Getting to the Jaguar sleep over: Adon Combo Thread (OP Updated: 05-05-10)

Hey Guys I just have a few questions…

What are the easiest combos/links to follow up from:

Ground JK


Cross up

Also- Is the best punish on whiff cs.fp x.RJ?

Ground JK versus IAJK?

it only works on the large characters and it has to be lk. JK


Bread and Butters to use:,,c.lp, mk rj,c.lp, hk rj

Punish combo is : cl.fp, hk RJ OR, mk rj(?) depending on distance.

AIJK combo BNB should be aijk,,lk jk or aijk,c.lp,mk rj

Ground JK armor breaks but doesn’t combo(besides from cl.fp,lk/mk JK on mid-big chars)

Air JK can be focused but can combo.

IMO the hardest things Adon has (if that) are the,, links which have a unique timing and also, which I plink.

If you want to do the combos learn to plink… it makes it so much easier.

For zoning and footsies pretty much use &…

That’s Adon 101-ish…

BTW CH combos with a 2nd Someone check on big characters CH,,lk rj please?? Jester? TVG? Edo? :smiley:

Edit: @ Fiercekick: I’ve tested the combo on Sagat and I also used mk JK but the only reason I would use this combo would be to push them into the corner, if that… it’s good for pressure but off of a s.fp theres better options IMO

Thanks Kelso mad helpful

The only thing that seems weird to me is that you named m.RJ and h.RJ for the BNB’s. I thought lk.RJ was the standard?

Don’t know if this has been posted (been gone for a while)

If your opponent is in the corner, you can cross up putting yourself in the corner with or and block string with c.jab (1 or 2xs) then xx ex jag tooth. If they stand it’ll hit cross up, if they crouch tech after the jab will hit, and if they crouch block you’re out of the corner safe (against most characters)

If they get hit, you can do a number of things off the juggle.

  • close roundhouse
  • rj
  • U2

edit: Also, for those of you having trouble LINKING jab NOT CANCELING to rj, I suggest going in the training room and setting the dummy to random block. Once you can visually confirm, your game will level up x10

I found that adding a standing jab between the tooth and the rising jag helps quite a bit.

This has probably been asked thousand times but do you guys SRK or double tap your RJ’s in combos or as AA? Facing the right I cannot SRK for my life…

I just srk, it takes a lil practice before you get used to the input but it is incredibly lenient so just practice, you’ll need to be consistent on both sides since JK is an srk motion as well.

As AA, srk from crouch. It’s not for the sake of using the short cut, it improves the hit box and allows you ro srk deeper. When you cancel standing normals, try not to use the short cut. Double tapping anything will help, but Isn’t needed.

Since I don’t make threads asking a single question and you guys lack a Q&A thread I’ll ask this here.
As Adon Players will you guys ever use the more punishable versions of jaguar tooth and jaguar kick? Light kick version. Jaguar Kick is -3 and jaguar tooth is -4

Jaguar tooth is shit. I barely ever use it cause they can react instantly. I dont even bother baiting them with lk.JT.

lk.JK is safe when spaced so that it hits at the very last frame. I tend to use it when people get accustomed to my mk.JK range. Throws them off cuz they didnt expect it to reach that far.

Thanks. But does that mean his other moves spaced correctly are all positive on block? o dear…

I use lk.jt very sparingly, usually in full screen standoffs or against overly aggressive players that don’t seem to block, they are easy to bait. I use lk.jk from hk range after using several hk.jk in order to bait a reversal.

how do you guys approach a match once you get ultra? I feel like im always waiting to FADC into it. And is there a best time to fadc ultra? (or easiest set up into it?)

You down back if you have the lead. Wait for them to jump, then RJ fadc ultra. Best use of ultra.

Best use of the ultra is buffering. In a bunch of matchups, jumpin in on Adon at all is a free ultra if you’re ready for it. Also in most matchups there are “safe” special moves you can smash through with the ultra, like:
Balrogs rush punches, Chunli’s overhead flip kick, Fei long’s chicken wing, Abel’s front flip kick, the list goes on.
Here’s how to buffer your ultra: :db: :df: :db:
Now you wait til you see them approach you the way you want. If they jump at you (and don’t have an air-special like a hurricane kick), it’s a free ultra. If they do a forward moving special, it’s a free ultra. All you have to do after buffering is swing the stick to :r:+:3k:. If they don’t do that special, you’re already blocking. Works for Adon’s super too on any special as long as they aren’t airborne.
The beauty of this buffer is it ends with you blocking, and it’s incredibly quick. You don’t really need to buffer a full double qcf, if you get used to doing :db: :df: :db: you can be ready to ultra at the flick of the wrist without giving up your defensive blocking position. Is Rufus playing footsies at perfect Messiah Kick range? Buffer an ultra and wait, if he throws out a normal, buffer again and wait. Then, when he finally comes flying feet first at you, swing the stick forward and ultra! He’ll think you randomly ultra-ed, but you’ll know, you read his shit.

Buffering might have some use, but do you really think it’s the best use of ultra? I’ve seen far too many ultras whiff on jump ins and buffers. Play solid. AA with rj fadc ultra and combo with rj fadc ultra. Don’t rely on the other player to use un solid tactics for you to win. Buffering will take your mind out of playing footsies because you’ll be so focused on landing the ultra through something or hitting them just as they are at the peak of their jump. Why do that when you can hit confirm off a 3 frame unpunishable normal or use your guaranteed everytime AA with RH RJ, then cancel it for more damage with the ultra.

You’re doing it wrong. The point of a buffer is to only hit :3k: when you confirmed that they’re going to get hit. This can mean a jump, or a balrog flashing yellow, or an Abel flipping forward, or anything else you know will lose to an ultra. You don’t always have two meters to burn ya know (especially when you burned your meter on a blocked RJ). A buffer is NOT ultraing when you think it’ll hit and then turns out it wiffs. That’s what we call “missing your ultra”. We don’t have a term for that because that’s missing an ultra.

AnyANYAng adon tut videos? Also why’s his bnb? Firt post is a wall of combo text

Cr.Jab, Cr.Jab, RJ
Cr.Short, Cr.Jab, RJ