Golden Token Thread

the tournament was at Family Fun Arcade (FFA) which is in Granada Hills, Regency Fun Center is in Lakewood, CA. About 45 min to 75 min away from each other.

does anyone know if regency or ffa is going to have a cvs2 tourney anytime soon? is there gonna be cvs2 tourneys anywhere? im pretty down to go play. to play some good comp.

p91- You can check their threads I think FFA might have one this month…not really sure which Sunday it’s gonna be at. I think Regency has them every Fri. or Sat., well I guess you can check for yourself.

Well how about we get another get together tomorrow for GT, how about it guys? If anyone else has any other places we can get some casual play going please post what you guys have in mind. I'm even down to go to Nickel if enough people plan on showing up to it. Well Rob, Izzy, Issac, Tony, Tommy, p91, anyone post up what you guys think. Later.


Where the krew goes, I shall follow.

also from where we’re at it should only take an hour an 45 mins to get to regency.

well it takes me an hour and a half to get to my dad’s house in Cerritos. And then 10 mins from there to Regency.

im down for some GT casual if alottta people will go. nickel city is pretty far from my pad cuz i live in the hoood but im down to go there if everyone wanna go there. how about the krew goes to gt 730 issh? is that alright with everyone? im guessin nobody works tomorrow and imma prolly head over there after i get home from schoool. anyway if people wanna go to nickel city im downnna thanna mottha fuckaa.

Let’s try to go to Nickel. That way people aren’t standing around waiting for their turn to play MvC2. For the Cvs folk, well all 4 of you:p it’s one machine but it’s all good with the 360’s.

oh wait! im getting a new car tomorrrow i dont know if ill make it gaa damn.

I’d like to go to regency but damn…one hour and a 45 you say…I hate driving far. But like I said earlier, I’ll follow anywhere.

Alright so is it going to be at Nickel or GT? So far Issac voted for Nickel, Tony is down for it, I’m down for it. There majority will rule…post your votes. Later.


nickel city it is…what time is everyone gonna go? hopefully ill get to stroll over there in my neww riiidddee woooot. ;]

I need a ride to get there since I don’t have a car…I’ll have to call up some people to see if they are going or not. So as of right now I don’t if I’ll be able to go…unless I get a ride from someone. Alright well hopefully I’ll see people there tonight. Later.


I won’t be able to make it today…Got some shit to do…But lets all get together friday since this is noctural’s last week in SD…NO MORE…N.A.V.Y…

Ahh come on Robskilz!!

going to nickel around 7:00

i’ll be going i guess, rob better go, oh and jaime give me a kizzzal (call) sad i know.

hahaha looks like RoD instead of nickel…i didn’t get my car till like 900 and dammmn its all goood!!

hahaha looks like RoD instead of nickel…i didn’t get my car till like 900 and dammmn its all goood!!

any of you heads goin to nickle tonite…richard and i will be there…ill get tommy to go and some other peeps