Girl sues school over failing grade in spanish

because apparently they “violated” her freedom of speech.<br><br><br><br><p data-key=“athca” data-num=“2”>A Texas high school student has filed
suit against her school district, claiming she was punished for refusing
to recite the Mexican national anthem and pledge of allegiance as part
of a Spanish class assignment.</p>
<p data-key=“bbtta” data-num=“3”>Brenda Brinsdon, then 15, <a target="_self" href=“”>told TheBlaze exclusively in 2011</a>
that students in her intermediate Spanish class were instructed to
recite the Mexican anthem and pledge individually in front of their
peers at Achieve Early College High School in McAllen, Texas. Brinsdon
refused, telling TheBlaze at the time that “Reciting pledges to Mexico
and being loyal to it has nothing to do with learning Spanish.” She also
provided TheBlaze with video she recorded of students taking part in
the assignment.</p>
<p data-key=“aaafg” data-num=“4”>As an alternative task to reciting the
pledge and anthem, she was assigned an essay on the history of the
Mexican revolution — an assignment for which she received a failing
<p data-key=“atttc” data-num=“5”>According to the <a href=“” target="_blank">lawsuit</a>,
filed in federal court Wednesday, Brinsdon was not allowed to return to
the Spanish class after her story received media coverage. She was made
to sit in the office each day instead of attend class and ultimately
failed the course.</p>
<p data-key=“sisac” data-num=“6”>She is suing the McAllen Independent
School District, principal Yvette Cavazos and teacher Reyna Santos for
violating her constitutional right to freedom of speech and equal
protection under the law — according to the suit, the district has a
policy to excuse students from saying the American pledge of allegiance
if they object, but not if they oppose pledging to another country.</p>
<p data-key=“tphds” data-num=“8”>“The plaintiff has been punished for
being a patriotic American,” attorney Erin Mersino told TheBlaze
Thursday. Mersino is with the Thomas More Law Center, which filed the
suit on the Brinsdon family’s behalf. “She has been punished for not
pledging her loyalty to a different country which used to be determined
to be treason, now a person is given an alternative assignment and given
a failing grade and is kicked out of class for doing so.”</p>
<p data-key=“mstaj” data-num=“9”>Mersino said they want a judgement from
the court saying the school district was wrong and preventing something
similar from happening to another student. Brinsdon herself is
half-Mexican, with an American father and a mother who immigrated to the
U.S. She still attends the school as a junior.</p>
<p data-key=“ttinl” data-num=“10”>“This truly is a case about a teenager
who’s a patriot, who is a true American,” Mersino said. “She did the
right thing by following her conscience and not doing what her teacher
was compelling her to do by pledging her loyalty to a different country
to which she is not loyal.”</p>
<p data-key=“arfft” data-num=“11”>A representative from the McAllen Independent School District did not immediately return a request for comment from TheBlaze.</p>
<p data-key=“iadac” data-num=“12”>In 2011, a district spokesman defended
the pledge assignment, telling TheBlaze it was “simply spreading the
culture of another country.”</p><br><br>Why take spanish and then refuse to speak it in class?   It’s not like they were trying to brainwash this little idiot.   The comments on this story are about what you would expect from white people.  lol<br><br>Edit:  People wanna blame teachers for the failing of public school but what about these sorry ass students.<br>

Double post!!!<br><br>I can see this bitch getting kidnapped during a party in McAllen by the cartel who want to use her as a mule.   They would let her go if she is actually Mexican but if she is American they would kill her and stuff her full of drugs, and the only way is for her to PROVE HER MEXICAN HERITAGE by reciting the Mexican anthem.  That would be hilarious.  PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN FATE!!<br>

:))  And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free!!!..<br><br>Not sure who to root for on this one. May the best Lawyer win.<br><br>-Starhammer-<br>

I blame the parents for allowing this little shit to do this.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteText”><a href="/profile/907/angelpalm">angelpalm</a> said:<p data-key=“tphds” data-num=“8”>“The plaintiff has been punished for
being a patriotic American,” attorney Erin Mersino told TheBlaze
Thursday. Mersino is with the Thomas More Law Center, which filed the
suit on the Brinsdon family’s behalf. “She has been punished for not
pledging her loyalty to a different country which used to be determined
to be treason, now a person is given an alternative assignment and given
a failing grade and is kicked out of class for doing so.”<br></p></div>

Good for Brenda, the girl who failed Spanish, for choosing a lawyer who butchers English. This girl is meta.<br>

She is mad becuase she failed the alternative assignment, a simple essay. <div><br></div><div>excuse me for my c avergage spanish but chica estupido.</div>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/907/angelpalm">angelpalm</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>The comments on this story are about what you would expect from white people.  lol<br><br></div>

White people have more money than you do.<br>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/714/Starhammer">Starhammer</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>:))  And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free!!!..<br><br>Not sure who to root for on this one. May the best Lawyer win.<br><br>-Starhammer-<br></div>

Root against the teacher who was just doing her job, and for the girl trying to gain sympathy from the kinda people that yell out GO BACK TO AFRICA/MEXICO when she is living in a border town where knowing that language could actually have a beneficial impact on her life.  <br>

Wow… People are really all about blaming someone else for their problems.  Well at least more than before.

seems kind of silly on both ends.  girl is stupid.  but why choose the pledge?  you can make them memorize almost anything and the assignment will pass without controversy.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/67204/Matriarch">Matriarch</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/907/angelpalm">angelpalm</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>The comments on this story are about what you would expect from white people.  lol<br><br></div>

White people have more money than you do.<br></div>

I sure as fuck don’t :(<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I am on her side though.  I should have been allowed to sue my last job for literally forcing me to claim I was American because our parent company advertised that all their service centres are in America.</div>

moral of story: take rosetta stone and test out of X foreign language classes. 

Doesn’t know how to write an essay but knows how to sue people by age 15.<br><br>Too many outside influences there. <br><br>“Brinsdon herself is
half-Mexican”<br><br>So, what is your major malfunction?!<br>

Spanish class we were force to eat fried grasshopper & meal worm…

I think the issue is she was given a failing grade on a project and then was forced to fail the class in general because she wasn’t allowed to attend the class. Though neither side is making an argument towards that so it is stupidity all around. <br>

the school shouldn’t be using the mexican pledge of allegence in their classes, nothing wrong with the anthem, but pledging is a bit different. That being said, the school offered her a alternative assignment so… this girl has no room to bitch, and in court no less? who is paying for her lawyers, cause whoever is “helping” her with that isn’t helping her at all.<br>

Yeah both sides are pretty stupid, choosing the National Anthem to recite in Texas of all places is just asking for someone to sue you really. That and forcing her out of the class, but bad on her for failing the writing assignment (Probably on purpose) and hiring a Lawyer who will pull the American/Mexico crap to get her way. Hard to end racism when Politicians, Lawyers, and the News use it as a great jumping off point.

Mexifag here. Quite frankly I dont think the girl is wrong, as usual it got out of control with how they are trying to spin it into her her being a true patriotic hero, but seriously, saying you dont want to recite another country’s national anthem sounds pretty legitimate for me. Hell if they asked kids over here to recite the american anthem you can bet they would throw a shitstorm no matter how innocuous it actually was, then again my country IS retarded, but I digress.<br>Refusing to pledge loyalty to anything in a class because you dont feel comfortable about it sounds pretty reasonable to me, getting a different assighment to make up for it does too, now if her essay deserved to fail then that would fair too, but if she really was forced to stay out of the class and they just failed her outright, yeah that’s pretty fucked up.<br>Having worked as a high school teacher I can attest that some times, some kids just dont give a shit and no matter how many chances you give them they will still fail and they, or their parents, will still try to put the blame on anyone else, which could very well be the case here, but going just from the facts, I’d say she’s got a right to complain.<br>

Wow.  This is new.  Someone referring to themselves as “MEXIFAG”.<br>

Meh, blame too much 4chan where everything is xfag this yfag that<br><br>Edit:Interestingly enough though I havent been to 4chan for over a year or so, but I still just typed it out of habit<br>