Golden Token Thread

shit…have fun for me guys…i gotta work til 11 30 tonight :frowning:

ALright man I’ll be there around 5 pm so if you decide to come by earlier that’s cool. Alright I’ll see you and Zero at Mission then can’t wait for the tourney. Later.


Also if you need gas money and I can hook it up as well :).

what time you guys gonna get there?
i might show up at around 6-6:30

Isac will already be there, i think he will be the first one there.

Joe yeah i’ll call you up tonight.

me rob and jaime should get there around 7:30-8:00

but i’m going to try and borrow my homeboys truck and go a bit earlier.:cool:

I’ll be there around 4:00:o :stuck_out_tongue:

good games to all today…for those who dont know me…i was the guy with the gray sweater and superman hat…

Isaac…you mentioned a good idea…:smiley:

                            TEAM MINI-VAN!!!!!!!

WOW i didnt know there where such skilled people at cvs2 man im so happy all my skillz wont deteriorate into nothing now :cool: well n e way i was the guy that show up out of nowhere and was kickin ass until that one guy kick my ass in the finals (man he was roll canceling his shyt why wasnt n e body telling me fucked with my head real bad) well nice to c that people r still keeping up the old school. ill b lookin forward sparing with san diegos best in cvs2 for now one heh red and black 4 life:lol:

yeah today was tight as hell, i’m hella down for next week. Rob mentioned that the owner is going to put a second mvc2 in. I think we can get more people to go up there if i can recruit some heads from mission.

I suck at cvs2, but i will start playing even more now.

what a liar:o

Golden token is gonna shape up to be the shit. Not the creamy nasty shit but the good shit.:smiley:

We’re stilling having nickel tournaments tomorrow and every saturday.

Come get your revenge.

Part Deux.

Fun filled weekends every week.

P.S. Rumor has it that there are new 360 sticks at Nickel… this should be good.

damn tong you are money hungry:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
tell me if the rumors are true, i cant get revenge on you, you are to good, you are my hero.:bluu:

if the rumors are true i’ll go there too.
What is Chris’s post name?

and w.i.t.f. is Kush

Golden Token Results 12-5-03


  1. Tong Ho
  2. Robert Gomez (Robskilz)
    3.Richard Alexander (mad_jackel)
  3. Israel Rodriguz (Zero_proton)
  4. Isac Castro (Sodasic)


  1. Tong ho
  2. Michael Duckworth
  3. Israel Rodriguez (zero_proton)
  4. Tony Q (Gameadvisor)
  5. Randy Abuan


This was Golden Tokens Amusement’s first tourney for fighting games.

MVC2: Israel had the most impressive doom of the tourney!

CVS2: Michael had a really good Bison

Tong: is to good

proto not proton


lucky i was working i woulda whupped all you youngins tonight. PROTON lol :lol: my doom > yours. :o

i got wednesday off…a day where nothing happens :frowning:

Hey bro you were pretty good with your geese “Double Reppuken!!!” Next week let’s do it again! Good job Zero Proton:p
Where the hell was KUSH?

You’re gay:p:lol:

hey isac tell this silly boy nesto that his doom has no chance against mines, youve witnessed the doom the friday. tell him.

oh and isac you are gay not me, i mean c’mon the way you were wearing that beany on friday looked extremely gay.:o j/k----------------------------------|
you are gay ==========D:o <----------isac

ive never seen your doom in action so i cant say, but isaac knows…that if you havent seen them in action Team “Wunderland” will rock your ass around! beware! :evil:

Im off on wednesday…who wants to get together for some games…

You got me israel. How can I compare to your manliness when you are wearing a tank top when it’s 50 degrees outside.:stuck_out_tongue: Talk about a fruit loop. :lol: j/k Wednesday let’s go to GT with Neto so you guys can finish this once and for all.:smiley:

well sorry i cant help it if i’m sexy in a wifebeater and you somehow are attracted to me, sorry i’m not gay. I’m just trying to attract all the cute 16 year old girls.:o errrrrrr I mean 18 year old and above.:smiley:

you really want to go on wednesday, i’m down. Lets see whats up. I got a goal now, and i am going to put it into action around december 15 or 16th. If it works as planned i will let you know.

Isac i’m just kidding bro i know your not gay, we all know that it’s nesto.:stuck_out_tongue: