Girls who play Street Fighter (Or any fighting games)

Yeah, there’s no way she’s straight.

Yup, I’m here, and it’s fun, but…I might not be ready for competitive fighting just yet.

I’m a shut in so I don’t think I’ve met that many girls who’ve played SF irl that I know of.
Now I do go to college with a girl who’s played Garou and absolutely loathes Kevin Rian, and have met a few chicks online who’ve played Marvel. But that’s about it.

the best sf female player i’ve ever seen is maho. definitely one of the best, if not the best v-vega (spaniard) player in alpha 3.

probably the only female player whos skills i respect.

Women do like fighting games but they seem to have more fun being spectators than actual participants. The steep learning curve in many fighting games is what usually turns most of the women off. My friend’s wife is like, “Are you kidding me? I could learn a real martial art by the time I figure what to do in Street Fighter.” But she’s real cool about us taking over the crib when we do have those old school fight nights.

There are exceptions of course and I even dated a young lady that was a fighting game fan and willing to throw down with anyone in any fighting game. But she was also just a gamer girl–she owned more video games and more consoles than I do.

I might be mistaken but weren’t the cats in Empire Arcadia training some young ladies awhile back?

I have about 6 girls on my psn friends list that play SF4 at tournament level. They make me bring my A game every time.

Holy shit, this is even better than porn!

I thank you sir.

lol yall some sexist ass people. I haven’t heard so many sexist jokes ever. And my teacher is really sexist lol

I only know one girl that plays fighting games. She plays marvel. She plays Rouge/Cammy/Tron. She also picked up Abel and Cammy in SF4 but not for long (She really likes Cammy lol). She wants to be good, but not competitive.

I bet the ratio of boys to girls that play fighting games is like 10:1. Competitive is a different story 30:1 maybe. I hope that in the EVO tournament coming up, alot more females can compete. Because lets face it, its a sausage fest fellas.

I don’t think affinity means what you think it means.

Maybe he really gets off on what she likes??? :confused:

I’m picturing a girl who REALLY likes Inuit dudes, and his fetish is girls who like Inuit dudes, or something. :rofl:

She’s straight.

And there are more girl players than you think, especially in Japan and Asia in general, since there’s not too much of a stigma against girls playing games.

Shit, Sega holds official female tournaments too!

If you’re looking to play women in fighting games look to 3d. Soul Calibur I can even get my wife into and she never plays fighters. Plenty of women on there when I played online (compared to SF4) 2d wise I find more on King of Fighters series. Dunno why. Maybe more female fighters to choose from to cosplay for. Never really put much time into thinking about it.

Um, girls aren’t competitively driven. It’s just how they are. They are more about equality, and being cooperative. Men aren’t like this as much, and we are driven by being competitive with each other. I dunno why people are so worried about women playing games. Like who gives a shit.

I mean I guess it would be pretty nice to go into an arcade and see chicks playing fighting games. However, you can still go to an arcade and see good looking chicks playing games, anyways. Just not fighting games :lol:

there are a few
some are cute
some arent

but regardless all the ones i met were cool as hell

also most the chicks i met in tokyo played vf\kof\blitkampf\mvc

Hmm…I wonder…

Anyways, as for myself, I went with option #4 since it was the most appropriate.

My gf plays SF, and my scene has another girl player to (who adores 3s). I personally think there is probably a lot more female competitiors then we realize, but the amount that actually become good to the point that they will be headlining major events or winning national tournaments is either to small or just not happening whatsoever.

In real life? I used to know a few back in the Street Fighter 2 days. But since 99 or so i’ve met none. Cosplayers that say they are fans of KOF, sure. Actual gamers? None.

In forums there are a few here and there, but serious (i use the term loosely - “serious” like the average SRKer, i mean) about the game? I only know DOA female players. You can even find DOA girls that compete in tourneys.

As much as people complain about Starslay3r, at least she doesn’t “brag” about being a “girl gamer” all the time.

That one on the left is a TRAP man!

Is that what we give our female players accolades for now? Simply not mentioning they are a girl at every opportunity?