I noticed you got it apexed…that’s good news…so this Wednesday I’m down as usual. I will call you up to see what the plan is then…maybe you can pick me up at the base? I will talk to you over the phone about that…alright well hope to see lots of people there. Later.
look… i say… fuck golden token… the reason golden token started was because nickel had bad sticks… but now nickels got 360’s i dont see why i should go down there and play on shitty sticks for twice the price… id rather PRATICE on 360s to get better for camelot/ucla other then playing on shitty japanese cabinets… and i think u guys should come nickel instead too… theres no point in downskilling yourself because ur playing on shitty sticks… i dont like hearing people complain when they play on new sticks and thinks its fucked up when its perfectly fine… jus want to say… im not gonna go golden token again… i dont think tommy and tongs going either…
I had a pretty good time last night at GT and Mission :)…it’s too bad the sticks acted up when we barely got started. We still had a good time at Mission though. Well this is my good bye for 3 weeks post…if I don’t post within 3 weeks from now. I’m leaving for the boat tomorrow for 3 weeks…so I won’t see anyone till then. Well good luck to everyone at future tournies…I’ll post up once I’m back. Alright later.