Genius Injects Viagra Into Penis - Hilarity Ensues

It was too hard to handle

And boom goes the dynamite.

Thatā€™s pretty fucking hardcore right there.

In b4 someone drops ā€œblood sausageā€ in the [unpopular food opinons](The Official Unpopular Food Opinions Thread thread

His dick tried a suicide bombing and he wants to do that shit again? Just let him bleed out next time.

He sadly thought his plan was completely rock-solidā€¦


ā€¦but it almost blew-up in his face.

His name was Lotharioā€¦ couldnt get it up? :smiley:

I wonder what stamina has to do with viagra. It adds more bursts or something?Iā€™m tired, let me inject this into my dick to stay awake.
Oh dear god these niggas. Where, is the green tea.

This reminds of the guy who injected cocaine into his penis.

Spoiler: No good results

They make a drug called caverject that can be injected into the penis if viagra and similar drugs donā€™t work. This guy is going to end up permanently dismembering himself. B)

His name wasnā€™t actually Lothario.

This brings back bad memories thanks assholeā€¦

Most porn actors use viagra, it will give you inhuman stamina, rebound superior to that of a your teen years and a larger erection. The only issue is that if you have an erection for too long it can cause permanent damage and it may increase your risk of melanoma for some unknown reason.

I read the title as Hilary ensues at first.

I still blame her. Fuck her.

thought viaga works AS IS?

why do you even need it when you are 31ā€¦ :expressionless:

Sometimes I wonder why viagra is needed when 5 hour energy exists. I mean wtfā€¦5 hour energy. Then you donā€™t run the risk of creating a NUT Totem.
No palm trees, no nothin. Then again Iā€™m 20, what do I know about that type of shit :confused:

Inhumane stamina, them niggas crazy. 5 hour energy, but you need something that not only probably gives you more than 5 hours of energy, but it involves a needle, your NUTS and TOTEMKIN, nope.Nope. Whereā€™s the green tea again.

Coffee did enough. That redbull shit did enough. that tiny ass 5 hour energy did too much. Viagra gives all them side effects, means it shouldnā€™t be taken by humans period.

if I am tired I just pop a 200mg caffeine pill. thats my 5hourenergy forā€¦$0.13 :astonished:

Hope the sex was worth it :#

In the dudeā€™s defence, his woman was setting him up with near infinite pussy, Iā€™d probably go to extreme lengths when my dick inevitably broke down.

How do those caffeine pills work? I wanna try to find something that isnā€™t actual coffee or redbull/monster/etc to keep me up during my shifts.