Genius Injects Viagra Into Penis - Hilarity Ensues

I read the title as Injects Vagina at first

Universe flipped on me. Forgot what went where for a moment. Please continue roast.

ā€œInjects vagina into penisā€

Sounds like a weird doujin. Time to send some emails

I would actually read that.

So he tried to imitate what happened in that Turn Down for What music videoā€¦ and nearly exploded his dick off.
All so he could go overtime with the nigh-infinite pussy.

ā€¦ Next news story heā€™ll be dead of snu-snu. GUARANTEE IT.

Iā€™d imagine what happened was similar to putting a hot dog in the microwave for too long.

Too funny

Iā€™m shocked nobody is commenting that his user name is sorecock

works great actually. its caffeine without the sugar/milk/whatever else in energy drinks.

it makes you hungry like any other caffeine source. a can of diet coke is about 45mg caffeine. so one of these pills are like 4-5 can of coke. will wake yo ass up for sure. I have 1x 200mg in the morning. and there is the obvious caffeine crash too.

Iā€™m shocked nobody is commenting that his user name is sorecock

How long they last?

I had two cups of coffee today then promptly had a nap. I donā€™t think it was the Baileyā€™s I added but who knows?

I gave you the ā€œmathā€. last me 5-6 hours then maybe I will have another or some tea instead. my daily limit is 2x 200mg pills and nothing else with caffeine. that works for me without effecting my sleeping cycle.

guessing it depends on body weight too. you need to test and see what works for you.

I wanna inject viagra into my legs so I can rob the liquore store and run faster. Times are hard

I hope you know that wonā€™t workā€¦

Umā€¦ that well. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m sayinā€™ā€¦ yeahā€¦ it wonā€™t work that well unless you inject some form of carbs into them also, like some Kool-aid or some shit.,

Yeah, Kool-Aid would be PERFECT! Itā€™s practically pure sugar!

You literally canā€™t lose. Go do it rightā€¦ nowā€¦

do you know what viagra is?? Shit you need is steroids and a long strip of track.

There may very well be some kool-aid steriod mix

Twenty bucks says heā€™s from Florida.

I think he was trying to make a joke about using his erect penis as a third leg, but his punchline couldnā€™t reach completionā€¦

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Yeah that failed joke was a thread killer

I wonder when he injected it it looked like this??


Them bitches wonā€™t wake you up, they just keep you from falling asleep. Tried it once after only getting 4 hours sleep, took oneā€¦waited a half hour, was still fuzzy and sleepy, took another after an hour, same shitā€¦took a third an hour later, before walking 15 minutes to the base mail center and my heart started beating harder during the walkā€¦and my chest was clenching and hurting on every beat until I sat completely still for 20 minutes. Fuck that shit, never again.

many moons ago I moved to Montreal for a monthā€¦lived there, had a blast, spent my last few days partying. Drove back here, and had a job interview that day. So after an 8 hour drive, I had a job interview, and got hired on the spot. It was a security guard job. I assumed I would start working like the next day or later that week. But nope, they wanted me to work a 12 hour shift 11pm to 11am that day. SO yeah, after spending the past week partying and driving home, no sleep, little food, my dumbass agrees. I drank coffee the first time that night. Drank 2 full pots, back to back, and proceeded to spend the next few hours pissing constantly and wired to the fucking max. Avoided caffeine for like a decade after that lol.

Probably knocked a few years off my life that night. But it was awesome, cuz I guarded a high school and just went to the gym and worked out, and found an archery kit and went punisher mode and ran around the school shooting at targets.

Stole a VCR, some computers, 2 boxes full of TI-83 graphing calculators, and a ton of soda pop that night.

The VCR I stole even though DVD players were well in style, because I laughed at the fact I was stealing everything that wasnā€™t nailed down, and the VCR was in this fucking metal cage, and thus ā€˜nailed downā€™ and so I had to have it.