No tourney at GT this Friday…Due to the lack of working sticks…Hopefully I can get them in working shape soon.
hope so
I went to GT today and Fixed the sticks on both games. And I made the owner is going to get the 360"s sticks that everyone wants.
i still wouldn’t go =[
Who wants to have some more casual play at GT on wesnday???..And if enough people come…Then I will throw a tourney
Thata’ boy!
I’m down to go wednesday!
damn it tony, are you gonna have to make me beat you down with a perfect in cvs2 5 times ina row like i did when you were at my pad the other day? goddman foo, i thought you’d learn by now:mad:
btw isaac if you go to G.token and i end up showin up can you bring over halo? i wanna play it again. did you have fun with it? its only 29.99 and im sure gamestop can give you a discount on it.
btw for those who dont go here , try great deals. anywho i ranted on long enough. lates.
Shit!! I already pawned it.:o I’ll bring it if I go. And btw next time you want to send a virus to my computer for getting flamed on aim, make sure it’s me on aim on not someone else.:fury: :mad:
Ohh…I see, so you want ME to get 5 perfects in a row in cvs2 AND marvel, Like I DID the last time I was there!
;-; tonyyyyyyy i will destroy you with my renound knowledge of the fly/unfly! :evil: but ya i got wednesday off so if i can muster some cash ill go. its 5pm now…anyone up for some games?
isaac!!! it wasnt a virus!! i wouldnt do that… it was just a bunch of pop ups…i bet it pissed off izzy xD. anywho its hard to tell WHO is online when all i see is someones name and i hope thats who it is…all i ahve to go on is text, no voice or face so its kinda hard. but eh thats the internet for ya. !!!11!!111one!!!1
I taught you the fly/unfly!! you are the student…I am the master!
GT causual play today at 6:30…Me and Izzy and tony are going…Who else???
no one else!!!
All the sticks work at GT…I checked today…So EVERYONE GO!!!
I’m gonna be down at GTA on the 31st, because i’m gonna be a judge for the ddr tournament they’re going to have there that day, and would like to get some CvS2 games in. Post if you’re going. Jan 31st = one week from this saturday.
Tourney at GT Friday at 630-7pm
I’ll meet you there saturday…most likely. I don’t get out of work until 7:00 pm. I’ll post again.