Girl kills herself after parents ban her from Facebook

Headlines like these are as fucking retarded as “Girl kills herself after eating a cheese sandwich”.
Fucking cheese sandwiches no.1 cause for suicide and Marilyn Manson is at fault for Columbine.

You gotta be incredibly stupid to believe anyone would kill himself over Facebook.

Her parents are probably full of a whole lot of shit and if they actually testified that this was the reason, they probably try to cover up that daddy liked to stick it up his little girl’s pooper.

“Reportedly” is the key word I read in the paragraph about the death note.
Fucking trash media filling people’s heads with bullshit.

I agree.

It’s not that I don’t understand it. I just don’t agree with it.

I’m surprised we didn’t get a “random kills self after reading shit threads on SRK.”

You guys got to be careful with that post button, with great power comes great responsibility.

Why so serious SRK? It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt

Does it make you feel better, “knowing” people will be tortured for eternity because they don’t have sympathy for some idiot that killed themself over facebook? If it does, don’t think for a moment that you are on some sort of moral high road.

don’t worry, religious fags are fucked. because they are religious, god will punish them for being such retards (you believe in THE god, yet condemn others? burn).

us infidels will be spared, we use logic and don’t judge others to burn in hell. let the lord judge them crusty ass motherfuckers, as “they” would say.

what a relief. I’ve always worried what god thinks about me being an athiest

I have no pity. Fuck that bitch.

Remember guys suicide is illegal, so dont mourn this criminal.

But that’s wrong, you retard. I have no idea how people have such a huge stereotype of the midwest. Whenever we appear on a sitcom or something on TV we suddenly have southern accents and are worried about how Ma’s buttercow is doing when news of the twister pops up on the old time radio. When I started visiting chatrooms in the 90s people asked me if my area was fully electrified. I can understand some kid from LA asking something like why our interstate roads are actually on the ground, but most of the shit people come up with completely from the blue. As in, stuff you should be able to realize probably isn’t true even if you know nothing about us. It’s like Disney claiming that lemmings jump off cliffs.

Dude, quit assuming about other cultures, you’re bad at it.

Anyone else read that in a hillbilly accent?

im glad this bitch is dead fuck her. You know what people are so fucking spoiled, we eat like 5-10 times more then staving 3rd world countries, take hot baths and have internet and all this other shit. Yet guess what people in other countries have kids just to sell them to pimps, and they are raised into child prostitution, having sex with 30-40 men. Kids in 3rd world countries have diseases, cant eat, starve to death. And this bitch kills her self cause she cant use facebook? Fuck her. You know how other kids live in 3rd world countries? They live in like fucking mud huts with no tv, no internet, no cars. Fucking kids these days

One more to add to the list of DIDN’T FUCKING READ THE ARTICLE


Who gives a shit where she is from? Bitch is just as dumb as any fuckwad that goes and offs them self. Does anyone really give a shit or do ya’ll just want to argue? I want to argue, thats the only reason I look at this thread. Its ripe for arguments.

I read it and I still dont care shes dead, there are far more important things in life then facebook, still glad shes dead fuck her. So she lives in india so the fuck what? Bitch should have lived in africa in a mud hut.


I’m from Canada, we get owned by assumptions…NOW I RIDE MY PET POLAR BEAR TO MY IGLOO! LETS GO SNOWY!

you aint got shit on people from the US, they assume shit about everyone everywhere, but everybody has assumptions about people from the us. (in general, they retards).

Man, Im in the US and I do assume most people here are tards. Greedy tards.

omg lets all feel sorry for a spoiled brat.

That one’s new to me. I would have assumed it would be a moose to the nearest house made out blocks of solid maple sap.