We get it. No one disagrees, we all want it. Stop posting it every 7 posts in the thread.
^ I better get used to this, Grimm is relentless.
man i keep thinking about how good combo into lp palm would be against characters you want at a distance sigh
wonder if we’ll even get these “updates”
Yeah. Get used to the Internet. There are jerks everywhere.
Anyway. I think no overhead is reasonable. No command dive kick are overhead. Why would Gouken’s be different? It does chip damage, so it is a command dive kick.
But if lp -> palm become combo, (or even mp) we already got major buff here.
now, if it keep the damage and toss across the screen properties, I will be extremely happy. Anything else are just wishful thinking.
you can kara backthrow with roundhouse
I haven’t looked through this thread too much, but it’d be pretty sweet if Gouken could do close strong, low forward xx jab palm now as a plinkable bnb. currently in ssf4 jab palm is too slow.
Dive Kick does not give you chip damage, and it serves the same basic function as Akuma’s hammer fist with his mix up, but sadly for us Akuma’s hammer fist must be blocked high so it gives an advantage to his Demon Flip mix up meta-game. Aside from not wanting to be grabbed during Gouken flip, there really isn’t an incentive to make some one stop crouching and stand up during Gouken’s mix up since they removed the overhead.
I’m pretty sure Gouken’s dive kick off Gouken Fall does chip damage. Are you talking about his normal dive kick?
I would disagree. It serves the same basic function as Akuma’s dive kick.
That I can agree. Akuma’s hammer fist is so much better then Gouken’s air parry.
I know. Given Gouken’s Demon fall mix is up so much weaker then Akuma, I can understand making dive kick overhead, but I think if Dive kick become overhead, it will actually make Gouken fall much better then Demon fall overall. Considers that GF dive kick, if become an overhead. does the job of both Hammer fist and dive kick from demon fall except armor break, which, nobody would want to do anyway for fear of getting throw.
Add: As it stands now in Super. Gouken overall mix up is way worst then Akuma. He have slower walking speed. No SRK fadc, no DF hammer fist. However I think if GF dive kick become an overhead it might actually become way too good. I could be wrong, of course. And I think all of us (including capcom) agree that giving Gouken is fair. He really is one of the lowest tier character in the game at the moment.
Little known fact: Gouken actually have really good Kara throw. Probably just a little worst then Makoto.
Yeah I was talking about d+mk
The reason I say that hammer fist and Gouken’s dive kick serve the same function is b/c after untech knockdowns most of your safe jump set ups would be with Dive Kick if you were playing with Gouken and they would be with Hammer Fist if you were using Akuma. Akuma’s dive kick has a different trajectory and timing than Gouken has, I find it easier to substitute the palm for the stuff I would normally use dive kick with Gouken. Other than that, they are pretty much similar, in fact I don’t even think Akuma can safe jump Sagat using DF Dive Kick after a cr. roundhouse. Making sure Akuma doesn’t get hit should be your top priority, his dive kick can be a liability during rush down situations since the only time you can safe jump with it is after a forward throw or DF throw, Edit: Ahhahaaaa! You can also safe jump with DF Dive Kick after a Hammer fist.
Palm is really the only thing you can do after a cr. roundhouse or back chop throw with Akuma.
So I’d guess it depends on which situation you are in whether palm or dive kick would need to be used, but you must fear the hammer fist. Gouken doesn’t have that option. I’d trade air parry for Hammer Fist anyday.
i just wish 2 things
1- extend both dive kick hitbox to be a real cross up in resets …
2- japs or cr.forward combo into sweep …
Gouken’s Demon flip Dive kick was an Overhead in SFIV. Gouken was still among the lower tiers.
That’d be killer.
Wait… crouching forward? I’d rather have a chain from jabs to crouching LK to sweep.
oh sorry i meant cr strong
Anyone able to translate: "???UP???"
Google translate gives me “Gouken electric blade usability UP, slow muzzle velocity exceeding the basic speed Congratulations to reservoir”
It’s what someone said about Gouken after the 2nd location test. The machine translation makes zero sense though. Unless Gouken is getting a gun that shoots electric blades. That’d be cool.
As far as I can tell it’s something about one of his moves being too slow and it got sped up. I think it’s his super, but I’m not entirely sure.
Looking at it again it’s saying something is more useful. My Japanese is really bad, but that’s what I got.
Buffering the super would be odd since his EX moves are used so much. I forgot the last time I was able to use the super against a good player, lol.
I hope it’s the Super.
It sounds like (the Jap loketest posted above) is referencing Denjin being sped up.
Going by the japanese(why are there so many missing characters?) and the weird english I would make the guess indeed(as liqui) that its about the Denjin being faster and also the reservoir congradulations might mean you can charge it more before release. So maybe ex palm combo allows the 6 hit version. Just random guessing this.
Denjin is the only “Electric” move I know of in his set. So if it is sped up/charges faster it might actually convert me from shin sho…well maybe lol