Golden Token Thread

Lol. Yea i cant make it to the tournament this friday. Going to Vegas. But if you make a tournament like next week (Week of Christmas) or the week after, maybe i’ll be able to go.

Issac: wanna get some games in on tuesday at GT?

What time? At night I can’t cuz I have my meeting.

Or maybe tommorow night if you don’t have a meeting

Call me up then to see whats up.


im free today…monday…who wants to play some games?..holla to let me know…and marry x mas to you all…my present to you all is a whuppin from team wunderland…theres enough to go around i promise hehe…lates.

btw chris wheres your car?! we need to play some marvel soon…

Ill be there today around six. peace


oops :eek:

Golden token anyone?:confused:

Tonight? when? tomorrow its x-mas so it will prob be closed…but tonight is good too lol…im not doin nothin. when do they close? its like 9 30 now

Golden Token will be open on Christmas. I saw the sign they put above the change machine. “Golden Token Open Christmas Day 5:00 a.m to 3:00 a.m” :stuck_out_tongue: Nah It will be open though.

anyone wanna go tonight? lol.

anybody want to get some games in this friday night at GT??

I might go tonight.

iam go to mission for after christmas sale til like 8… then go nickel saturday cause i think they got sticks in

Hey Rob what are you doing?! Get over here

you bastards…:mad:

You were at work…:frowning: Sorry:depress::stuck_out_tongue: Were still playing marvel right now.:evil: