Generally hard games you still haven't beat till this day

contra tricks people into using spread

use the laser gun until last stage, get spread then

piece of cake then

well the thread is called games you couldnt beat and still cant. Never beat MK2 and maybe never will theres no point now

it really doesn’t make sense, i mean you would expect a ninja turtle who dual wields swords to be strong as shit, but typically donatello is that dude. at least i can see that being somewhat reasonable due to the reach factor, even though he’s using a staff.

I’ve beaten Battletoads on an emulator (infinite saving ftw) but I’ve never done it on a console. I can, however, get past the bike stage without too much trouble.
Double Dragon 3 (NES) - fuck the final boss
Megaman 9 - I’m too lazy to sit down and grind through the final castle…I’ve only gotten about halfway through

R-Type Delta (PS1) - Side scrolling shooters are pretty much all memory, but this one is beastly beyond everything. To put it another way, I can beat Contra for the NES without dying a single time, but this one destroys me.

Honorable mention: Robocop vs. Terminator, which I only beat through the use of an infinite life glitch near the end.

so what is the verdict? battle toads = most difficult game ever?

As a matter of fact, I used to routinely beast the water stage in TMNT. I always got stuck at this one part of the game. I got the “scroll” and reached a gap between rooftops, and…that was it. Nothing happened. I never knew what to do.

Zelda 64 wasn’t a difficult game. The water temple’s difficulty is absurdly overrated, IMO. However, I got stuck at one part of the game. I was supposed to move a big block, and it never worked. I read countless walkthroughs and just never figured out what I was stupidly doing wrong.

I don’t remember Contra being all that difficult… then again, having a “30 lives” code helps the players’ odds. Haha, the mention of this game brought back so many memories… and I remember the Fire gun sucked soooo much ass. Fire gun in Super C was good though.

Oh yeah… people should check out the Score Attack mode from the first Blaz Blue game. It was probably the most absurdly difficult mode I’ve ever encountered in a fighting game. The AI actually goes beyond the game’s highest difficulty setting just for that mode! In other fighting games, the first fight in the battle plan is usually a give-away to lure you in…nah, not with this particular mode in this game. The first guy (I can’t remember if it’s always Bang Shishigami or not) will stomp your ass immediately. That’s just how they roll in Score Attack mode. I’m still not sure how anyone can beat this without resorting to using Tager or Jin. I couldn’t even do it with Jin, who supposedly has an easier time than most other characters (*I could make it to U.Ragna, but U.Ragna walks all over Jin every damn time.)…so I had to use Tager. Fortunately, the AI for most characters will run right into his command grab every time, since part of their behavior-design is to go on this crazy 100% offensive rush to beat your ass quickly…that plays right into Tager’s style. Even considering Tager’s advantage here… he still has a rough time against “v13”…it’s probably one of the worst match-ups I’ve ever seen, since she can summon 100s of magic swords all over the screen all the damn time, and Tager is obviously a grappler style character that needs to get close to be dangerous. After her there’s Unlimited Ragna, who is basically God-status. There’s so many ridiculous things going on with U.Ragna, it actually becomes funny to try and fight all that.

Oh yeah, and if you lose a match… that’s it…there are no continues. You have to start all over each time. I’m sure most people wouldn’t even attempt to beat this if it weren’t for the “player 2 trick”, where you hit start on the 2nd controller just before you were going to lose. Funny thing is that it’s possible for U.Ragna to actually kill you faster than you can reach for the 2nd controller start button, unless you had one hand hovering over that controller already. Yeah, that’s how serious U.Ragna and the whole Score Attack mode is. The absurdity of it all is hilarious, imo… it’s like you’re playing a different game when you go into that mode.

I don’t see what the big deal is about the Ocarina of Time Water Temple. There was nothing hard about it, it was just repetitive, and the longest dungeon in the game.

it wasn’t the difficulty of the water temple taken as an absolute, it was how difficult the water temple was in comparison to all the other temples.
and it was mainly just annoying, constantly going into your menu to change boots

I’ve seen the strategies for that mode and you literally have to cheese it out hard with Jin and his ice attacks.

…seriously? Mega Man X? X4? Mega Man 3? You people are weak. Easiest games of the series, hands down. Only way anyone could claim any of these are too hard have never played the others (you want hard Mega Man? Try 1, 2, or 9. you want hard X? Try 5, or if you hate yourself, try 6, as it’s both hard AND horrible. Oh, and if you really want pain, pick up a portable Mega Man).

I can make it to the disc of doom on Battletoads, cheat or no cheat. I can beat the game if I skip that level, but the precision required on that is beyond me.

My wife has succeeded where I have failed in the original NES Ghosts & Goblins. That’s actually one of her fav games of all time and can sit there playing it for hours on end.

no. fucking no.

EVERYONE: the most difficult game ever is not BT - it is dragon’s lair on nes. period.

edit:cyntalan is posting that real shit. fucking, mmx. bush league shit.

i didn’t think mm9 was that hard frankly.

also, i think Out of This World for the sega genesis was a fucking impossible-ass game. instant death for the slightest error

Honestly? I’d agree. But compared to the others (1 and 2 notwithstanding)? Especially 3? It’s balls hard.

IS that the SNES game that came witht he awesome box?

and it was all engraved plastic?

To add to this: Battletoads is a hard game, no doubt, and even though many levels require muscle memory and split-second reactions (inferno stage, rat race, surfing stage, unicycle stage), you can eventually train yourself to beat it with enough trial and error. Dragon’s Lair not only has one-hit deaths everywhere, but hazards that move in incomprehensible patterns like those wood beams on the second screen. So not only does it require trial and error, but you gotta be lucky as well. That and Dirk the Daring has reaction time=Jack’s recovery time in Art of Fighting divided by Sentinel’s walk speed from COTA.

As far as most difficult games go, it’s either that or Silver Surfer. I haven’t played every game ever, but SS is one of those NES games I’m convinced no one was supposed to beat. Like they had a contest in mind for it where the first person to complete it would actually become Galactus’ herald or something.

8-star Super Turbo is probably up there, too. I have a hard enough time beating mid-difficulty ST on less that $5 worth of quarters.

I have a hard time counting games that are hard for being poorly made, so I really can’t point fingers at NES Dragon’s Lair or Silver Surfer. The games were garbage, and “hard” was an outcome of said garbage.

I know I’m probably speaking too soon, but Battletoads actually looks kind of fun when someone’s winning in it. I’m no fool though. I know I could probably find a playthrough of somebody beasting on Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts and it could appear to be fun, but I know from personal experience that you could be trying to get a suit of armor and during that time, like 6 ghosts will constantly respawn and fly at you from every angle.
After you’ve dodged and killed every one so the coast is clear… BAM!.. like 2 more spawn right on top of the armor and knock you out of it as soon as you get it. You would swear the monsters in that game are OG fighting game players, cause they control space like a motherfucker.

The truth in how ridiculous these games are is watching how people lose in them. But it’s also hilarious as I’m somewhat of a sadistic viewer when it comes to watching people play hard games.

Btw, was Tazmania on the Genesis actually hard? I never beat that as a kid, but I haven’t retried it or anything when I got older, so I can’t remember anything besides I couldn’t beat the mine cart level.

silver surfer is a respectable game in it’s difficulty, but dragon’s lair blew my shit away. you start on level zero and even though you have a health bar you die from most things in 1 hit. the controls are fucked, probably one of the worst feeling games - response wise - i’ve ever played. getting into the castle, aka stage 1, is hard enough to make several people i’ve had play it, quit.

to be fair, i’ve gotten fairly far in the game and it’s for sure beatable if you want to put work in for the achievement. so since it’s beatable i’m not dq’ing it from the category of hardest game ever, like i would for et - which i’m not even sure is beatable.

edit: what is fair game for hard as fuck games if SS and DL are out? how about iron sword?

Oh yeah- I’ve never beaten any version of Street Fighter II. I can beast all but 1 person I know in any 2D fighter, but I can’t fuck with that SFII AI.