At what time is Curleh Mustache?
It’s on now.
I wonder. How often do you guys do setups for Chip damage? I take great pleasure when I get a guy in the corner or on Incoming to throw fire nades, call a lockdown assist and just force them to stand there and eat chip with fire nades, flame thower, landmine if they get stupid and f+m / gunz
Incoming welcome, throw firenade call dante/dorm, land mine step forward a bit flame thrower, immediately on push block cancel to landmine.
if they stand there because of mine: f+m fire nade flame thrower xx Landmine, shotgun.
if they ran into landmine, another flamethrower for full damage, another landmine. Call Strider. her we go again.
(I wonder why this thread is so inactive. Huh.)
Get them to block either my assist, or me while calling an assist and chuck grenades until they wise up and pushblock. Then I go Prone Position and just keep firing while calling whoever to keep em grounded.
Like honestly though people just get chipped to like, 30% less life because they just stand there and don’t do anything about it. It even works on hit since you can get fire grenades to combo into themselves.
My favrite right now after a landed flamethrower is to cancel into landmine. everyone likes to keep trying to get in, they hit the land mine and get flamethrowered again into another landmine.
What are your opinions on/tips for Chris on Anchor?
I need him for his grenade assist and he seems pretty fun, has quite a few options.
Chris can do it. But be aware that
- he has bad time when he is welcomed in.
- Characters like Trish give him hell.
- he doesnt have many mixups.
He CAN do it. but I think he is best on point or 2nd.
Alright, I’ll probably do that, he was pretty fun to use tonight but I couldn’t get in.
You don’t need to.
Chris is the kinda guy that will dish out so much chip damage that you can whittle down a full health character quickly without even landing a single combo.
If you aint getting in, force chip damage with the shotgun (tk jumping shotgun has retarded frame advantage) mix in all three grenades (yes three not just mine and fire, M grenade is the fastest recovery) If you can’t get in, then just deal chip damage patiently. unlike other games, chip damage (with Chris) builds up REAL damn quick. Learn some setups to allow you to set up the most chip damage possible. That way if you can’t open them up with their solid defense it just doesn’t matter because you are going to melt their health bar anyway
Cool, was trying him in player matches tonight, loving the shotty, magnum, and medium grenade. Had a problem with modok/flyers though, how do you handle people at SJ height?
Sorry to say it, but assists and waiting are pretty much it. Welcome to Chris Redfield.
^Pretty much that. Maybe you can get lucky once in a while and jump up and air grab them, but other than that you just have to be patient and either wait for a chance to attack them or just switch out and use another character on your team.
Level 3 and snipe them down.
Chris has plenty life so he can survive.
I want to thank you for this, whether you were kidding or not I tried this at my local tournament on Saturday and it worked haha of course I knew he was gonna keep jumping up and zoning like most doom do so I just had to make sure he kept jumping up there which is why I was jumping at first hahaha heres the proof, starts at 0:44:03 was I lucky or sorta smart?
LOL Sick.
I don’t know about you guys, but I feel so irritated when Chris’s first hit of the Grenade Launcher doesn’t freeze them and when his shotgun completely misses because the ground bounce is used up.
There’s no need to worry about the ground bounce and sweep combo. that was fixed for ultimate.
As for the Grenade Launcher. its unfortunate but the second grenade keeps you safe anyway, and you can always DHC Chris out OR just THC and the first will OTG, your team beats the crap out of the other guy and you get all your nade hits.
Bonus if Chris was called for the DHC, he will allow you to followup the combo afterwards.
I messed with Chris/Strange and uh… just do a 2 meter team super with them. IDK how old it is or if people know about it but, it resets or something and you get a full combo again.
I think I know what you’re talking about, it’s just the dummy getting hit by the blue grenade that one give some weird hitstun. It probably won’t happen in a real match unless your opponent is just not blocking