Fuck mission!
everyone come to gt tonight so you can get fucked up. and rob and izzy and me and isaac got to have a ddr showdown.
looks like me rob and izzy will be goin to mission for tonight…
I wish i could but at the moment i am incapacitated.:wasted:
Poor Isac…“Isac” holds his hand on jaw…
hope you get better for the outback!!
Ya damn right!:evil:
YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO GET POUNDED AT CVS2 TONIGHT!:mad: haha ill be there from like 7 till whenever
What team were you using on wednesday?
I was using guile honda blanka on n groove. what was your team?
haha i saw that shit, honda was dope.
I really don’t remember who I was using but I was the guy with the dickies jacket and using n-groove sagat. I played 2-3 times against you.
yupp so whens the next cvs2 meet up :lol:
I’m gonna be down there, either the 19th or 20th. My friend’s gonna go own the high scores on IIDX and i’ll be down for some cvs2. Any chance of a tournament in one of those days?
damn 19th and 20th thats like more than 2 weeks from now, by that time i wont remember hahaha im talkin like… anyway wanna play today or tomorrow hahahaha.
im making joysticks for ps2. :eek:
I’m home for this weekend…and I also have about 1 week left in the Navy. Which meams I have about another week in San Diego for a while…since I’m heading back home up in Los Angeles. Well I hope that we can set up another meet at GT or maybe even mission if ebough people are down to go. I’m down to just go play at someone’s house that has arcade style sticks that we can use.
Even if it's just regular controlers I would play either way...but I would prefer arcade style sticks instead. So how about anyone down this Wednesday or anytime this week for some casual play? Maybe we should try getting a tourney this up coming weekend at Nickel or even head up over to Regency or anywhere else. I figure we should start expanding towards other tournies so we can all get a lot better at the games we play.
I'm always down play new people in great matches especially Marvel...but I don't mind playing other games competively as well. Well everyone post what you guys think about the idea I got going for now. If not that's cool we can still stick arond SD and play agaisn't each other as well. Well see you guys around. Later.
Jaime Deleon
how do we setup a tourney at nickel city or gta?
good idea jaime. i need to get into cvs2. It looks like there is almost more comp in cvs than in marvel now.
cvs2 > mvc2
Damn Right!!!
so did any of you guys go to that tourney at regency last saturday? i think im planning to go to the next one. but damn granada hills is fcukin far.