Hey nesto I charge cheap 5.00 a mile.:o Just in case you didn’t check your “room of doom” thread hook me up with Garou Mark of the Wolves, last Blade and Kof 2000 and 2001 for the DC. Appreciate it bud.
PS. I also need an X-box, gamecube and a gameboy sp. :p:o
Also I forgot to mention in my last post… if you guys would like any of these tournaments APEX’d just let me know and I can put the results up if need be.
sodasic, I just read your PM that you sent about a month ago lol. If you still need me to put up results if you throw tournies at Chula let me know.
Also, GTA(Golden Token Amusement) should be up as an APEX location soon.
I’m getting a ride from Sodasic…I’ll probably bump into Izzy at Mission anyways. What time you planning to pick Izzy up? Sodasic said he’d pick me up around 6 pm or so between the Outback and Target area. I’f you don’t get this message I’ll just call up to let you know.
I tried calling you yesterday but you didn’t pick up your call…I’m gonna call you up again today to let you know the plan.
Everything is still going to plan so same area for me to get picked up at. If anyting does happen I will call you up to let you know what is up.
Alright can't wait till tonight...see you all at GT. Later.
Hey Jaime Go ahead and catch a ride with Rob and Izzy since there are going to be there. I’m coming from El Cajon so it’s easier and doesn’t make sense to make a trip when the guys are already there. I’ll pickup you next time when you don’t have a ride. Thanks bro and I’ll see you guys tonight.
robs comin too? o0o0o0 shiet. sodasic ima head out to see my girl so like 3 hours or so…ill either call you from my house or from gamestop around the 4, 4:30 pm time to see whats up.
btw i got 15 $…thats enough for a good time a G token right? they got food? or allow food inside?
i went to golden token late at night. like 15 minutes till close and no one was there so i ended up just laying a smack down on the computer which is never fun. i still have 7 tokens left. tourney friday eh? what time will this be? i wanna give some people free wins.
i havent been to golden token for a while and i like the way they have their cabinets setup now. i suggested that to one of the managers a while back and i guess he took me up on that suggestion. GJ phu.
Last night was a good night…I had a good time with everyone…Tommy is pretty dam good at CvsS2. Rob you had some pretty good streaks going last night. Issac got me in Martial Masters TWICE :). Well I will see everyone at this Fridays tourney…can’t wait till then as usual.
I’m gonna be at Mission again at around 5 pm…since you said you wanted to get GT earlier. Alright well if anything changes I will call you up. Later.
*Originally posted by pinoy6i9 *
**i went to golden token late at night. like 15 minutes till close and no one was there so i ended up just laying a smack down on the computer which is never fun. i still have 7 tokens left. tourney friday eh? what time will this be? i wanna give some people free wins.
i havent been to golden token for a while and i like the way they have their cabinets setup now. i suggested that to one of the managers a while back and i guess he took me up on that suggestion. GJ phu. **[/Q
What games do u play?. I got Nam to make the cabinets simese!
Good games fellas. Rob working his usual Golden Token magic. Afterwards we went to Netos’ house where I took out Miguel and Neto. :evil: Ferni I am probably going to Gt but late like around 9:00 cuz I have my meeting to go to. Call me though to see whats up. Awesome art work Jaime. That was impressive.:eek:
:lol: rob went soo mighty on izzy last night with mag going into infinite xx snapback into infinite again :lol: good shit
i had alot of fun, lets go again sometime soon. hope you guys have fun at the tourny. im working that night again. btw isaac ima fix up my room good with the following paychecks after christmas bro. mini fridge, mini microwave, fill em up with drinks and munchies, a entertainment center for my tv and surround sound on my walls. itll be the shit. o and a ps2 will be on the way with more fighting games and such. we should get together for some 4-8 player mario kart at my pad when i get it, that game is mad fun.
yeaaah boooy!! hey neto thanks for hooking it up with the games. I’ll try to make it to the tourney on friday but probably not. Tommy said that they got badass controllers over at nickel so we’ll see what’s up on Sat. neto let me know when you want to play again. We can play at my pad next time. I got an okay setup.:depress: