Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

I see it as a bigger buff than you give credit for. Tatsu knocks the opponent back to full screen, allowing you to fireball zone and get the opponent into the corner. Because you can now use it more consistently due to the input changes, Gouken’s zoning ability gets that much better. People are gonna want to use it…the hitbox isn’t too bad as it is anyway.

Having it overhauled would be even better…you get that guaranteed knockback on every tatsu.

Either way, the input changes are a significant buff.

^No matter how many times I see it, Tatsu either not hitting the opponent or them falling out of it will always be #2 on my shit list. It’s just no excuse for a “special move” not to land in situations that it should, or if someone is crouching, it’s not like it’s a low tiger shot or something that causes Gouken to go over the opponents head due to forward motion, NOPE he goes straight the hell up in the air. I don’t see Zangief’s Lariat whiffing on crouchers and you only have to hit 1 button to get that damn move and Zangief is like 20 feet tall and if he knocks you down it can be a wrap. I’m just asking for something to hit to knock the opponent to the other side of the screen with little to no follow up pressure from Gouken. In fact, there stun meter actually has a very high chance to start decreasing, b/c I’m too far away to do shit.

-Tatsu has a non existent low hit box (which is absurd as hell). In the days of SSF2, the Tatsu would hit low first then it would hit high. Is that too much to ask for? Especially with the risk you take for even doing the damn move, if you guess wrong you get punished. If you guess right… well you can whiff (right now). In fact when I think of it? Where is Gouken’s high low mix up game?? GF dive kick overhead was so beastly with Vanilla, with instant grab whiff land that it wasn’t too much an issue. Now we are stuck with??? Nothing. We are able to get by, but I’d give my left nut to be able to cr. lk, cr. lk, > hado/palm/tatsu and to see it actually register as a combo without the counter hit nonsense.

#1 on my shit list!!- Missing a fucking back throw to Ultra. OMG! Edit: Back Throw in Vanilla is 20 recovery and Back Throw in Super is 23. I didn’t even bother to take a close look at this, no wonder the old timing doesn’t work. SMH.

^ I agree, brother.

What I’m puzzled about, is why Akuma has instant recovery on his special flip, but Gouken does not. Not only does he have instant recovery, but he can go directly to a swift low short and combo that for real damage.

It’s not just instant recovery on whiffed flip palms, but it does not have momentum freeze like Gouken’s air parry. Gouken’s demon flip overall, is far more limited offensively, which sucks.

I guess they were worried about something good happening, like instant recovery from the air parry into a backthrow > ultra.

If I knew they were going to weaken so many characters I would have gladly kept O.Sagat, O.Akuma, O.Ryu, O.Zangief, etc. around.

Given Gouken’s moveset, I don’t even see what justifies parry working the way it does. It honestly should have the same lack of momentum and landing recovery Akuma’s flip palm does.

It’d do nothing more than to add to his zoning game and give him an okay offensive tool.

Demon flip kick returned to an overhead > all of what is being said in this thread.

Lol, that’s vanilla SF4 !!

It also wasn’t even an overhead. Vega was using a FA, not crouching.

Not to mention, that in air-to-air situations it will knock you right down on your ass even if you are practically above Akuma. Additionally, it’s an armor-breaker, and is actually a threat even before it whiffs and a low short or an Ultra suddenly sticks out.

I do agree Akuma’s alternative to the air parry is way better. I rarely uses the parry (beside certain match up. Like El for example) since the recovery leave me wide open. You can only use that to catch them off guard maybe once every match up. I really can not understand the logic where the air parry is worst then the palm strike of Akuma, but have more recovery.

I suppose if it have no recovery like the palm strike, you can parry an upper cut and then backthrow it into ultra, which might seem over power for people who get caught off guard, but I also think trying to block Akuma’s overhead which cancel into his super is also way over powered. Just how often can you predict that?

The back-throw is 5 frames and most of the cast have 3-frame jabs or throws to defend themselves with. It’s pathetic in its current state, and downright unfair when you compare it with Akuma’s options.

I think it would be a good idea to push Gouken back a bit, after a successful parry, however. Otherwise he could freely jump in anytime, but with a push-back he takes the gray-damage, but lands safely.

Having the back throw be 5 frames actually is a slight blessing since the tech window is slightly shifted, if I’m not mistaken.

Kinda sorta true technically, but in reality most people don’t tech that quickly on the first 5 frame of a throw anyway. They usually teach about 10 frames in. Plus The backthrow have a 20 frames teching windows vs 8 frames for a normal throw. It is really hard to land against someone who knows Gouken’s match up.

I always wished his back throw worked like a normal throw

^ yeah i dont know capcoms logic about his backthrow having such a late tech. that would be a cool little buff, but then you gotta realize, what good would his forward throw be? only for positioning ONLY if you dont have ultra…lol…

Hmmm…no videos yet? Has this already taken effect in the arcades? I’m really skeptical his lp palm. Capcom are a bunch of asswads and knowing how little love they have for the master of their poster child (ryu) I wouldn’t be surprised if his new supposed “buff” ends up being another nerf. Remember when we heard of his denjin hadouken everybody flipped out cuz we all assumed it was a REAL DENJIN. Then ssf4 finally came out and we saw just how crappy the old man has gotten. I’m tellin u capcom hates gouken.
But I’m gonna try to be optimistic here and hope for the best.

I hope they change the kongo input, I’m really really really tired of whiffing kongos when I’m trying to do something else, maybe for hcb, I don’t know, but right now it gets in the middle of a lot of stuff, it really makes Gouken seem unfinished or badly designed, and it’s no srk, you whiff a kongo, you get punished most of the time.

Also, I beg for tatsu hitting low, and if lp palm would be a half decent reversal when pressured, I’m all set.

x2 post sorry

Demon flip kick returned to an overhead=rape.