Well fellas I’m off tommorow too. I might or might not be able to do somethin’ tommorow…but I’ll post if I can. As for gamelords…if theres no Gt tourny tommorow…I’ll go to gamelords too if you guys want.
Oh and about the Genie-jin…I’ll murder you…oh…wait…chris…?
I’m sorry massa!!! I won’t do it again…I swea’…
Jaime and I will go to gamelords tonight…If you still wanna go tony…I talked to the owner at Gt and he said that u can’t put 360’s in those cabinets…So I guess we have to make the best of it. CVS2 is working alright…Mike said that it was still kinda shakie…But I could do uppercuts again on CVS2. Marvel is better than it was two weeks ago…But not good enough for a tourney…You still can’t do a DHC on one side and the other side does not super jump sometimes.
for cvs2 sdsu has 8-way (usually just 7-way cuz this albino dude just blames the controller for his loses) operation joysticks. but yea fridays at school theres usually freee plaaayyyyy around noon woooot.
just got a call from my boss…i work tuesday 10am to 9 pm and friday 10am to 5 pm…so i got wednesday and thurday off…ill go…if i get my paycheck cashed in time…cuz as of now im broke as a joke ;-;
I’m down for some GT Wednesday…I’ll call Rob up to see if he’s down to go or not. I’ll call Izzy and Issac as well to see if they have anything going on that day. If we can’t play Marvel at least we can still play CvS2. Alright talk to everyone later.