Golden Token Thread

GT today

im down. gameadvisor ill call you.

everyone better go nickel tomrrow…

today was aight, i got pissed like crazy today but it’s just cuz i had so much on my mind:bluu: .

Well i just need to get good at the arcade and i’ll be ok.

ditto.:bluu: i CANNOT play while sitting down ARG.:mad: i need to play at nickle more often…anywho if i got no plans tomorrow ill hit up rob to see if i can go to nickle or not. ROB buy viewtiful Joe! i know u liked it :cool: plus F-Zero for gamecube is a tight racing game, check it out.

i guess ill try to make it but only if a lot of ppl go…last time i went it was gayseyU808

Where are the results rob?

rob said that the shit keeps messin up and does not let him post the results.

well that sucks…:frowning:

whhaaaaaaaa …no results well it looks like tom is now the winner yes i’d like to thank everybody that supported me through all the hard times and for gameadvisor for swizzling my you know what…so yeah um well it um looks like i came in first and well um everybody else came in last…

Tom…we both know that you were destroyed by me…the gameadvisor…and the only thing that got swizzled was sagat’s fierce in your zaki’s mouth:D

Damn It!!!I just wanted to post results…And Camelot screwed up the pac south apex system…
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Is anybody gonna go play today?

i only got like 2 $ so its doubtful.

robs not comin tonight, odds are that also means no izzy, so no GT for me tonight anyway :frowning:

how are the cvs2 sticks? and who’s going saturday? =]

Tourney at GT on Friday at 630-7pm

thanks for dropping off the jacket. those cookies fucking owned. bring more next time;) . i work today from 4pm to 9 pm then im off til sunday.

*Originally posted by kennywood *
**how are the cvs2 sticks? and who’s going saturday? =] **[/QUOTE

The cvs2 sticks are checked weekly before we have the tournys.They should be in working order. If your goin’ saturday, I’ll meet you there but I don’t get out of work until 7:00pm.

Wanna a cookie…:lol: