Golden Token Thread

yes i want a cookie…give me 1 :slight_smile:
anyway my boss called and asked me if i can work friday morning from 10 am to 4 pm since everyone bailed out on her at the last minute lol so ill be filling in. should be back home around 5.

Tourney tommorow. Hopefully it won’t be as small as last weeks and the results will get posted. Btw here’s a couple of random clips.



That was so RANDOM!

Yes it was.:wink:

im back home…whats goin on tonight…tourny? what time

i got a ride from gameadvis0r , see you there…ima talk all you’s $…i hope ;-;

so what happened tonight?

Rob i’ll call you tommorow to see whats up.

Sorry about not going today, but you know whats up.:smiley:

dios gets 4th place? yay :slight_smile:

I can’t believe I lost to fenando! That was SO RANDOM!!! Anyways…good games to everyone…we had a new player for cvs2 that was pretty good…and the cvs 2 machines got new sticks but they are not perfect 360’s…they’re four-way switches!!! They work but you struggle to uppercut…anyways…Rob, post the result and don’t block my view anymore:mad: …jk:D

I will not be goin to Golden Token today.


where are the results rob? Is it still broken?

So are we all goin to gt tommorow?

I won’t be able to make it tommorow…

well when then???

oh and i was looking for plane tickets and the cheapest i saw was 208, k rob. I wont be able to do anything until next week.or the one after that because i’m going to have to get situated at my ship.

take me with u ! ;-;

what about tourny friday? <---- this is wierd.

anywho i got my paycheck so im down for friday. let me know

Izzy…Hit me up when u get things settled at the base…

Buy the tickets at $208…I will request the days off this friday.