beta beta beta…you know you done fucked up, right?
I can imagine it now. Terrorists delivering to the Zoo and trying to steal the bananas out of Beta’s cage.
“Despite all my rage, I am still just a Beta in a cage” --Nine Inch SWBeta, 2015
You motherfuckers :mad:
I ask your illiterate asses to post facts about the almighty king of the jungle and you post nothing but tomfoolery instead!?!?
Hope a gorilla escapes each of your local zoos and discus throws a diamond-tough turd through your front doors. Fuck y’all niggas :mad: :mad: :mad:
actual monkey cop.
<—Prophet, this guy right here.
FACT: Male gorillas are pedophiles.
FACT: Chimpanzees have micropenises by human standards, and they still laugh at gorillas.
I’m beginning to see why @SWBeta identifies with gorillas so much.
Yooo SWBeta just got called out for having a small dick and being a pedophile.
Some of my favorite facts.
-Gorillas do not like to be looked at. They only look at each other face-to-face when they’re being aggressive. Never look at the silver back’s face for this very reason!
-Gorillas main enemies are humans. Not so much from poachers, but from habitat loss caused by expanding populations.
-In addition to bananas, Gorillas eat leaves, shoots, roots, vines and other fruits.
-Gorillas, like humans, have no mating season, and mate throughout the year.
ITT: Beta holding that L. Even Matriarch came outta the wood work to roast him.
Thank you Beta, you are a top contender for thread of the year next to Jion_Wansu’s Weather thread.
@SWBeta after the preceding facts coming to light, i would rather not associate with little dick uber-aggressive mammals.
@DeeQue thank you, my man. Doing some good work posting legit facts :tup:
@Matriarch you slanderous hussy! I hope you go to sleep tonight and have a lucid dream of being grandslammed by a white cis-male scumbag and you thoroughly ENJOY it.
motherfatherfucker :mad: :mad:
He has no business with you if you aren’t learning your multiplication tables.
Sitting here mad as fuck that @preppy has banned the use of the spam flag button.
Far as I’m concerned, all y’all nignogs except DeeQue spamming up my thread :mad:
On a completely unrelated topic, was your sexual awakening triggered by Optimus Primal?
Have you always been attracted to animals?