Ghostbusters II Part 2 - The Sequel

Looked at the trailer… not even a chuckle or a smile… should i be sad?

That trailer is a much better piece of shit than the last one.

Good job editors! Give the guy a bonus.

I liked it more than the other trailer. Mainly because of more Hemworth. Make that man a Ghostbuster.

I get the feeling I just watched the entire movie.

The only good thing to come from the reboot is this video:

Well, that was pathetically not funny.

Found something better than the new “movie”. Yes I dug this one up.

I was excited about the reboot…but boy, has that changed.


Anyways I thought it was as hilarious as their other shit a spot on skewering of what makes 95% of YouTube vloggers so annoying (jump cut abuse, middle of the road weak opinions to not piss anyone off, fake enthusiasms, whoring themselves out, etc).

I hate this so much. It looks like Dan Aykroyd has been paid off now. So it took Harold Ramis’s death to get all this done I bet. Notice NONE of this bs happened until after he passed.

more scares…i dont buy that for a fuckin second. unless their doin jump scares.

They made him say this is better than the originals. The FUCK??? Did Dan himself actually even post that on twitter. A lot of official twitter accounts are run by and tweeting by someone other than the person it’s named after.

Melissa McCarthy comments on the hate the trailers been getting

Just… don’t watch the shit, guys. Don’t give it any attention, don’t mention it, just let it be shit and die.

This is the same level of attention that Fan4stic got and it didn’t help it at all. The same is happening here. Every attempt at damage control is just digging it’s grave deeper. When movie bombs I want to throw at this shit at their face.

I think what is the most troublesome is the LOUD unsubtle line delivery/comedy.

This man has no dick.
thats a big twinkie
I’ll believe anything you say as long theres a steady paycheck.


Melissa McCarthy doing pratfalls.

welcome to 2016. the general public loves memeable comedy. ie. funny facial expressions, accidents, and pop culture references. in other words, anything that can easily be made into shareable form or relates to the shit people do in their daily lives like post on twitter and whatnot. if it can sell then its fair game as far as movie execs are concerned.

i wouldnt be surprised if this movie becomes a success despite the angry nerds. the publicity can be a good thing. closer to release, a lot of liberal outlets will be praising the film, justifiably or not.


damn I don’t remember Fan4stic being at this level.

Finally something amazing to talk about: