Golden Token Thread

GT Tourney this friday at 6:30-7pm

Blah I guess i’ll go to GT and own it up!!! Its been to damn long:lol:


You guys are going to get FUCKED UP!!!11…:mad:

:slight_smile: ?

and indeed team wunderland tore shit up :evil: too bad not many people showed up. :sigh: maybe next week then.

All the stick need repair on the mvc machines along with some new buttons…that way you can all stop complaining and I can attemp to do uppercuts in cvs2…


One note…try playing on some real sticks before thinkin that.

Second, if it tore it up that bad then why did i go on the side u were on and ocv all you foos like almost every other game.

third dont be taunting me or tommy then turn us down when we challenge you for money. I dont really knoe you but that aint a good first impression. PLus you prolly think I didnt see you guys or hear you guys laughing when u grabbed me with geif’ or busted some other lame ass combo.

Just to let you knoe if you think your up to my par try again…ask anyone at nickel on these threads or at GT whos better. If you wanna start this taunting shit or laughing shit do it…but with money backed up.

PLay on nickel sticks then brag…since we do it all the time… but we dont taunt ppl we barely knoe…expecially on fucked up sticks then not put your money where your mouth is regardless if u had the cash or not.

clam down man. 1st of all i dont know why your wanting to play me for money in the first place. i only play for money at tournys because i play for the fun of it. i know im not going to win so i dont care. 2nd of all i was laughin and stuff when playing over there cuz i was having a good time. regardless of winning or losing. i have fun when playing games. i know it sounds crazy but its just what i do. that gief shit was funny. regardless of who saw it it was funny. i would be laughing too if it happened to me.

and please dont remind me about the sticks at gt i know they are shit. everyone who plays marvel in san diego knows it. but we play em anyways just for casual. nothing wrong with that.

i dont like to brag about skills this or skills that. its just friendly trash talk among friends that i do but if it offens you that much then ill be sure not to insult you again seeing as thats what i did. ignore me from now on if im that much of an ass. sorry.

its not that…its the fact of dont taunt or point fingers and laugh at someone thats getting a combo on them…

those laughs werent out of having a good time so dont mask it in that. neways…now u knoe its not just me its other ppl too. Even the ppl at my apt said if neone taunted them theyd rush u so hard that u wouldnt wanna play mvc2 again. Just to let you knoe Tong is one of my 4 roommates…so its either one of us…just hope it isnt him, he might just play u first round ever tourney from now on.

thats fine if he plays me first, like i said i play for fun not to win. and we at gt are usually like that with each other cuz were cool with it. its friendly trash talk among friends. but once again if we are being SERIOUS about something like marvel then ill refrain from any taunting or messing around in a way to offend the nickel people. oh and was laughing at the gief stuff and other stuff i was doing and i maybe point at the screen but i wouldnt be pointing at you or anything. thats plain rude.




Just wanted to drop a line letting everyone know that I’m back from the boat det that I had with the Navy. I will be once again stopping by GT all the time. Alright I will call you up Rob, Izzy and Issac…see you guys soon. Later.


welcome back noctural…Your almost done…With…

we should all go on wednesday in honor of nocturnals return!:smiley:

That sounds like a plan :)…lets do it this Wednesday then…I’m down as I always am. Yea I’m almoat done with the Navy…but that wont stop me from playing wit you guys still. I’ll call you up today to see if I can get a ride from you Rob or if Izzy can. Alright talk to you guys later.


No casual for me this wesnday…Gotta work…

No tourney this Friday at Gt …Working like 13 hours…:frowning: :frowning:

More than likely I will be going to this Saturdays tourney at Nickle…I’ll call you up Rob if anything comes up for this Saturday. Later.


bunch of nickel heads are goin to nickel if you guys wanna casual tonite around 6 or 7

hello, im going to be going to sandiego this saturday, and i was just wondering if your siemese cabinet had sanwa joysticks in them, ive always wanted to try some of those. thanks