Golden Token Thread

what time you guys going ?

someone post whenever u wanna go if ur goin or not

i dont get off till 7 now…so i can get there at 730… post up

Izzy,Isac,jaime and Ernesto…Who going to nickel?

…Hit me up if anyone neeeds a ride…

i can make it to nickel tonight after i get my new car blessed. so prolly around 7 ill be durrr.

yea ill be there…so beware…or juss let me grab ur butt

I’ll go today.

I will be there at 7:30 then…maybe ill bring some people


haha mikeeboi wasn’t kidding about the butt grabbing. :confused:

yeo iam coming down there liek thanksgiving day :stuck_out_tongue: or christamas and stuff

hope MvsC2 is up with POWER again HAHA last time i was there…the lady couldn’t get the machines working well the snk2 and MvsC2 and what ever else is by it

Yeh YEH so pAyce-Mach uNs


I just recently went to GT and the owner informed me that he went to nickle city to ask the managers where they got the 360 sticks. GT now has 360 sticks on MVC2 and CVS2. Tony…you can now do a shoryuken on the farside with ease… I guy named arron played it today and said it was working good. I sugest that people take a look to decide if there good enough to hold tournaments again. I think there tournament worthy…

lets go friday night…or tuesday night…

Alright!!! Ima go check it out tommorow!

Tonys Avatar is going Crazy ! Cant block ! :eek:

No need to block i’ll just defend it … ha ha ha …zaki will kill all who oppose him with “new 360 sticks at gta” but me and tony will be the judges of those sticks… then we will go to evo and i will then have to beat him for the prize money!!!" …then i will kick him just like that little jawa in hidalgo- theee dee dee !!!

haha that jawa at plaza bonita was plotting something vicious haha, she had red eyes and was ready to lunge at something.:eek:

i just got off work now…at the lan pc center in the mall…should be home around 3 30 or so…so whats going on tonight, let me know.

three-sixties:eek: ill check it friday night, but everyone go to nickel city saturday night woo0t wooo0t

Golden Token does now have perfect 360 degree controls. I went to try the cvs2 machine with tom and they work perfect! No mistakes and I can now do uppercuts!!! We should have a tourney on friday!!! Mvc2 also has 360’s now too.

say we do start having tourneys there… is it possible to have them set the machine to free play for the tourney? or at least 1 coin per game.