I frequently use lp hado frame traps, that it hits you can link it with cr. roundhouse. That is at risk as well if they’ve shortened the reach.
St. Hard Kick doesn’t go that damn far anyway, it’s already a poor mans version of Ken’s step kick and someone is thinking of nerfing it some more???
We haven’t used the new lp palm yet, but I know that if it has no forward movement, we can say good bye to cr. roundhouse > lp palm frame trapping as well.
Aside from someone who’s main intent is to make Gouken the new Dan, then there has to be some other improvements on the back end to warrant these changes. Maybe they’ve changed some of his frame data so they are trying to ensure we can’t link too much together. I don’t know.
But I do know is if he is just nerfed again for no damn reason, I’m going to be pissed. As far as the Tiers are concerned, he’s already at the bottom of the bucket… I’m starting to think someone doesn’t like Gouken at Capcom… hell, he’s only the legendary teacher of Ryu and Ken, I guess he shouldn’t be too formidable right??
Cr. RH. http://i43.tinypic.com/103wr5e.jpg - How short do they want to make the reach, it’s barely extended past his foot???
St. HK. http://i44.tinypic.com/21jzq05.jpg - The extended hit box reach IS his foot.
Cr. MP. http://i44.tinypic.com/2b36kg.jpg - The extended hit box IS his hand.
This would be complete bullshit. None of these moves aside from cr. mp, can you use to combo into and in most cases cr. mp has to be combo’d from counter hit. Those changes don’t make any sense at all.
After looking at the hitbox info again (thanks iamthatiam) I just can’t see how they could nerf it…make it so he has to hit them with his knee when he sweeps? lol
Let’s wait and get some confirmation…Just don’t see it.
This is definitely how I feel about it, it seems very odd that they would allow these as such, but especially how unsure they were in the first place and in all likelyhood, just as when we were waiting on super, no one who knows how to play him did at the loc tests and we will just, like super, have to test nuances ourselves when its in hand.
That being said conjecture is fun. I can imagine them maybe doing something to c.MP IF they suddenly allow it to combo intp LP Hadou, so they possibly might reduce the range to prevent ridiculous long c.MP LP hadou combos in the corner(c.MP XX Hadou, c.MP xx Hadou FADC rinse repeat).
c.HK being shorter I can somewhat understand as it is an incredibly Fast AND safe sweep. I love it the way it is, but I can see the thought behind the change.
s.HK, well this one has me baffled. Especially with the hitbox already being behind the toe, it’s a good move and I love karaing with it, but I don’t see the reason here. Unless an exec saw the desora trolling people with it video, then maybe I get it a bit XD
I would agree if the hitboxes shrink its at the price of combo-ability. Then he may just be vixtim to longer combos more scaling. As a trade off? I’m not sure I want that. Who knows whatever they give me…imma make ish happen
I think Gouken should get enough buffs to make him a top tier character. Place him just under how good vanilla Sagat was. He is grand master after all. With that said I think his parry should actually parry moves instead of being broken by reversals and armour breakers, for gods sake its a parry and you should be afraid of it. To balance it out a bit they can nerf the damage down to 100 and make the execution much tighter so scrubs don’t spam the move like they do with uppercuts. If they can’t give me that at-least make the EX version stuff armour-breakers and reversals. His light fireball should be able to combo off of a jab if Ryu is able to do it. (same thing with Akuma) A bit of a range nerf on c.mp is acceptable since that move has enough to go around anyway. c.lk needs to be +3 so if you land a ch from an option select, there are some semi useful options. The ability to TK his hurricane so I can get it as low as a normal one would be cool. (also taking away Cammy’s is not OK) Lastly a real uppercut for which I should not have to ask for. Everybody knows how disappointed they were when they first unlocked him and started playing him in vanilla, this is the chance to fix it.
Air parry should cancel to tatsu mid air at the cost of " 1" ex bar only. Tatsu should hit all crouching opponents esp. when linked when comboed. Kongo should recover faster, and esp when cancelled…! Make denjin a “2” bar ex move, and give us another ultra 2, just as awesome and strong as shin sho…!
They can make Denjin just as awesome and strong if they made it unblockable! fml that will never happen…
Hope I’m not too late.
He’s saying Denjin’s basic speed (no charge) to be extremely slow, and speeds up after charging.
I tried googling for the source, but it turned out to be only a request, not a change.
Exactly as I thought…all this shit could just be hearsay…good job street with the reality check for the forum here.
Haha bubble burst!
So far the recorded changes only the above mentioned, other than Denjin.
I really hope the light palm, other than link from jabs, is a good wakeup tool like srk. Give us an option other than EX flip…
I was talking about this with a friend, I think having it do grey health damage (like one of gen’s ultra’s on hit) if the opponent blocks it. That way it makes the opponent at least think about dodging it.
Sounds like a good idea, but Capcom probably would never something like that to Gouken because for some reason they hate Gouken.