Sorry that you don’t possess the ability, lack intellect (or any another reason as to why) to abstract yourself from the situation to look at it in a more darker and cold tone.
I didn’t say the obvious that is the loss of the child and the pain that comes with it. Because that would be the first tought us ocidentals would have. Like the poster said this happened in india, the place where there are millions of kids living in suburbs and scavange trough trash and slag to find either food or material to sell for food to survive. Do you think that it’s completely impossible that some parents see raising kids as a right and their reponsibility to have their offspring provide for them or show results from the education their creators gave them?
Would that thought really be far fetched in a place say like china? A place where kids are forced into factories for labour? Do you not believe that some would actually think of their children there as pawns for work?
If you don’t like seeing it from that point of view then im sorry and simply skip trough what i write. But this is the internet, so i have the legal right to say fuck you and write what i think as i see fit within certain boundaries.
ok sorry I don’t have the intellect to be a cynical asshole like you. I’ll pour one out tonight for these parents’ shitty return on investment. surely because they are from india, they look at child rearing as a purely pragmatic endeavor
why? most indian parents dont even deserve to have kids. shit, most people (at least 70%) shouldnt be allowed to breed. being fuck ups themselves and not having the parenting skills, why the fuck do people like these have kids?
its because of their dumb ass parents. parents should teach kids that they are fuck ups who cant raise kids, the that their kid is probably worse than them. “if you dont want your kids to have a bs fucked up life like you did, or even worse, dont breed”.
This guy is an ignorant racist for thinking that his way of life is better than others, and basically extinguishes his entire point attempting to try and explain why 1.2 billion+ (Population of India, not even including Indians within other countries) which accumulates at least 1/7th of the earths population…shouldnt reproduce. I hope YOU don’t have kids! LOL
Secondly… Comon now… Lets be honest here. Everyone is trying to analyze this and analyze that. 17 year old kids make irrational decisions and their “foundations” are false built because they haven’t been on this earth or around long enough to figure out whats ‘real.’ Anyone here who’s a little older, we will say 25(even though i realize at this age you’re still very young/naive) can relate to doing many irrational things at that age. That said, to this kid, facebook felt like it was the most important thing in her life. What she didn’t realize is that there is a lot more to life than “facebook” even if you wanna call it their “friends” (the friends she has right now at 17 years old.) In reality there would be so many more things she would do in her life and new people she would have met. The Experiences she would have had, and accomplishments she would have made trump anything at that age. On top of that, the lack of compassion she has as far as the grief it would cause her family. People are saying Natural Selection or Darwinism (which apparently i’m a shitty sf player because i went to school AND play sf LOL), but thats the first thing that comes to mind. Because if you’re dumb enough to react to that extent, that person was on a course for destruction in some way, shape or form. I’m not talking about religion or anything like that either.
The key difference here is Context bitch.
One thing is if the girl was one of those stupid usa kids who seem to live to make stupid shit all day, this girl was on india, and as many have already pointed the situation for women in general is nightmarish for many of them there.
Facebook could be probably the only way for her to get some sort of contact with the outside world, she was more likely a prissioner of her family and her culture, without any control on her life.
Nice logic. So if thats the case, everyone in India should kill themselves? As well, if we’re “reading in between the lines” as far as context is concerned, I’m sure you know everything about her situation and for that matter the entirety of Indian Culture. Its especially apparent that you’re SO in touch based on your signature which is making a joke about “Suprise Sex”/Rape. Which occurs more often in that country than almost any other in the world(Every 20 Minutes). Claps
I don’t really condone suicide, regardless of the context. I mean, I guess if you got kidnapped and tortured for years with no hope of escape or something similar to that, you’d probably start seeing suicide as your only way out. But this wasn’t the case. You don’t kill yourself because your current living situation is shitty. When you commit suicide, you destroy any and all possibility of making your situation better, regardless of how many years it may take. And that’s just fucking idiocy to me.
I think it’s pretty stupid that her parents banned her from social networking given the cultural bullshit women in general have to put up with there. I don’t deny the possibility that her life very well may have been far from decent. But killing yourself is never the answer, and it only sets a bad precedent for the rest.
You don’t end your suffering by ending your life. You change your surroundings despite the time it may take and use your past grievances as something to learn from, and in the end build you into a more resilient person.
No I am implying that it’s a situation we know very little about in a country that goes out of it’s way to make things almost fucking impossible for women, and that we shouldn’t be judging peoples actions as if we know wtf the situation entailed. India is a very very shitty place for women on multiple levels, to make statements like you are as if it’s so fucking easy shows an incredible lack of understand about cultures outside of your own. She MAY have been able to improve her life later on, but chances are equally good that she couldn’t considering how locked down they are over there, from their own family, right into their forced extended family.
This is a nation that finds it perfectly acceptable to stone women to death, you make it sound like she just needs to move out of her parents home (Something women aren’t aloud to do in India.)
I never implied it was easy. In fact I specifically acknowledged that her situation could have been far from decent. None of us truly know all of the underlying circumstances involved with this woman.
But in my opinion…17 years, you haven’t even started living yet. And save the example I provided, I will never see suicide as a smart option. That’s all I’m saying. And just because the situation for women over there is shitty doesn’t mean they should all kill themselves.