GGXX Accent Core for the Wii...?

Can the USB ports even be used for controllers?


And I KNOW that a Soul Calibur 2 stick was available for the GC, so there’s no reason it should work for this.

I wonder if any place online has it in stock??

worst case scenario, ebay it. but there hasn’t been a GG game that hasn’t had some sort of controller promotion, so there’s a good chance a stick will be available for it when/if it’s available for the wii.

i heard slash is coming out for the ps2 in america.

Nothing is confirmed.

Guilty Gear XX Acent Core on Wii…i’m glad Magic Box News gave it confirmation. Sweet!

Oh wow, hope the port turns out Arcade perfect.

With that in mind, looks like I’m going to need to find a converter for my Hori into the Gamecube/Wii.

They could just be getting that info from Gamefly, which also said Wii in July. I wouldn’t believe anything until Sega specifically announces it.


Hori’s doing a wireless arcade stick for the Wii.

I’ve read that they’re planning to release it in the US.

Aksys has also confirmed a Wii release.

I’ll pick this up in the fall along with a few Hori sticks.

Arcade perfect or not PS2 is going to be the tournament standard, no one is going to want to dick with trying to find wii converters for their custom sticks, HRAPS, and so on.

Not to mention the vast majority of the GG players in the nation have already invested in the PS2 version. I love GG and I love the wii, but im not about to shell out hundreds of bucks for another copy and a converter to play something I can already play just fine for a tournament setting.

not only that ps2 is so convenient as other fighting games can be played on it. good for a tourny setting.

the game is coming out july 30th for the ps2 in america.

Thats the Japanese release date, for the US it says ‘Fall 2007’.

Wonder if it’ll be online…

well sega and sammy have merged so it makes sense.

It came out in may for japan. They’re playing the home version on youtube.

Yeah, I have it… I thought you were talking about the Wii version (for whatever reason).

Which is beside the point anyway, it still says ‘Fall 2007’ on Aksys website. I doubt you’ll find any credible source (lol IGN?) say end of July.