Just wanted to say that I’m back from my vacation time so if anyone is up for some matches let me know. How about this Wednesday at GT, anyone? Well post and let me know what is up with everyone. Well talk to you all later.
Just wanted to say that I’m back from my vacation time so if anyone is up for some matches let me know. How about this Wednesday at GT, anyone? Well post and let me know what is up with everyone. Well talk to you all later.
wesnday sounds good
hey rob
any chance for a tourney friday?
lets just have a tourney after the new year!!
Something came up for this Wednesday for me man…I’m not gonna be able to make it. I have to worked that day late…yea I know it’s kinda messed up…but I have no choice. I guess I will just meet you guys up for the after new years tourney. Is it this gonna be this Friday Rob? Well reply back let us all know what time you expect to start the tourney. Alright later.
so whats going on tonight
nickel has 360s in both machines so we will be throwing a tourney tomorrow for sure. just wanted to let you know peace.
yea… all you people that hasnt been going cause of shitty sticks better go
i might go tonight with robskillz…sry i havent been going…work has been in the way…6 days of work with 1 day off…never the last 3 days of the week i ever get off…which is fri, sat, and sun…so ive been out of the tourny scene…pretty gay.:bluu:
jaime…hit me up
when is the next tourny? I wanna play against everybody…
ditto…lets get together soon.
This Friday
Sorry for not calling you up on Friday man…I ended up going home anyways at the last moment. I played at Family Fun mostly the weekend…this Friday sounds like a plan. What about Wednesday? Lets have another casual day of play at GT…let me know what you all think about that. Alright well I will call you up if you don’t get this message. Alright talk to you later.
sounds goo
Lets get some casual play in on wesnday at 6pm
…Who is down?..
sounds goo… again
Im goin. I’ll play marvel!:eek:
I’m down Rob…I’m going to need a ride from Mission as usual :)…so I’ll be there around 5 pm on Wednesday. I will give you a call to talk to you more about it…alright well see everyone on Wednesday then. Later.
hey yo yo check it …maybee this febuary or april ill be there TO show whats UP :lol: naw JK but yeh umm so is the MvsC2 machine workign NOW?
Peese~ ge