Call me foo to see what’s up on wednesday oh and uh… neto is pretty gay. :lol: :lol: just messing with ya dios-x
ill make sure to own you girls down at g.token on wednesday, itll be my 1st day off in a week sheesh. my paycheck better be worth it next friday, if that shit isnt at LEAST 400 $ fuck this ima quit the week after christmas and find a better job, shit just aint worth it…12 days work for less than 400$? fuck that
its prolly not gonna be 400 considering your pay. but if you put in alot of ot and worked a shit load more 40 hrs than you might get it.but remember taxes foo…unless you are single, pay rent, have a kid, or a “dependant”(a person that depends on you financialy, like a kid) then the government takes about 30%.
going to gt
calm down isac it isnt even wednesday yet.
neto dont quit your job, not all are cake and high pay, you have to work your way up.
Oh and you are going to own the corn in my shit.:o
your going to cry wednesday…
Hello All-
My kinda late response to last Fridays tourney…I had a pretty good time even though I didn’t do as good as I hoped. Next Friday will be different for me…especially on CvsS2…can’t wait till then. Hey Isrial what time you guys planning on going on Wednesday? Cause I’m down to go myself so I can show you guys that new stuff I sort of found out about. I’m gonna need a ride though from somebody, if I could get a ride from somebody that’s going on Wednesday.
I have gas money so if anybody is willing to pick me up at Mission that would be great. I'll be at Mission on Wednesday at around 5 pm. Since I work until 4 pm so that way afterwards I can catch a taxi over to Mission directly. Zero or Sodasic reply if any of you guys can pick me up that day. Alright well hopefully I will see you guys on Wednesday for some casual play. Later.
Isrial I’ll more than likely give you a call later today to find out if you can give me a ride. Sodasic you got a cell I can call you at? Alright late.
I’m calm. :evil: :evil: Nocturnal I’ll pm you my cell #
How late is G.token open? i wanna go like at 5 or 6 pm if possible.
plus what games are there besides fighters? time crises 3 and house of the dead 3 are dope.
They have a lot of decent games…I believe if you look back like on the first page post Zero posted what games are there.
I’ll give you a call later today to see what the plan is gonna be for tomorrow.
I’ll give you a call as well.
Golden Token closes at 11 p.m. usually. Most of the kids that go there play DDR/Initial D. And there are a LOT of lil kids. O_O!?
Wow you didn’t spam the thread with your usual advertisement for the SD Fight Club. Jaime, Neto call me to see what’s up for tommorrow. Ferni see if you can go tommorrow. Late
“Golden Token closes at 11 p.m. usually. Most of the kids that go there play DDR/Initial D. And there are a LOT of lil kids. O_O!?”
Most of us go there when there are
TOURNAMENTS , so whether there are little kids or not who cares, we go there to play one another and to have fun, and last time I checked I remember Rob saying how the owners were cool enough to where they would keep the place open if the tournies went on later than normally planned.
Yeah guy mad props to ya for posting w/o an advertisement :lol:
thats good though, all the little kids. Why? Well i can kick their asses:D …j/k
i do not condone the kicking of little kids asses.
yeah i’ll call you after i get off of class isac and i will call you to rob.
I wish that waitress wasnt married. oh well.
:lame: :lame:
:mad: :mad:
all i said was tomgirls:confused:
whats lame with that:lol: :lol:
neto is going to eat my shit tommorow
Izzy…If you need me to give you a ride from mission…let me know
I can also pick up jaime from mission.
Let me know???
yes i do, what time?
i will call you tommorow, i’ll call you right now k.
Hey Rob that’s cool bro. That way I’ll pickup Nesto if he needs the ride which he will.:lol: So we’ll see ya fellas tommorrow.
PS. Nocturnal Don’t forget your artwork. I’ll take mine. Late
ima see my girl tomorrow and prob leave around 4…by 4 30 ill be at gamestop…ill call you then isaac.