Golden Token Thread

No tourney at GT this Friday…Due to the lack of working sticks…Hopefully I can get them in working shape soon.

hope so :wink:

Tell them(the owners) to put some perfect 360’s in the machines…

I went to GT today and Fixed the sticks on both games. And I made the owner is going to get the 360"s sticks that everyone wants.

i still wouldn’t go =[

Who wants to have some more casual play at GT on wesnday???..And if enough people come…Then I will throw a tourney

Thata’ boy!:smiley:

I’m down to go wednesday!:smiley:

damn it tony, are you gonna have to make me beat you down with a perfect in cvs2 5 times ina row like i did when you were at my pad the other day? goddman foo, i thought you’d learn by now:mad:

btw isaac if you go to G.token and i end up showin up can you bring over halo? i wanna play it again. did you have fun with it? its only 29.99 and im sure gamestop can give you a discount on it.

btw for those who dont go here , try great deals. anywho i ranted on long enough. lates.

Shit!! I already pawned it.:o I’ll bring it if I go. And btw next time you want to send a virus to my computer for getting flamed on aim, make sure it’s me on aim on not someone else.:fury: :mad:

Ohh…I see, so you want ME to get 5 perfects in a row in cvs2 AND marvel, Like I DID the last time I was there!:cool:

;-; tonyyyyyyy i will destroy you with my renound knowledge of the fly/unfly! :evil: but ya i got wednesday off so if i can muster some cash ill go. its 5pm now…anyone up for some games?

isaac!!! it wasnt a virus!! i wouldnt do that…:stuck_out_tongue: it was just a bunch of pop ups…i bet it pissed off izzy xD. anywho its hard to tell WHO is online when all i see is someones name and i hope thats who it is…all i ahve to go on is text, no voice or face so its kinda hard. but eh thats the internet for ya. !!!11!!111one!!!1

I taught you the fly/unfly!! you are the student…I am the master!

GT causual play today at 6:30…Me and Izzy and tony are going…Who else???

no one else!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

All the sticks work at GT…I checked today…So EVERYONE GO!!!

I’m gonna be down at GTA on the 31st, because i’m gonna be a judge for the ddr tournament they’re going to have there that day, and would like to get some CvS2 games in. Post if you’re going. Jan 31st = one week from this saturday.

Tourney at GT Friday at 630-7pm

I’ll meet you there saturday…most likely. I don’t get out of work until 7:00 pm. I’ll post again.