Golden Token Thread

Hiron Man:lol: :lol: Zero that’s too good. Hey you going on Saturday? I might since I can’t go tommorrow.:bluu:

yall dun forgot bout the nigga chris…

anywhoooo…i been out the scene lately. and im start getting back into it. next week or so i should be getting my car back. i just gotta stop with the arguing with my moms (got too much self respect yanno?).

after that. riceboy in full effect. ill prolly have to brush up on my skills at Ernie’s house, then ill hit yall up at Golden Token.

fuckin rob. its jowie or joey however you wanna look at it. randy’s homeboy. :lol:

Sup Jowie…Never would have guessed you!!!

Izzy…Hit up today and let me know if you need a ride or not?

Jaime…Cal l me if you need a ride


ill be there around 5

hey isac i’m down to go on sat, it looks like i might not make it tonight, it’s my homeboy memos last week here and we are gonna do some shit, i’ll try and make it, rob i will call you up to let you know.

chris is a distant memory, all i see is an angry face.:lol:

Saturday it is then, Zero!:smiley: By the way KUSH is going at 5 to GT. :stuck_out_tongue:

12-12-03 Golden Token results


  1. Tong ho (genghis)
  2. Robert Gomez (Robskilz)
  3. Fernando Silva (DVS)
  4. Kush
  5. Jaime Deleon (Nocturnal)
  6. John stienback
  7. Jowie (pinoy619)
  8. Tommy Woodland


  1. Tong ho (Genghis)
  2. Coy Herrera
  3. Tommy Woodland
  4. Fernando silva ( dvs)
  5. Miguel
  6. Robert Gomez (Robskilz)
  7. Jaime deleon (Nocturnal)
  8. Tony Q

Highlights: Fernando went pretty far in both games.

Coy had an impressive vega and won the winners bracket.

Zero I’m not gonna make it today. I got stuff to take care of. We’ll do something during the week. Call me foo.

good game everybody…I didnt do as good as last week:( I will do better next time…and coy’s vega is dam good!!!

The stars must’ve been aligned for me to take winner’s bracket. Guess I’ll keep practicing Vega until I can RC claws and wall dives then I can upgrade to a true hit & run Vega.

Like I said in the Nickel thread, I ain’t gonna be here for a few weeks. Gotta spend time in the Bay with my peoples. Enjoy the holidays and shit like that.


Coy You finally posted!!:eek: For reals though Rob and I went to Nickel and they had 360’s but on the wrong game!! Well if you like Cvs2 it’s the right game.:bluu:

i dominated jew… :lol: :lol:

i beat you once, kevin i will enact my revenge sometime in january cuz i’m going home for christmas.
but i can out drift you.

isac i will call you and rob tommorow.

Once again my late post…I had a good time at this last tourney…I finally did a bit better at marvel this time I guess. I was really shooting for doing a lot better on CvsS2. Also there wasn’t as many people as last time but it’s alright…everyone still had a good time. Well my vacation starts today guys so I wont be around for a while 2 weeks…I will be a playing a Family Fun mostly for those 2 weeks. I already talked to Rob about my Christmas vacation time…well I hope that the tourneys continue while I’m gone. Well good luck to everyone in these coming tourneys. Alright later all.


When Are The Tournaments (Date, Time)?

Ray, the tourneys are on Friday at 7 or 7:30 whatever time Rob gets there. Try to go so there are more peeps and pickup Kevin along the way if you can.

This friday 12-19-03 at 730-8pm

well tommorow will be my last day to play until january.

hiron man will make his appearance.

Since everyone is going out of town or just can’t go we will not have a tourney untill January 9th.

Happy Holidays people!!!