"Get out your Popcorn!" Rufus Video Thread


chirithy doesnt play on xbl/online


poor makoto =( even playing terrible rufus still gives her so much trouble. Well , better for us =D

yeah, its such a shitty matchup for makoto she doesnt have a clear answer for rufus pressure

Im calling it right now. In a week or two there will be vids of js master beating justin wong after this weekend at Canada Cup. I’m officially all out of ideas in that matchup and lost like…20-0 yesterday.

Tell JSmaster to get on ehai’s account or something. I’ll show you how it’s done. lol

Seriously tho, I want to play him.

ehai’s xbox has been donated permanently for offline casuals, it’ll never play on XBL again lol.

the vids may have already happened…depending on whether jwong was playing in the high rollers…cuz top 3 was mago/daigo/js.

Damn that sucks. I just played ehai last week. I’m hoping JS beat JW so we can see some good study footage.

Ive been thinking more about the Rufus-Dhalsim matchup more lately, it has always been said that Rufus clearly has an advantage which I do not agree on. I saw some vids on youtube with the matchup with good jp players, and most of the time the Dhalsim won. I know Cammy has an easier time vs. Dhalsim than Rufus has so thats probably the main reason why Justin Wong DIDNT pick Rufus vs. Filipino Champ in the Socal Regionals 2010 but still, Wongs Rufus is awesome imo plus that Ricky Ortiz Rufus lost 2-0 vs. Filipino Champs Dhalsim quite convincingly.

I think I know the matchup quite well and are quite experienced in generall (assuming that the Dhalsim is good ofc) and I also think Rufus in generall is overrated, everybodys like “when Rufus gets in, its game over” :wtf: divekick mixup game could be handled quite well if you just stay calm and read the opponent, mindgames and option selects. Other than that, Rufus doesnt have to much imo. Rufus also has a very hard time getting in on Dhalsim if the Dhalsim plays it correctly and focuses.

Anyway, I want to know what some other ppl thinks of the matchup (always assuming you’ve played and got experience of a good Dhalsim). Someone called “Mike GGGames” has started a swedish online tournament called GGGarden (similar to the japanese gods garden) where 12 of the absolute best of Sweden faces of in a FT10, yesterday I played vs. Yagami (Dhalsim). Even tho I took the lead 5-0 it ended 10-8 to him

GGGarden Yagami VS Louie (FT10), Yagami(Sim) VS Louie (RU) gggames on USTREAM. Gaming Entertainment

I think it’s in Rufus favour but not by a large margin. Dhalsim have some tools that can be hard to deal with and a good Dhalsim can be really hard to catch. With that said you can deal lot’s of damage to Dhalsim really quick considering his 900 hp and lack of forward escapes it can be really tricky for Dhalsim if you got him cornered.

Then again it can be really hard for Rufus to get in and if you make a bad guess/decision Dhalsim may get out of corner pressure and you have to walk him all the way to the other corner or try to get in mid screen, if you live that long.

I watched the stream live and noticed you sometimes threw Dhalsim out of the corner (back throw instead of forward throw at a few occasions and too high dive kicks so he could lk slide under) and that puts you in a bad spot.

Also don’t forget that Dhalsim can option select vs your ex messiah and in worst case that makes you eat a full super!

I’m not sure which ultra to go with in the matchup, I tend to choose U2 since you can grab limbs and fireballs with it but if you are confident you don’t need the extra ‘protection’ I guess U1 works just as well.

Actually, he will always get you with a super if i remember correctly. Slide will go under light and hard followups (which he can super after on the other side) and slide xx super hits the mid follow up.

Delayed lk followup can beat out slide with proper timing but it’s pretty hard, slide will hit and combo into super if you do mk and he will slide under and punish if you do hk

well…i called it lol.

Im just glad Im not the only one who loses that badly.

JSmaster’s Balrog is so aggressive. That’s the type of player that scares me the most. The ones that forces and controls the match into their pace.

Watching Jwong this weekend was depressing. I know he beat Air/JS in teams or casuals, but the matches I watched he just got absolutely destroyed. Rufus doesn’t have anything to punish people who abuse option select with normals, except ex-messiah, and that is unsafe without 3 bars. Justin knew this and he went for the same set up twice against both players, but both of them were smart and knew to block (instead of throw out a normal to shut down rufus pressure) that late in the game when Rufus has 3 meters and full ultra. :shake:

Granted it does take some skill to read an opponent that well, I just wasn’t expecting the matches to be so one sided.

jwong prolly didnt give a crap like usual


JSmaster’s hit confirms are at another level. Sucks that I won’t get to play unless I go to EVO.

[Ranking Battle #4]

[DreamHack Winter 2010]
[media=youtube]V5SAKK1Fcpg"]Louie (Rufus) vs. Unknown (Guile) [FINLAND[/media]
[media=youtube]7QKJbEkdJv0"]Unknown (T.Hawk, Chun-Li) [NORWAY[/media]

Its a wrap! Probably dropping Rufus now, so bye bye Rufus friends :woot:




Feel free to give me some advice if you think of anything