I’m down for that as well.
Now that dann is skipping class for medical reasons, why is he not making the trip to Ohio? Ticket prices can’t possibly be the reason. That gimp could make up the cost of the trip and more from money matches alone. Not to mention what he would make performing “favors” on the side.
Pablo, I hereby task you with smuggling dann in your second piece of check-in.
Medical what what? What did Dann do to himself? I am guessing it was gasoline-bicycle related.
I figured his post about almost killing himself meant he had some sort of narrow miss or something. Is he alright?
Gina’s dad is in the hospital after what appears to be an emphysema-related collapse and there’s a 30% chance I won’t be going since I might fly out with her to go to help with that. (Her mom is in Detroit taking care of grandma who just broke her neck. Also, her dad’s dog died last week. Hell of a bad week in that family.)
I don’t think I’d be useful to anybody but her there, but: life >> Marvel.
We’ll see, I guess.
edit: people are still welcome to meet up at my house unless something crazy happens. I’ll know more as things develop.
The official story is that Dann was playin basketball in the hood with some random guy and got crossed over on so cold that he literally broke his ankle. Then instead of just shooting the layup, the guy takes Dann’s motorcyle and drives it onto the court. He gets goin hella fast and then jumps off the bike while its moving and dunks in Dann’s face; crashing the motorcyle into some nearby foliage. Lakecity. Damn.
The bike is pretty screwed up, but at least Dann is okay.
Shit that is rough. Keep us updated man.
I wish you guys the best of luck, I’m definitely sorry to hear.
Word on the streets is that dude was also hella swoll. Dann did the right thing by allowing himself to get stunted on like that nig was his daddy. Getting crossed up with a broken ankle assist is no joke. Sometimes you have no choice but to take the hit.
Sorry to hear about that. The fact that you still offer up your home to us with the possibility of you not going is amazing and shows the magnitude of your character.
OK, her dad looks to be out of the woods and should be home this weekend, so I’ll be heading to Ohio, so no worries.
People are welcome to stop by whenever tomorrow. I’ll be in Redmond from 8:30-10PM for a soccer game so can’t let you in during that time, but come earlier or call me and it’ll be fine. :tup:
edit: We’ll be leaving from my house (via a shuttle/towncar) at around 3:45AM for our 5:44AM flight.
Whoa that’s intense Zach. Glad everything worked out. I got a question for anything in the area actually. I was hoping to bring my laptop with me to distract me from the boredom at the airport/flight but I only have 1 battery charger for myself and my girlfriend. If I took it then she’d be without her computer for the weekend. If anyone has a spare Dell laptop charger and wouldn’t mind me borrowing it, please let me know! I have a Dell Inspiron E1505. I believe a lot of the Dells use the same charger…
How many watts is your charger? I know bigger Dell laptops use the 90w AC adapter. I have the smaller adapter that is 65w. Let me know if that works.
Yeah that’s the adapter I need. If I could borrow that shit that’d be raw. I tried calling you but no answer. I can either pick it up at zach’s or somethin later on. I will hit you up.
This had me laughing so hard
SEATTLE hold that shit down guys.:woot:
good luck to everyone out there. Let everyone know not to sleep on Seattle son
Good luck Seattle! 206!
Best of luck, but you guys have all the skillz.
If you can remember, please bring back some Pizza, the closer to the east coast the better Pizza becomes.
A fact unknown around here, no doubt.
Word from Pablo/Evan:
JMar defeats Demon Hyo in a first to 10.
Rowtron loses to Sanford pretty badly.
Row also loses to Josh Wigfall (Theo lied!)
Pablo had to face D. Hyo first round in Marvel.
Evan, Pablo, and Sam B are out.
Zach is still in, but may be in losers.
Rat, Row, and JMar are still in winners.
Apparently, Row put into losers by Mixup.
I did not lie. Wigfall is terrible. Super Joe would beat him. Row was drunk. At least that’s what I’m going with.
Also- Zach took out Chris Creecy (magneto X) and he’s pretty good. Rat went 1-2 with Sanford. Somebody just took out JMar. Row’s done. Sam B went 1-2 with Toan and 1-2 with Combofiend. Shoulda had Combo apparently. Crazy upsets going on.
Chaos night wolf takes out Sanford and almost Chunk. Wong is out. Seems like it could be anyone’s game the way things are going right now. I like Chris Scmidt over Chunk in GF.
damnit I think both Chris and Chunk are in losers
Thanks to Zach for setting this up for us. It was a lot of fun traveling and hanging out with the crew. We should do this again. That mini golf was one of the most enjoyable things I have done in a while. Many lulz were had.
I will be in deep meditation for the next week, pondering my future marvel plans.