Golden Token Thread

golden token sticks are wack your gonna waste your time and money

no, the cvs2 cabinet have 4-way stick and the mvc2 cabinets also have 4-way sticks.

when are the gt sticks comin in? no one goes there as of late so how are we gonna know? ;-;

I will check out the sticks tonight at 8pm…Tony u going???

After suggesting to go…I can’t now…I got some issues that came up…but definitly friday.

anything at all going on tonight?

aight tony…casual play tonight at GT …Me, Jaime, Isac, maybe Izzy…If the sticks suck, then we can head to mission…

can someone hook me up with a ride

nm, ima stay home

would anybody consider going back to gamelords?

i think it might be a better deal than Golden Token. Especially since it’s console, and some of you are getting back into Halo and Smash Bros.

thats true…plus heres an idea…people complain about sticks not working and whatnot…gameadvisor and nerenetwah have arcade sticks…holy crap… 2…TWO arcade sticks! one american one jap…the whole controller thing is solved…there wouldnt be any bs reason why a move didnt come out…plus its nice and roomy in there…i thought it was cool…ppl should give it another chance…i would.

GT sticks are better than before…but still not tournament worthy…Izzy…Hit me up

Gamelords isn’t a bad Idea but it smells like the men’s locker room in there and they use wide screen tv which makes games look like shit. then theres people who randomly come up and play and want to use your stick…which I don’t really have a problem with but theres those fuckers who get mad when they lose and slam buttons or sticks. then…other then me and chris…no one else plays cvs2 or third strike…so that leaves me in the loner section. Miguel hates gamelords.

I’ll stain my hands with your blood…:lol:

whos willing to give it a shot this week? theres a good amount of cvs2 players ( more than marvel ) and me and chris also play 3rd strike…i think some nickel heads do too…im willing to go if others will…too bad nothing can fix the smelly part ;-;

yeah but you suck at cvs2 and 3s…

you farkin filthy liar, every time you hear my elenas theme song " beasting my hair " you cower in Fear.

in cvs2, when my a groove nakoruru calls you out, ya shit ur pants! look out foo cuz dios x is gonna tear you a new one rookie.

whaaaaaaaaat as sagat would say (try again kid) ah ha ha ha …

I’ll genie-jin you to death and roll cancel your face…

I’ll stain my hands with your blood…

If Dios refuses…I’ll accept the genei jin challenge.

And I plan on getting back my DC next Friday.(btw Rob im heading up to Long Beach next Friday). And I’ma practice CvS2. Cause I sure as hell don’t know what I’m doing, except ghetto shoto tactics.


I’m also hella considering Fight Club tomorrow night.

i accept game-chumps challenge :cool:

ill go if you go chris.