Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

Also I just heard a stat that blew my mind with the NBA jump shooting atempts. In mid range jump shot atempts Kobe Bryant is #1. Can anyone guess who is #2? … Josh smith is the #2 jump shooter In atempts between 16-21 feet in the NBA! How can you be a coaching staff and allow this to happen??? How can you be a player and not understand you’re not a jump shooter? You shoot more than hoe Johnson and he is 10x the better jump shooter than you are Josh smith!

Whats your name, where you from, and what do you play?

Shinblanka: Thank you sir
CHNchilla89: name is Herbie, I’m from Forest Park. Honestly the only game I play now is KoF XIII, but looking to getting back into marvel. I have XBL too, but since my internet at home is bad, I’m going to have to get broadband or something. If you need my phone # just PM me here and I will give it to you
XBL tag is: Kokujindayo

Hey guys, I’m currently in Korea but go stateside next month. First for leave in Mcdonough, but then Im staying in Georgia for recruiting (Army, been in almost 10 years). Im assigned to the Atlanta battalion which means Ill prob be within a 2 hour drive if not directly in Atlanta. Personally I asked for Athen as the number one choice. Anyhow I play Umvc3 with a lil A.E 2012 (though not so much recently) I have skull girls and SF X Tekken but don’t really touch them. The first month I get back I am really trying to get some training in for Evo because Seoul’s Marvel scene is lackluster. So I guess where are the Ranbats held? I wanna get more into the community, I just started to get into it when I was at Ft hood (K.T.B) and really wanna step up my game. Any advice on where to go will be helpful. I have a dualmodded stick so doesn’t matter the system though I play on xbox (Daigomaradona) I’d prefer to play offline though.

Yeah man PM me your full name and I’ll actually invite you to our KoF group on facebook. The general fb group is somewhat plagued by faggotry and trolls with little talk of actual games (besides the 20 marvel posts per day that make my eyes bleed lol)

There are marvel players everyone so don’t forget to post back when you get situated and I can give you some people to contact to get offline sessions in.

Valdosta Area. Stationed at Moody AFB. trying to find some local souls to play with. just get together, hang out, and learn as much as i can. kof, ae, sfxt, tekken, 3dstrike, etc. hit me up here or on psn- furyXT

Smyrna area… Since leaving NC, having some 3S shakes. I need to play some people stat -__-

Alright, PM sent man

Hey, glad to see someone lives around me. I live in Vinings. Lets play!

It’s been so long since I’ve been on here, but it’s obvious people still frequent it so I must promote my upcoming tournament:

Storm Underground 5: Memories
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Jacksonville, FL

Hope to see you guys there!

This thread is still breathing lol… just thought id drop by and post something all the way from the beautiful city of Budapest, Hungary. Truly its a gorgeous city and the food is incredible. The ice cream over here makes coldstone taste like play-doh :slight_smile:!/events/299937976757795/
ATL_FINALROUNDBATS Starting sign up’s at 4pm and tournament starts at 4:30pm

sup neto, how have you been bro?

I´ve been good. Traveled to Europe for a few weeks and loving every minute. Have you ever been on a plane for 10 hours? It`s not pleasant at all, and with a 1 year old it was rough :lol: How are you doing?

I’m good sir. Now you’re really ryu! World warrior!

Thanks to everyone that came out to ATL_FRbats!

Nice! But the only fights that I`m in are with my wife over what food should we eat or what places to visit :lol: World Cuisine Warrior!! :lol:

Myself and ShinBlanka are trying to keep it alive.

Since I deleted my facebook (best decision ever lol) this is prob the place I’ll come to for community stuff. I would love to travel to somewhere like that btw =D

Aww man, someone who wants to play 3s! There are a few people who would play (myself included). Hit up Karapalm since he is a big 3s head; there are some others too but I can’t remember their tags. If you pm me I could potentially try to set something up.

Hopefully the KoF numbers were up to your expectations! There were a few people missing but I think we can definitely get that number up to 20+. I’m very interested to see how the next one plays out since I know there are a lot of hungry KoF players. I was soo disappointed in my showing though -__-
I was dropping everything and freezing up. Maybe I need to get a beer or 2 in me like I did at the last KoF tourney I was at…

Yeah shoutouts to everyone that showed support for both games, ESPECIALLY KOF, the next one in June, I’ll make sure to try to get EVERYONE that I can to come & bring myself, even if I have to walk my ass back home.

This thread should never die. It should be thriving like in the old days…

If you ever get a chance to travel to Budapest then take it! You wont regret it. It`s difficult to describe how gorgeous the city is and the nightlife here is amazing :wink:

Random Fact: In Budapest, there are multiple legal sex shops and multiple legal Poker Saloons. Enough said. (btw im married so the sex shops are off limits to me :lol:)